Chapter 8, Section 1
Sui Yandi Completed the Grand Canal A cruel leader- Used forced labor High taxes Extravagant and luxurious lifestyle Military failures caused rebellion Murdered and his dynasty came to an end.
Oldest and Longest Canal 6,000,000 laborers to complete approximately, 3,000,000 of those people died from the sheer labor and hunger. At that time, many believed the endeavor was a complete waste of human life and money, which was a huge contributor to the downfall of this dynasty. 1,200 miles long. Connects the Huang He (Yellow River and the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River)
Reforms Restored the civil service examination. Tried to create a more state economy by: Giving land to the peasants Breaking up the power of the large estates. To restore power they: Brought peace to northwestern China. Chinese imperial court set up trade and diplomatic relations with states of Southeast Asia.
Their demise – Rulers were unable to prevent plotting and government corruption. Tang Xuanzang Became prey to rebellions. Hired Uighurs (WEE-GURZ), a tribal group to fight for the dynasty.
Period of economic prosperity and culture achievement. When their northern neighbors moved into China, the Song rulers moved the imperial court of Hangzhou (HONG-JOH). During the 1200s---Here come the MONGOLS!
Monarchy with large bureaucracy. Government Structure: Provinces, districts, and villages Confucian ideals. Economy grew in size Agriculture flourished Manufacturing and trade grew. Worked to weaken the power of large landholders.
Tang and Song Eras were an age of prosperity. Hangzhou, the capital city Marco Polo Described the capital as one of the wealthies and largest cities on Earth. New Forms of Entertainment for the rich. Vast majority still lived off the land in villages. Social structure had changed. Landed Gentry Scholar-gentry Wu Zhou (WOO-JOW) Strangled her own daughter and then accused the empress of the crime.