Chapter vocabulary
Cano, canere, cecini, cantus To sing
Ludus, ludi, m. Game, school Derivatives? Ludicrous, elude, delusional, delude, allude, allusion, postlude, interlude
Intersum, interesse, interfui, interfuturus To be important Derivatives? Interest, interesting
Saevus, saeva, saevum Fierce, savage Derivatives? Savage, savagery
nusquam nowhere
Verbum, verbi, n. Word, verb Derivatives? Verb, verbatim, verbose, verbal
Lingua, linguae, f. Tongue, language Derivatives? Linguist, lingual, bilingual
post After, later Derivatives? Post mortem, post-apocalyptic, post scriptum
sic Thus, in this way Derivatives? “Sic semper tyrannis”
Comes, comitis, m/f. Companion Derivatives? Concomitant
Bellum, belli, n. War Derivatives? Belligerent, antebellum
Ante Previously, before Derivatives? Antebellum, antemortem
Soleo, solēre, solitus sum To be accustomed (to) Derivatives? Insolent, solecism, obsolete
Valeo, valēre, valui, valiturus To be well, to be strong Derivatives? Valor, valiant, valid, valuable, valedictorian, valediction
Repello, repellere, reppuli, repulsus To drive off, drive back Derivatives? Repel, repellant, repulse, repulsive
Poena, poenae (f) Punishment, penalty Derivatives? Subpoena, penalty, penal, penitentiary, penalize
Audeo, audēre, ausus sum To dare Derivatives? Audacity, audacious
Desilio, desilire, desilui To leap down Derivatives? Desultory
Inde From there Derivatives? Indigenous
Disco, discere, didici To learn Derivatives? Discern, discover
Verus, -a, -um True Derivatives? Verify, veritable, veracious
Cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitus To want, desire Derivatives? Cupid
Crudelis, -is, -e Cruel Derivatives? Cruel, cruelty, crude
Primo First, at first Derivatives? Primal, primate, primogeniture
Texo, texere, texui, textus To weave Derivatives? Texture, textile
Talia, talium (n. pl.) Such things
Tela, -ae (f) Web, fabric
Quantum…! How much…! Derivatives? Quantity, quantify, quantitative, quantifiable
Foras Outside Derivatives? Forage
Dicitur He/she/it is said Derivatives? Diction, dictionary, valediction
Studium, -i (n) Enthusiasm Derivatives? Study, studious
Discedo, discedere, discessi, discessurus To depart
Supero, superare, superavi, superatus To overcome Derivatives? Insuperable
Coorior, cooriri, coortus sum To rise up, arise Derivatives? NONE…IT’S WHAT FALCONS DO!
quoniam since
Pauper, pauper, pauperis Poor Derivatives? Pauper
Digitus, digiti, m. Finger Derivatives? Digit, digital
Ventus, venti, m. Wind Derivatives? Vent, ventricle, ventricular, ventilation
Evado, evadere, evasi, evasus To escape Derivatives? Evade, evasion
Cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus To find out, learn Derivatives? Cognitive, recognize, incognito
Di immortales! OMG! Good heavens! Derivatives? Immortal, immortality
Unda, undae, f. Wave Derivatives? Undulate, inundated, redundant
Adorior, adoriri, adortus sum To attack
contra Against Derivatives? Contradiction, contrary, contrast, contravene, counter
quo There, to that place
Pugio, pugionis, m. Dagger
Convalesco, convalescere, convalui To get well, grow stronger Derivatives? Convalescence, convalescent
Resisto, resistere, restiti To resist Derivatives? Resist, resistance
cum With, when, since, because, although Derivatives? Prefix (co-): cooperate, accompany, collaborate, commiserate
Senex, senis, m. Old man Derivatives? Senile, senility, senescent
Pecunia, pecuniae, f. Money Derivatives? Pecuniary, impecunious
Calor, caloris, m. Heat Derivatives? Calorie, caloric