A Man Acquainted with Grief Isaiah 53:1-3 Psalm 69:19-20.


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Presentation transcript:

A Man Acquainted with Grief Isaiah 53:1-3 Psalm 69:19-20

Man of Sorrows (Isaiah 53:3) “lit., with sickness” Mind and body Jesus “went about doing good”, Acts 10:38 Christians must endure tribulations to enter kingdom, Acts 14:22 – We must do good, 2 Ths 3:13 – Jesus helps us endure, 1 Pet 2:20-21; Heb 4:

Jesus lived a poor and grueling life, Luke 8:1-3 Lessons: – Sacrifice, Matt 8:19-20 – Gratitude, Eph 5:20 – Understanding and wisdom, Eccl 7:13-14 Hardships of Life Matt 8: Acquainted with Grief

His brothers rejected Him in life, cf. Mk 3:21 Lessons: – Rejection, Matt 10:36-39 – Mistreated, Eph 5:22, 25, 28 – Be supportive of obedience to the truth His Family John 7:3-5 4 Acquainted with Grief

Closest companions – Judas, Jno 13:18, 21, 27 – Peter, Jno 13:36-38 (Lk 22:60-62) – All apostles, Jno 16:32 (Matt 26:56) Lessons: – Strengthen faith to not forsake Jesus, Matt 10:22 – Be a friend, Prov 17:17 – God never forsakes, Jno 16:32 His Friends Psalm 55: Acquainted with Grief

Persecuted – Harassed, tracked, lied about, plotted against, Lk 11:53-54; Jno 11:53 Lessons: – Mistreatment will come when you do what is right, 2 Tim 3:12 – You are blessed, Matt 5:10-11 – Rejoice and keep doing God’s will, Matt 5:12 For Doing Good John 5:

His temptations were a source of grief, Heb 4: 15; Lk 22:28 Lessons: – Accept His help when you are tempted, Heb 2:18 (1 Pet 5:5-7) – Boldly come to Him for mercy and grace – do not hesitate! Heb 4:16 Enduring Temptations Heb 2:18 7 Acquainted with Grief

Endured cruel death for us, Matt 27:27-31; Jno 19:30 – Bore our grief, Isa 53:4 – His death is our healing, Isa 53:5-6 – God’s delight, Isa 53:10-11 Lessons: – Must be saved by His death – Must die to sin, Rom 6:2-4 – Must die to self and live by faith, Gal 2:20 – Sacrifice, pain and grief In Death Isa 53:3-6, 10 8 Acquainted with Grief

When you are put to grief for doing the will of God, 1 Pet 4:12-13 Look to Jesus – He will save and sustain you, Heb 12:2 Do Not Despair! 9 Acquainted with Grief