The Learning Objective To improve oral health knowledge and to promote a healthier you. 2
What is Oral Health What is oral health to you? It’s about… being able to eat without pain, speak and socialise without being embarrassed about what your teeth look like. 3 3
Refer to page 5 in your workbook. Why is Oral Health Important Why do you think it is important to have a healthy mouth? What can we do to make sure we have a healthy mouth? This is an opportunity to find out if they really care about their oral health. Why do you think it is important to have a healthy mouth? Prompt students to think about what they do with their mouths – eat, speak, smile, kiss! Why do we need a healthy mouth? Prompt students to think about what it would be like to be in pain, have bad breath or have black teeth. What can we do to make sure we have a healthy mouth? What are the key oral health messages? Think about oral hygiene, nutrition and visits to the Dentist. Refer to page 5 in your workbook. 4 4
Key Oral Health Messages Brush your teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. Spit out, don’t rinse! Eat a healthy balanced diet, limiting sugary food/ drink to mealtimes only! Visit a dentist regularly – get a mouth check! These are the key oral health messages. Read through them all. Highlight the need to ‘spit out and not rinse your mouth out with water. The toothpaste needs time to sink in to your enamel so don’t go and wash it away. Mouthwash can be used but it is usually just a waste of time (it is usually just a breath freshener) as leaving the toothpaste on your teeth is the best option. Toothbrushing last thing at night is the most important time to brush as your saliva is your bodies natural defence against decay and this doesn’t work as well when you are asleep. Try to only have food/drink with added sugar with a meal and a maximum of 4 times per day. You should attend a dental visit at least every 6 months. 5 5
How many teeth should we have? Baby Teeth Adult Teeth 32 20 We normally get 2 sets of teeth. How many baby/primary teeth do you think we get? (20) They are named after letters A – E and split in to 4 (quadrants). How many adult/permanent teeth do we get? (32) These are named after numbers 1 – 8 and split in to 4 (quadrants). Not everyone gets their number 8s (wisdom teeth). Refer to page 6 in your workbook. 6 6
Refer to page 7 in your workbook. The Anatomy of a tooth E namel D entine P ulp G um B one R oot canal Students can write the answers in to their workbooks but you can go through it as a class. Enamel is the hardest thing in your body. Dentine – is the sensitive bit. If you have sensitivity it may be that a bit of your enamel or gum has worn away. Pulp – this is where the blood supply is (yes your teeth are alive!) Gum – this is the foundation to your teeth. If your gums get sore and wear away your teeth will get wobbly and may fall out. Make sure you brush along the gumline (where the tooth meets the gum) to make sure you remove all plaque and food. Root canal – this is where the nerves are – so if you get decay in to this area you’ll feel lots of pain! Refer to page 7 in your workbook. 7 7
Brushing & Flossing We should brush our teeth for two minutes, twice a day, every day. Remember to spit don’t rinse. We should also floss our teeth at least once a day using a floss, tape or interdental brush. Brush with a medium tooth brush Flossing is really important to avoid tooth decay and gum disease. It’s really hard to clean in between your teeth but lots of food and plaque collect here. Floss once a day – anytime. Take a long piece of floss and whined it around your finger. Push the floss down between your teeth, follow your tooth and gum so you should move in a C-shape. Do not saw back and forth as you may cut in to your gum. Whined your floss on each time - so you are using a clean piece. You will be provided with some floss if you want to demonstrate this. Refer to page 8 in your workbook. 8 8
Refer to page 9 in your workbook. The Eatwell Plate Quiz 1. How many food groups make up the Eatwell Plate? a)4 b) 5 c)6 2. It is important to eat breakfast. True / False 5 – can you name them? True – Breakfast = breaks the fast Refer to page 9 in your workbook. 9 9
Refer to page 9 in your workbook. 3. Which of these count towards your five a day? 4. Sugary food and drinks should be limited to how many times a day? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 3. Raisins, beans and sweet potato. Don’t forget to eat raisins with a meal and not as a snack as these are high in natural sugars and very sticky so they may get stuck in your molars and cause decay. 4. 4 times (remember to eat these at a meal time only – this is much better for your teeth) We’ll talk more about this in a minute! Refer to page 9 in your workbook. 10 10
Approximately 10.5 teaspoons* 5. How many teaspoons of sugar are there in a 380ml bottle of sports drink? Approximately 10.5 teaspoons* 6. Name 2 starchy snacks ? Rice cakes, breadsticks, plain popcorn, teacakes, crumpets, crackers & toast 5. 10.5 teaspoons 6. Any of the following….Rice cakes, breadsticks, plain popcorn, teacakes, crumpets, crackers, toast *Correct at time of going to print, April 2014 11 11
Healthy Eating for Oral Health Eating a healthy balanced diet made up of foods from the Eatwell plate will Help to protect teeth Provide you with energy Give essential vitamins and minerals Support growth and development The Eatwell Plate Ask learners if they have seen the plate before , where have they seen it etc Briefly explain the use of the Eatwell plate – this is recommended food portions over a day. The Eatwell plate shows the different types of foods we need to eat- and in what proportions- to have a well balanced and healthy diet. The Eatwell plate applies to most people, whether they’re a healthy weight or overweight, whether they eat meat or are vegetarian, and it applies to people of all ethnic origins. It is a model to be used for school aged children and adults and is not suitable for children under the age of 2. 12 12
Sugar and Oral Health Bacteria in Plaque + Sugar = Acid Acid + Healthy tooth = Tooth Decay (caries) Every time you eat/drink sugar your mouth becomes acidic and your enamel is softened. Your teeth are therefore at increased risk of decay. Your teeth need time to recover, this takes approximately 40minutes. The chart Your mouth is normally at a neutral pH thanks to your saliva. So when you eat breakfast the healthy bacteria in your mouth eats the food and then creates plaque and acid. Your mouth is temporarily in an acid pH (the red danger zone) where your enamel is softer. After about 40minutes your mouth returns to a neutral pH and your enamel hardens again. This process is repeated each time you eat (and is worse when you eat foods containing sugar). The worse thing you could do is snack through out the day or constantly sip on a sugary drink (i.e. a sports drink) as you are not giving your teeth time to recover therefore your enamel will already be soft and you have more sugar and your mouth becomes more acidic – the risk of decay increases! The moral of the story – have a maximum of 4 sugary food/drinks a day and do not snack/sip on these just have them all in one go! 13 13
Warning! Enamel can not be replaced Effects of Acid on Oral Health What has happened to these teeth? Acid in foods and drinks (like fizzy drinks) wear down the enamel on teeth and makes them more sensitive and more likely to decay This is a picture of tooth erosion. If you have lots of acidic food/drink your enamel can start to wear away. If this happens your teeth start to look more see-through, they become brittle, so are at more risk of breaking. Tooth enamel does not grow back! All fizzy drinks are acidic (even diet varieties) – so remember to reduce your intake of these and only have them with a meal. Warning! Enamel can not be replaced 14 14
ORAL HEALTH & NUTRITION SESSION 2 YEAR 7 ORAL HEALTH & NUTRITION SESSION 2 Refer to page 11 in your workbook. 15 15
The Workstations Workstation 1 - The Scientist Workstation 2 - The Nutritionist Workstation 3 - The Designer Workstation 4 - The Chef Workstation 5 - The Narrator Facilitators Notes Split the class into 5 groups Don’t forget to complete your workbook and the feedback form once finished. 16 16