Starter Task Label the structure of the tooth If you have completed this Identify 3 characteristics of enamel Identify 3 characteristics of dentine
AIMS To recap and review tooth structure. To increase knowledge of tooth development, eruption dates, tooth function, root morphology. OBJECTIVES O1. Be able to list and identify tooth surfaces O2. Compare and contrast the difference between deciduous teeth and permanent teeth O3. Identify individual tooth anatomy in both deciduous and permanent teeth O4. List eruption dates for both deciduous and permanent teeth O5. Interpret tooth dentition to charting reference
Anatomy All people have two sets of teeth the first known as the deciduous teeth and the second known as the permanent teeth
Deciduous teeth This is the first set also known as baby or milk teeth
Total of 20 teeth, 10 in each jaw They begin developing in the jaws before birth They are smaller than permanent teeth and whiter in colour Deciduous teeth gradually loosen and fall out this is known as exfoliation
The roots of the deciduous molars are splayed out to accommodate the underlying permanent premolar teeth, the roots are described as divergent They have a larger pulp chamber than the permanent teeth with thinner enamel
They begin erupting at around 6 months of age They are referred to in dentistry by letters A B C D E starting from the midline
Permanent teeth
Total of 32 teeth, 16 in each jaw They begin developing in the jaws around the time of birth They have similar morphology to deciduous teeth with 8 extra teeth called premolars, 2 in each quadrant
They are larger in size and darker in colour with smaller pulp chambers The three permanent molars in each quadrant develop behind the deciduous teeth using the space created as the jaw grows Deciduous molar teeth are succeeded by the permanent premolar teeth
It is common for some adult teeth to be missing from the dentition, especially third molars They begin erupting at around 6 years of age They are referred to in dentistry by numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 from the midline The front teeth are known as anterior and the back teeth are known as posterior
Eruption dates Eruption dates can vary from one individual to another, but generally teeth erupt in a certain chronological order. On your worksheet the dates of deciduous and permanent teeth are provided.
Task Using both ICT skills and creativity skills create a fact file stating the following :- Tooth identification Eruption dates Cusps present Root identification Tooth Function You have 30 minutes to compose this!
AIMS To recap and review tooth structure. To increase knowledge of tooth development, eruption dates, tooth function, root morphology. OBJECTIVES O1. Be able to list and identify tooth surfaces O2. Compare and contrast the difference between deciduous teeth and permanent teeth O3. Identify individual tooth anatomy in both deciduous and permanent teeth O4. List eruption dates for both deciduous and permanent teeth O5. Interpret tooth dentition to charting reference