Regain your smile – and your confidence Location, date Presenter name
Kindly supported by Agenda 2 1.Welcome and introduction 2.Why you should not ignore missing or damaged teeth 3.Treatment options 4.Your personal treatment plan 5.Questions and answers 6.Conclusion and tour of facilities
Kindly supported by 3 Insert pictures or a short movie of yourself and your team here
Kindly supported by Are some of these statements familiar to you? 4 “I wish I could speak clearly.” “Smiling and laughing without thinking about it would be great.” “I want my dentures to be reliable in my mouth.” “Imagine if I could fully enjoy eating...” “I wish I could go out with my friends again.”
Kindly supported by Agenda 5 1.Welcome and introduction 2.Why you should not ignore missing or damaged teeth 3.Treatment options 4.Your personal treatment plan 5.Questions and answers 6.Conclusion and tour of facilities
Kindly supported by Different reasons can cause tooth loss 6
Kindly supported by Tooth loss can have further effects on your… 7 compromising your quality of life
Kindly supported by Eat what you like and laugh out loud again 8 Proper tooth reconstruction will help you to enjoy eating all types of food again
Kindly supported by Don’t look older than you really are 9 Implant-based treatment solutions can improve your esthetic appearance and your smile Click to start video
Kindly supported by Find your desire to go out again Implant treatment can improve your ability to speak which can help you build your self-esteem giving you a stronger desire to socialize 10
Kindly supported by Regain your smile 11 Source: Ronald E. Goldstein, DDS
Kindly supported by Agenda 12 1.Welcome and introduction 2.Why you should not ignore missing or damaged teeth 3.Treatment options 4.Your personal treatment plan 5.Questions and answers 6.Conclusion and tour of facilities
Kindly supported by What are dental implants? 13 An implant is a small metal anchor that is inserted into the jawbone to take the place of your missing tooth root After a minimally invasive surgery an artificial tooth is attached to the implant, enabling normal function and natural tooth appearance Click to start video
Kindly supported by 14 Which advantages do dental implants bring? look, feel and function like natural teeth help to save the natural adjacent teeth facilitate more esthetic treatment options help to maintain jaw bone and gums are a long-term tooth replacement option are scientifically proven From a functional perspective they...
Kindly supported by 15 Which advantages do dental implants bring? “Thanks to my implants, I feel so much more confident. You are never too young to do something about it!” Manuel, 46 eat what you like look and feel your age be able to go out again Implants can help you regain quality of life! laugh out loud again
Kindly supported by Different treatment options are available for your specific situation 16 single missing toothseveral missing teethall missing teeth
Kindly supported by 17 Removable partial dentureTooth-supported fixed bridgeImplant-supported crown Inconvenient denture plate and retention hooks Cutting possibly healthy adjacent teeth Look, feel and function like natural teeth single missing tooth Conventional or implant-based solution?
Kindly supported by single missing tooth How an implant-based restoration could look like 18 BEFORELABORATORY WORKAFTER Source: Ronald E. Goldstein, DDS
Kindly supported by several missing teeth 19 Removable partial dentureImplant-supported fixed bridgeTooth-supported fixed bridge Inconvenient denture plate and retention hooks Cutting possibly healthy adjacent teeth Look, feel and function like natural teeth Conventional or implant-based solution?
Kindly supported by several missing teeth 20 Implants healed in bone and gumsHigh-strength ceramic bridge framework screwed on implants to check precision of fit Final full ceramic bridge placed (screwed) on implants How an implant-based restoration could look like
Kindly supported by 21 Dental implants and prosthesis Conventional dentures Restore 10% of the chewing function 1 May accelerate the shrinkage of the jaw Need adhesives for comfort Feel foreign in the mouth Restore 60–80% of the chewing function 1 Prevent further shrinkage of the jaw Need no extra fixation Feel like natural teeth all missing teeth Conventional or implant-based solution? 1 Source: Andries van der Bilt Braz J Oral Sci. April/June 2002 Vol 1 – No.1
Kindly supported by Implant Bridge Conventional denture Various treatment options bring different levels of functionality all missing teeth 22 Implant Overdenture Implant Bar Overdenture
Kindly supported by How an implant-based restoration could look like 23 BEFORE IMPLANTSAFTER all missing teeth Source: Ronald E. Goldstein, DDS
Kindly supported by Agenda 24 1.Welcome and introduction 2.Why you should not ignore missing or damaged teeth 3.Treatment options 4.Your personal treatment plan 5.Questions and answers 6.Conclusion and tour of facilities
Kindly supported by What is the path to your personal treatment? 25 Consultation Diagnostics and treatment planning SurgeryProstheticsRecall
Kindly supported by Is an implant treatment right for you? 26 Limitations for implant treatment might be present for... patients with medical preconditions like uncontrolled diabetes, clotting disorders, osteoporosis... pregnant women smokers Appointment Share your medical and dental history in your first appointment
Kindly supported by What is the optimal solution based on your situation and needs? 27 We will prepare your personal treatment plan in detail to ensure the best possible result Cost calculations will be subject to your individual health care insurance and coverage situation Diagnostics Treatment planning
Kindly supported by What you should know about the surgery 28 Implant placement can usually be done under local anesthesia While implants heal into bone and gums you might be provided with a temporary restoration first The healing phase lasts on average about two months in the lower jaw and three months in the upper jaw Surgery
Kindly supported by Our team approach for best results 29 The dental technician fabricates the crown in his/her laboratory The surgeon places the implant The restorative dentist is your first point of contact She/he places the crown
Kindly supported by Choose quality and experience 30 Our team brings many years of experience and only works with high quality implants. Nobel Biocare provides high quality products and longtime experience to ensure the best possible treatment for you!
Kindly supported by Your new teeth can last a lifetime with proper care 31 Brush and floss your teeth during your daily oral hygiene routine See your dentist and dental hygienist on a regular basis as per your individual recall plan Recall
Kindly supported by Others had their cases treated – with stunning results 32 Invite your testimonial giver to speak up or show a patient testimonial video
Kindly supported by Agenda 33 1.Welcome and introduction 2.Why you should not ignore missing or damaged teeth 3.Treatment options 4.Your personal treatment plan 5.Questions and answers 6.Conclusion and tour of facilities
Kindly supported by Questions? 34 Is the procedure safe? Do I feel pain or discomfort from the treatment? Will I need to take medication? How much does it cost? What patients are mostly concerned about…
Kindly supported by Agenda 35 1.Welcome and introduction 2.Why you should not ignore missing or damaged teeth 3.Treatment options 4.Your personal treatment plan 5.Questions and answers 6.Conclusion and tour of facilities
Thank you for your attention! “I got my first implants 23 years ago, and it was the best decision I have ever made!” Pat, 69