Abnormalities of Teeth Environmental abnormalities of teeth Developmental abnormalities of teeth
Environmental alterations of teeth Developmental tooth defects Postdevelopmental structure loss Discolorations of teeth Localized disturbances in eruption
Visible environmental enamel defects can be classified into one of three patterns: Hypoplasia Diffuse opacities Demarcated opacities
Factors associated with tooth defects
Environmental effects on tooth structure development Turner hypoplasia Molar-Incisor hypomineralization Hypoplasia caused by antineuplastic therapy Dental fluorosis Syphlititic hypoplasia
Post developmental loss of tooth structure Attrition Abrasion Erosion Abfraction
Internal resorption Exteranal resorption
Environmental discoloration of teeth
Environmental discoloration of teeth Extrinsic stains Intrinsic stains
Localized disturbances in eruption Impaction Ankylosis
Developmental alterations of teeth
Developmental alterations in the number of teeth Anodontia Hypodontia Oligodontia Hyperdontia Supernumerary teeth Supplemental Rudimentary
Developmental alterations in the size of teeth Microdontia macrodontia
Developmental alterations in the shape of teeth Gemination Fusion Concrescence Accessory cusps Cusp of carabelli Talon cusp Dense evaginatus
Dense invaginatus(dense in dente) Type I Type II Type III Ectupic enamel Enamel pearls Cervical enamel extentions Taurodontism Hypercementation Dilaceration Supernumerary roots
Developmental alterations in the structure of teeth Amelogenesis imperfecta *Hypoplastic Amelogenesis Imperfecta Generalized pattern Localized pattern Autosomal dominant smooth pattern X-linked smooth pattern Rough pattern Enamel agenesis
*Hypocalcified Amelogenesis Imperfecta *Hypomaturation Amelogenesis Imperfecta Pigmented pattern X-linked pattern Snow capped pattern *Hypocalcified Amelogenesis Imperfecta *Amelogenesis Imperfecta with Taurodontism Hypomaturation-hypoplastic Hypoplastic-hypomaturation
Dentinigenesis imperfecta Hereditary opalescent dentin (type I) Brandywine isolate (Type II) Dentin dysplasia Dentin dysplasia type I (radicular dentin dysplasia-rootless teeth) Dentin dysplasia type II (coronal dentin dysplasia) Regional odontodysplasia (ghost teeth)