Universal Numbering SystemPalmer NotationFederation Dentaire
Dentition Primary dentition Deciduous dentition—20 teeth Mixed dentition Combination of primary and permanent dentition Permanent dentition Adult dentition—32 teeth Maxillary and mandibular arches
Anatomy of the Tooth
Anterior and Posterior Teeth Anterior teeth Toward the front of the mouth Posterior teeth Toward the back of the mouth
Centrals Laterals
Also Knows as: Canines Eye Teeth Like Incisors: Anterior 1-Root
8 Premolars, 2 in each Quadrant 2 Roots
12 Molars in Permanent Dentition,3 Molars in Each Quadrant Last Molar in Known as the Wisdom Tooth 3 Roots
Tooth Surfaces Mesial—toward the midline Distal—away from the midline Lingual/Palatal—toward the tongue (roof of mouth) Facial/Buccal—toward the cheek (anterior and posterior) Incisal/Occulsal—on the top of the tooth (anterior and posterior) Chewing Surface (Interproximal)
Surfaces Diagram
Mesial & Distal