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Recommended yearly radiation limit for the general public is 1,000 µSv One digital intraoral x-ray is only 4 µSv Digital radiography reduces exposure by 80% Dental exposure is only a small part (<0.3%) of a persons annual exposure from all sources.
A flight to California gives you 5 times more radiation than a digital x-ray would One digital x-ray is equal to 0.001% of a persons average radiation exposure for an entire year
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BENEFITS Digital radiology may represent the greatest technological advancement in medical imaging over the last decade. The benefits from digital radiology are enormous. Patient Convenience Images can easily be printed or ed to patients, or insurance companies Less Radiation Up to 80% less radiation exposure for patients Improved Diagnostics Images can be altered, enhanced, and zoomed in on Images are much larger than traditional film x-rays Environmentally Friendly Films are eliminated Chemical processing is eliminated Time Saving Images appear instantly on the screen No chemical processing needed
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Your smile is the way you greet the world. Why not put your best self forward with the confidence of a more beautiful smile? When it comes to whitening, your dentist is your best resource. Only dental professionals have access to the professional-strength whitening of Philips Zoom. Philips Zoom is the #1 patient-requested professional whitening treatment. In fact, over 10 million patients have already used Zoom to achieve brighter, healthier smiles
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80% of people experience no sensitivity Philips Zoom! at-home whitening products have two mild desensitizing agents, to minimize tooth sensitivity. 80% of people experience no sensitivity Philips Zoom! at-home whitening products have two mild desensitizing agents, to minimize tooth sensitivity.
Forbes writer and self-confessed lunchtime beauty addict, puts a Zoom WhiteSpeed on her list of the top eight health and beauty tasks that can be accomplished in 60 minutes or less. InStyle’s “Beauty at Any Age” focuses on the importance of a beautiful smile in their April 2012 issue. They’ve mentioned Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed as a top trick to a white smile Rolling Stone’s June 21, 2012, issue featured Harry Styles of the pop band One Direction getting his Zoom WhiteSpeed treatment while on tour with the group. Styles tweeted, “bit of manly pampering.”
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Modern approach to straightening teeth Custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you The trays are made of smooth comfortable and invisible plastic worn on teeth The aligners will gradually & gently shift your teeth into place No metal brackets or wires Take out aligners to eat, drink, brush, and floss New aligners every two weeks until completed
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Metal Braces VS Invisalign