Definitions, Derivatives, and Roots
Definitions a phrase or sentence that says exactly what a word, phrase, or idea means de- down from, away from finis- boundary de + finis =
limits or puts a border (or fence) around the meaning of a word separating it from what it does not mean
Derivatives something that has developed or been produced from something else de- down from, away from rivus- brook, stream
the drawing off of water from a main stream
Root the origin or main part of something such as a custom, law, activity etc, from which other things have developed
Root List #1 canis, feles
canis L. dog relating to dogs canine a dog canine extra long, pointed teeth used for tearing canine teeth “Great Dog” constellation in the shape of a dog Canis Major
feles L. cat feline cat-like disposition felinity fear of cats felinophobia