Priestess of Apollo sits on tripod (seat) When priestess not on it, branch of laurel on it (symbol of high status and symbol of Apollo) Apollo chasing.


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Presentation transcript:

Priestess of Apollo sits on tripod (seat) When priestess not on it, branch of laurel on it (symbol of high status and symbol of Apollo) Apollo chasing a nymph (Daphne) – she turns herself into a laurel tree to escape him

TASKS… QUESTION: Why was suicide Dido’s only option? READ page 24-25, in Divine Quest – Make notes on fate, destiny and the gods Who is Moira?

Add a quote from the Aeneid for Dido and Aeneas – it can be as amusing as you wish as long as it comes from the book and fits with the image

“Is it from me that you are trying to escape?” “I am afraid.” Add a quote from the Aeneid for Dido and Aeneas – it can be as amusing as you wish as long as it comes from the book and fits with the image Aria

“Hasten, men! Awake, take your places for rowing. Quick, unfurl your sails! For, see!... We must hack through our twisted hawsers and flee.” Add a quote from the Aeneid for Dido and Aeneas – it can be as amusing as you wish as long as it comes from the book and fits with the image Fiona “Traitor, did you actually believe that you could disguise so wicked a deed and leave my country without a word? And can nothing hold you, not our love, nor our once plighted hands, nor even the cruel death that must await your Dido?”

“Traitor, did you actually believe that you could disguise so wicked a deed and leave my country without a word?” Add a quote from the Aeneid for Dido and Aeneas – it can be as amusing as you wish as long as it comes from the book and fits with the image Tuluvao “I had no thought of hiding my present departure under any deceit. Do not imagine that. Nor have I ever made any marriage-rite my pretext, for I never had such a compact with you.”

Add a quote from the Aeneid for Dido and Aeneas – it can be as amusing as you wish as long as it comes from the book and fits with the image Misty “Traitor, did you actually believe that you could disguise so wicked a deed and leave my country without a word? And can nothing hold you, not our love, nor our once plighted hands, nor even the cruel death that must await your Dido?” “I am in your debt... (*cough!*) all those acts of kindness (*he-he*) I shall never tire of your memory (*cough*) I have never made marriage my pretext (*horrified shudder*) It is not by my own choice that I voyage onward to Italy (*mowahahaha*) Modern day version: You bastard… I gave you everything and you leave me, because of your mother. BE A MAN!