Listservs, Discussion Groups and Interlibrary Loan Karen Williams Auburn University Montgomery
Definition of terms mailing list (n.) “An alias address that a mail exploder expands to yield other addresses. Some mailing lists are simple reflectors that redirect mail to a list of recipients [subscribers]. Others are moderated by humans” -Dictionary of Computing & Digital Media
Definition of terms listserv (n.) Originally, the name of proprietary software from L-Soft, it is now used generically to refer to any program that automates mailing lists, or the mailing lists themselves
Definition of Terms discussion group (n.) a mailing list in which all members are allowed to post messages, thus, ideally, generating “discussion”.
Types of lists Broadcast only Discussion -moderated -non-moderated
Why join listservs and discussion groups? Keeps you up-to-date on software changes For example……
Why join listservs and discussion groups? A post from Arie-L: “Most of the ships are docked in the harbor waiting for Ariel 4.1 because the King has announced that the world of Ariel 4.0 is flat….I plead with you my trailblazing friend to turn around and come back to the safe(r) harbor of Ariel 3.4 where we eat and drink and patiently await the arrival of 4.1.” -Steve Espinoza
Why join listservs and discussion groups? allows you to pick the brains of other ILL librarians and staff -software problems -hard-to-find items
Why join listservs and discussion groups? “Thanks to all who offered suggestions on the listserv and directly. In our situation, the solution came as a result of one of the suggestions. This is just another example of the benefits of having this listserv and being able to help one another when serious problem issues arise” -a recent Arie-L post
Why join listservs and discussion groups? Connects you to the larger ILL community
How to Subscribe Send an to the subscription address In the body of your message, type “SUBCRIBE Name of list First Name Last name” ex. SUBSCRIBE ARIE-L Jane Smith DIGEST Feature
Essential ILL lists OCLC-Sharing-L (Broadcast only) subscription address:
Essential ILL lists ILL-L (general discussion list for all things ILL) subscription address: list address: web address:
Software-specific lists ARIE-L (for users of Ariel document delivery) subscription address: list address: web address:
Software-specific lists Clio-l (for users of Clio software) subscription address: list address: web address:
Software-specific lists Illiad-l (for users of Illiad) subscription address: list address: web address:
Bibliography Hanson, Brad. The Dictionary of Computing and Digital Media: terms & acronyms. Wilsonville. Oregon: ABF Content, 1999.
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