The Riches of Charmless Rare B Decays George W.S. Hou ( 侯維恕 ) National Taiwan University June 7, nd BCP NTU
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou I. Introduction: The Episode Inclusive Anomaly & New Physics (bsg Dipole) - New Physics CPV? (bsg Dipole) Large and EWP - Factorization, T-P Interference & º Multimode Fit for , Hou-Smith-Wuerthwein] Oddities and (rescattering) Phase Abelian Flavor & CPV - Rare Baryonic 1997 1999: Data Increase from 3 fb -1 to 10 fb -1 Bonanza Years Set In ! I gained personally the following PRLs: Future: Light-cone of Present & Past K / Able Collaborators
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Outline I. Introduction: The Episode II. Strong Penguins: Mesonic * K / rescatter ? * K Problem? New/Exotic III. Strong Penguins: Baryonic * From B pp(bar)K to B K * Comment on 3-body IV. EM & EW Penguins * Abelian Flavor/SUSY: b s and B s System * B Kl + l − : 4th Generation? V. Conclusion: Richness Growing Probably can’t cover all …
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou II. Strong Penguins: Mesonic * K / Rescatter ? In Late 1999 Conjecture (Hou-Yang, PRL’00): (rescatter) Large & Large 2002 Rescatter ?
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Approach: Rescatter Only in Final State Formalism Developed from D 0 h 0 Rescattering Topologies PRD’02
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Some Numerical Results Controlling Controlling If Belle Correct Too Large ? ! ! CPV measurement Important Belle/BaBar Average Possible ! Too Small ? Will See ! Rates! OK
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Case for New Dynamics in Modes ’ K Rate Large : Still Not Understood After ~ 5 yrs ’ X s Rate Large Resonance b sg ’ BaBar / m(Xs) Spectrum “3-body”
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Anomaly g* g ’ ? For: Both CLEO/BaBar Spectrum [Belle Soon?] Possible to account for Strength & Spectrum All Other Models tend to Peak at Lower Mass Against: Form Factor Argument Too Suppressed (Kagan) Glueball Support of F.F.? [Hou-Tseng] mPmP
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Further Challenge from ggg* ggg ’ Kagan hep-ph/ (HF’01 Talk) 3 Form Factor Fall-offs Fast ’ from z = 2E_ ’ /m_ (4-body Decay MC) Await CLEO-c (a), (b), (c): Slow, Intermed. Fast F.F. Fall-off Did Not Consider Hou-Tseng F.F. Conjecture Too Large ‘93
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Further Elucidation 3g System Very Massive
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou III. Strong Penguins: Baryonic * From B pp(bar)K to B K This is a Great Expt/TH Interface Story Semi-sabbatical at BNL/Cornell: CLEO 2-body Rare Baryon Limits Start Work Draft Ready (w/ Soni) 2/1999 …. CLEO D*pn PRL’00 Submit PRL [Restart Rare Baryon Field] Suggest Minzu Wang start on Rare baryon 4/01 Work on D*pn Model [S.Y. Tsai talk] PRD’02 Hint of Rare Baryon 7’01 Easy Paper on pn PLB’02 Discovery of pp(bar)K 9/01 (Belle internal:) Extension Work [S.Y. Tsai talk] Submit PRD Further Stimulation on B Glueball
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou No Evidence ? Elsewhere ?
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Expect Evts/Mode by End of 2002 [Scale up from BES] Lower Bound Naively CLEO chose “Conservative” Cute if Emerges From CLEO 20x
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou (LEAR) Narrower If B-W + Underlying Too broad ? [Palano, Frascati ’99] Maybe There Afterall !
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Close’s Glueball Filter Similar Peak in Published WA102 at Slightly Lower Mass (22XX)
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Possible Picture in B Decay: Appear By Summer ? NP? Exciting if True !! Glueball from Charmless B Gluonic Counterpart of Penguin b -> sqq
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Conclusion /Outline I. The Richness of ’97 - ’99: Episode I II. Strong Penguins: Mesonic * K / rescatter ? * K Problem? [ New/Exotic ] III. Strong Penguins: Baryonic * From B pp(bar)K to B K [* Comment on 3-body] [IV. EM & EW Penguins * Abelian Flavor/SUSY: b s and B s System * B Kl + l − : 4th Generation?] V. Conclusion: Richness Growing Just in Hadronic Entering CPV & NP Probes Soon
7 June 2002George W.S. Hou Two Off-shoot Thoughts on bsg gluonic dipole: c g Hybrid from Charmless ? BaBar Published Belle Published sin2 sin2 1 |c g | = 1, 0.5, 0.25 is NP Phase Sensitive Probe [w/ K.C. Yang] K g ? K?K? [w/ Chua and Sen]