What is the District Responsibility to Private Nonprofit Schools?
2 District Responsibility Consultation Equitable participation in: –Title I, Part AImproving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged –Title I, Part CMigrant Education –Title II, Part ATeacher & Principal Training and Recruiting –Title II, Part DEnhancing Education Through Technology –Title III, Part ALanguage Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students –Title V, Part A Innovative Programs
3 General Requirements Notify All Private Schools Annually In writing –Within district boundaries –Outside of district if resident students attend (Title I only) –With specific criteria for participation - Demographic information needed - Due date
4 General Requirements Joint planning and consultation –Documentation –Opportunities for participation Equity –Provide equitable services and benefits in comparison to public school students –Provide in a timely manner
5 General Requirements Suggested Timeline February/March –Mail letter (See sample of letter) April –Conduct initial meeting (See sample of documentation) –Review demographics –Plan program May-July –Await allocations –Meet to confirm –Submit application
6 General Requirements Meetings and consultation must occur before district makes decisions Consultation continues throughout implementation
7 Private Non Profit Allocation Student number for the allocation process uses prior year data collection count Districts that do not use Title I School Selection to calculate the amount of funding per school must calculate amount for the private non public. A sample chart is provided for this use
8 Determining Private School Participation—Student Numbers Private School Students Residing Within District Boundaries (who attend a private school within or outside of district boundaries) Students Attending Private School Within District Boundaries (regardless of their residency) Title I, Part A Funding Generated By: Low-income students who reside in a Title I school attendance area Students Eligible to be Served: Identified by a Needs Assessment for achievement below standard and reside in a Title I school attendance area * Title I, Part C Meet criteria for migrant? Meet priority for services? Title II, Part A Title II, Part D Title III, Part A Meet criteria for LEP/Immigrant? Completes Home Language Survey? Title V, Part A * Eligible student not required to be low- income
9 Allowable Uses of Funds for Private Non Profit (PNP) Schools LEA for PNP SchoolsTitle I Part A Title I Part C Title II Part A Title II Part D Title III Part A Title V Part A Salaries for PNP personnelNo Salaries of LEA staff who service PNP Yes Yes, if providing PD Yes, PD only Yes Substitutes for ANY reasonNo Stipends Professional Development in core, academic areas—secular content only Reasonable & Necessary Outside of school day Paid directly to teacher by LEA Yes Yes Purchase of ComputersYes, for ELIGIBLE students NoYesYes, for ELIGIBLE students Yes SuppliesYes, for Title I students Yes, for Migrant students Yes for PDYes, for Tech Support & PD Yes, for Eligible Students Yes Class Size ReductionNo Support for PNP staff to become HQ No No Yes, for ESL/bilingual endorsement No Professional DevelopmentYes, for helping Title I students Yes Yes —must use 25% for PD Yes
10 What Happens When a PNP Closes or the Program Ends? If a program is terminated or if the private school closes, the non-consumable materials and equipment must be returned to the district
11 District Fiscal Responsibilities Write a check? NO! Generate a purchase order Pay for professional development registrations Pay wages of district employees who serve the private school Pay for services of third party employees who serve the private schools (“purchased services”) YES!