We Remember We remember how you loved us to Your death and still we celebrate for You are with us here.


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Presentation transcript:

We Remember We remember how you loved us to Your death and still we celebrate for You are with us here

And we believe that will see You when You come in Your glory Lord We remember, we celebrate, we believe

Here a million wounded souls are yearning just to touch You and be healed Gather all your people and hold them to your heart.

We remember how you loved us to Your death and still we celebrate for You are with us here

And we believe that will see You when You come in Your glory Lord We remember, we celebrate, we believe

Now we recreate Your love, we bring the bread and wine to share a meal Sign of grace and mercy the presence of the Lord

We remember how you loved us to Your death and still we celebrate for You are with us here

And we believe that will see You when You come in Your glory Lord We remember, we celebrate, we believe

Christ, the Father’s great Amen to all the hopes and dreams of humankind Peace beyond all telling and temples of Your love

We remember how you loved us to Your death and still we celebrate for You are with us here

And we believe that will see You when You come in Your glory Lord We remember, we celebrate, we believe

See the face of Christ revealed in ev’ry person standing by your side Gift to one another and temples of Your love.

We remember how you loved us to Your death and still we celebrate for You are with us here

And we believe that will see You when You come in Your glory Lord We remember, we celebrate, we believe

Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy

Lord have mercy

Gospel Acclamation Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ King of endless glory! (repeat)

Ashes We rise again from ashes from the good we failed to do We rise again from ashes to create ourselves anew

If all our world is ashes then must our lives be true An offering of ashes, an offering to You

We offer You our failures we offer you attempts the gifts not fully given The dreams not fully dreamt

Give our stumblings direction Give our visions wider view An offering of ashes an offering to You

Then rise again from ashes let healing come to pain Though spring has turned to winter and sunshine turns to rain

The rain we’ll use for growing and create the world anew From an offering of ashes An offering to You!

Thanks be to the Father who made us like Himself Thanks be to the Son who saved us by His death

Thanks be Spirit who creates the world anew From an offering of ashes a An offering to You!

The Seed The bread by your hand was once a seed t’was sown Then grew and yielded on the ground and gathered all for men.

The wine by your cup was once a vine that crept it grew to bear good fruits for men A symbol of Your blood.

Of that seed we eat Your body, our bread of life Of that vine we drink Your blood, The wine of new covenant.

Accept Lord we offer these seeds and vines of life Expressions of our gratitude we consecrate to You

Of that seed we eat Your body, our bread of life Of that vine we drink Your blood, The wine of new covenant.

Holy Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of power and might! Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hossana in the highest Hossana, Hossana Hossana in the highest!

Blessed is He Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Hossana, Hossana Hossana in the highest! (repeat)

Memorial Acclamation Dying, you destroyed our death Rising you restored our Life Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus come in glory

Great Amen Amen, Amen! Amen!

Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven Holy be Your name Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as in heaven!

Give us this day our daily bread Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sins against us

Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil.

Doxology For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours now and forever!

Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world have mercy on us (repeat)

Lamb of God You take away the sins You grant us peace!

Holy darkness, blessed night Heavens answer hidden from sight As we await You O God of silence we embrace Your holy night

I have tried You in fires of affliction I have taught Your soul to grieve In the barren soil of Your loneliness There I will plant my seed

Holy darkness, blessed night Heavens answer hidden from sight As we await You O God of silence we embrace Your holy night

I have taught you the price of compassion You have stood before the grave Though my love can seem like a raging storm This is the love that saves.

Holy darkness, blessed night Heavens answer hidden from sight As we await You O God of silence we embrace Your holy night

Were you there when I raised up the mountains? Can you guide the morning star? Does the hawk take flight when you give command? Why do you doubt my pow’r?

Holy darkness, blessed night Heavens answer hidden from sight As we await You O God of silence we embrace Your holy night

In your deepest hour of darkness I will give you wealth untold When the silence stills your spirit Will my riches fill your soul

Holy darkness, blessed night Heavens answer hidden from sight As we await You O God of silence we embrace Your holy night

As the watchman waits for morning And the bride awaits her groom So we wait to hear your footsteps as we rest beneath your moon.

Holy darkness, blessed night Heavens answer hidden from sight As we await You O God of silence we embrace Your holy night

Ours were the griefs he bore Ours were the pains he carried Ours were the sins he took on Him and by His cross we are healed