“ All Together Now”. Roots to Learn: Cosm means “universe” and “order” Integr means “whole” or “complete”


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Presentation transcript:

“ All Together Now”

Roots to Learn: Cosm means “universe” and “order” Integr means “whole” or “complete”

Prefix: pan- The Greek prefix pan- means “all” or “every” Example: Pan- + American = Panamerican means relating to all parts of North and South America.

Pantheon (Root = PAN) A memorial for a country’s heroes The president wanted to build a pantheon to honor the country’s military heroes.

Integer (Root = INTEGR) A positive or negative whole number or zero Only a whole number or zero can be an integer.

Pandemic (Root = PAN) A disease that spreads over a large area Scientists were afraid that the quickly spreading disease might turn into a pandemic.

Panorama (Root = PAN) A wide view or picture of the surrounding area My sister painted a panorama of the whole valley below the hill.

Cosmopolitan (Root = COSM) Common to the entire world Unlike the other tourists, who stuck out like sore thumbs, the cosmopolitan travelers blended right in with the locals.

Integrate (Root = INTEGR) To combine different things into one West Virginia was one the the first states to have racially integrated public school system.

Microcosm (Root = COSM) A small copy that stands for something larger The miniature town in grandpa’s model train setup is supposed to be a microcosm of the town where he grew up.

Cosmonaut (Root = COSM) An astronaut The cosmonaut climbed into the space capsule to await the launch.

Integrity (Root = INTEGR) Honesty and good moral character The earthquake tested the integrity of the solid brick wall.

Pandemonium (Root = PAN) A wild, confused uproar On a hot day, the sound of an ice cream truck can cause pandemonium.