Bell Ringer: Have you ever found yourself in a completely new environment? (You may have seen pictures but suddenly you’re there, taking it all in!) What was the experience like? Were you uncomfortable, overwhelmed, excited, disappointed? Vocabulary Crossword Vocabulary Quiz Friday Cultural Identity Essay due Friday
Where Worlds Collide Allusion - a reference to a well known person, event, or place from history, music, art or another literary work. Underline any allusions we see as you read:
Where Worlds Collide Juxtaposition - placement of two dissimilar things close together for contrasting effect. What images does Iyer juxtapose?
Where Worlds Collide What is the effect of the progression (“They come out…”, “They see…”, “They have already…”) in Iyer’s depiction of the “arrivals”? Iyer waits to reveal the location in the last paragraph. What is the effect? How do images in the last paragraphs affect your impression of the city?
15 Minute Paragraph With a partner, answer the persuasive writing prompt on pg. 52: To what extent does one’s background affect his or her perception of a given situation? Start with a TAG (title, author, genre) statement that presents your claim. Support the claim with evidence from the text. Include juxtaposed images and allusions.
Example: The new arrivals to America in Pico Iyer’s “Where Worlds Collide” are less affected by their new surroundings than they are by their own expectations of the land and promise that awaits them. Iyer describes the “unending cacophony” of sounds and the “opportunities that are swirling dizzily” within the newcomers’ vision. Even so, the barrage of colors and noises do not suggest that they are going anywhere but the “Land of Opportunity,” a phrase whose idea is repeated at least four times. This allusion to a biblical place that beckoned God’s chosen people for 40 years, is synonymous with America, also referenced as a new life they can “claim” and “The City of Angels.” So in spite of images of overwhelming transportation options, overpriced snacks, and overzealous sales pitches, the new arrivals “await” something; their expectations of the opportunities are not even squelched as they move into their new home. Iyer’s piece strongly suggests that expectations are a part of one’s background, and in this case, expectations are enough to hide otherwise daunting visions from one’s experience.
Beginning The new arrivals to America in Pico Iyer’s “Where Worlds Collide” are less affected by their new surroundings than they are by their own expectations of the land and promise that awaits them.