Fruits and Vegetables From the Hispanic Shopping Cart Lorena Drago MS RD CDN CDE
Papaya Puerto Rico: Lechosa, papaya Dominican Republic: Lechosa, lechoza, Cuba: Fruta bomba Available: Fresh, frozen pulp (GOYA), canned in fruit juice or heavy syrup, dried 1 cup cubed (140g) – 55 calories – 14g of carbohydrates Nutrition Highlights: Excellent source of vitamins A and C. Good source of potassium
Coconut Water and Coconut Milk Spanish: Agua de Coco (coconut water) and leche de coco (coconut milk) Available: Fresh fruit, canned and bottled. Coconut water is used as a beverage and coconut milk is commonly used in rice and fish dishes Coconut water: 1 cup – 90 calories – 20g Carbohydrates Coconut milk: 1 cup – 552 calories – 13g Carbohydrates
Green Bananas Spanish: Guineo verde Available: Fresh. Boiled while green and seasoned with oil, vinegar and onions and served as side dish (guineos en escabeche) ½ green banana (62g) – 55 calories – 14g of carbohydrates
Christophine Puerto Rico: Chayote Dominican Republic: Tayota Available: Fresh. Prepared: boiled, baked, mashed, stuffed, fried, and pickled ½ cup (80g): 20 calories and 4g of carbohydrates Nutrition Highlights: Low in calories and carbohydrates. Good source of vitamin C
Plantain: Green and Yellow Spanish: Plátano verde(green) y maduro (yellow) Available: Fresh and frozen. Prepared boiled, baked and fried 1 medium plantain (223g) – 259 calories – 69 g of carbohydrate
Caribbean Yam: Ñame Spanish: Ñame Available: Fresh and frozen. Prepared boiled, mashed or baked. ½ cup (84g) – 97 calories – 23g of carbohydrates
Yuca: Cassava Spanish: Yuca Available: Fresh, frozen, canned. 2/3 cup (84g) – 135 calories – 32g of carbohydrates
Sofrito Sofrito is mixture of seasonings, cilantro, culantro (also known as recao) and small sweet peppers. Sofrito also available in jars and frozen (GOYA) is widely used as a seasoning agent in rice, beans, stews, and soups. Culantro – serrated leaves Cilantro – similar to flat leaf parsley Peppers – small round sweet peppers for sofrito