Chile Economics and food industry Indicators
General Indicators Population 17.4 millions Employed 7.7 millions Unployement 6.1% GDP USD 263,697 Inflation (annual) 1,5% Export s USD 78,813 Import s USD 74,605
Domestic Consumption and GDP by quartly Consumption GNP
Chile: Trade Agreements Countries 60 Market 4,302 millions person World GDP 86%
Chile: exports USD millions Source: Chilealimentos A.G. Products Copper Foods Forestry Others Total
Food industry indicators
Source: Estimates Chilealimentos V Chile: Value of food sales (domestic and export) Domestic market (retail) Export (fob) US$ Millions
Source: Sofofa Industrial production and sales Year 2012 SectorProductionSale All Industries2.0%1.3% Food Industry8.4%7.2% Meat, fish, fruit, vegetable11.7%6.4% Milk products6.9%10.1% Milling, bakery, confectionery, others7.1%5.4% Beverages6.2%7.2%
Source: Chilealimentos e: estimate Food exports by main products USD millions Sector eGrowth Processed foods3,1493,1931% Fresh fruits3,8013,630-5% Salmond and trouts2,9172,879-1% Wines1,7061,8086% Meat and preparation meats1,1461,2065% Others2,0202.,0441% Total14,73914,8991%
Source: Chilealimentos. Processed foods USD Millions
Wine exports USD Millions Source: Chilealimentos.
Fuente: Chilealimentos A.G. Fresh fruit exports USD Millions Source: Chilealimentos. Grape Apple Blueberry Kiwi Avocado Others
Salmon and trout exports USD millions Source: Chilealimentos.
Meat and dairy exports USD millions Source: Chilealimentos. Other Dairy Poultry Pork
Chile: food exports by country Year 2011 Source: Chilealimentos.
Processed fruits and vegetables
Processed fruits and vegetables exports Source: Chilealimentos
Canned: Fruits and vegetables exports Source: Chilealimentos A.G. USD Millions
Canned: Main product exports Year 2011 Source: Chilealimentos A.G.
Canned: Fruits and vegetables exports Year 2011 Total countries: 68 Total export companies: 142 Source: Chilealimentos A.G.
Chile in the global export ranking Peach puree1° Canned peaches 2° Canned cherries for industry 3° Fruits puree6° Canned cherries 7° Tomato paste 7° Source: Chilealimentos A.G. and Trade Map)
Dehydrated: Fruits and vegetables exports Source: Chilealimentos A.G USD Millions
Dehydrated: Main product exports Year 2011 Source: Chilealimentos A.G.
Year 2011 Source: Chilealimentos A.G. Total countries: 96 Total export companies: 303 Dehydrated: Fruits and vegetables exports
Chile in the global export ranking Dried apples 1° Prunes 2° Walnuts 2° Raisins 3° Almonds 4° Dried bell peppers 10° Source: Chilealimentos A.G. and Trade Map)
Frozen: Fruits and vegetables exports Source: Chilealimentos A.G USD Millions
Frozen: Main product exports Year 2011 Source: Chilealimentos A.G.
Year 2011 Total countries: 53 Total export companies: 111 Frozen: Fruits and vegetables exports Source: Chilealimentos A.G.
Chile in the global export ranking Source: Chilealimentos A.G. and Trade Map) Frozen berries other tham strawberry and blueberry 2° Frozen fruits including blueberries 2° Frozen raspberries 4° Frozen strawberries 9° Frozen Fruits 3°
Juices: Fruits and vegetables exports Source: Chilealimentos A.G USD Millions
Juices: Main product exports Year 2011 Source: Chilealimentos A.G.
Year 2011 Source: Chilealimentos A.G. Total countries: 47 Total export companies: 40 Juices: Fruits and vegetables exports
Chile in the global export ranking Grape juice concentrate 4° Apple juice concentrate 8° Non from concentrate grape juice 10° Source: Chilealimentos A.G. and Trade Map)
International stage Food demand will double over the next 10 years Bill Cordingley, Rabobank IV Seminar Chile food power
Source: Chilealimentos. Doubled in the past 6 years We work to re-double in the next 10 years Our expectation