Sonja Ohm Kevin Jachymowski The Tundra Biome Sonja Ohm Kevin Jachymowski
General Description - Location Located on in the Northern Hemisphere Covers about 1/5 of the Earths land surface Arctic Tundra is a place of barren land, that sometimes is grassland The sun barely shines in the winter and almost never sets in the Summer because of the Earth’s Tilt
General Description Temperature Temperature is always cold – Never reaches above 25 degrees Celsius Summer only lasts for 6-10 weeks, with a growing season of 50 days Avg Yearly Temp is 10-20 Degrees F Avg. Temps for Fairbanks, AK and Nuuk, Greenland
General Description - Rainfall Avg. yearly rainfall for Fairbanks AK, and Nuuk, Greenland Not much rainfall at all, around 6-10 inches per year Most Rainfall occurs in late summer
Polar Bears and the Arctic Wolf are the top predators Food Web Polar Bears and the Arctic Wolf are the top predators Primary Photosynthesizes: Arctic Moss, Bearberry, Caribou Moss, Diamond-leaf Willow Who Eats the Plants: (Herbivores) Musk Ox, Arctic Hare, Lemmings, Caribou, and Pikas Who eats the animals that eat the plants: (Carnivores) Arctic Fox eat the Pikas along with the Lemmings. Snowy Owl, Coyotes and River Otters. Who is a carnivore: (Scavenger) (eats anything) Ermine, Arctic Fox and Wolverines. Wolverines may be small but they are very strong. They can catch animals that are much bigger than themselves to eat. Top Predator: Arctic wolf and the polar Bear along with Arctic Fox along with Coyotes.
Adaptations Ermine: It’s claws allow it to dig easily into the ground. The coat of the Ermine changes with the seasons to camouflage it from its predators Polar Bear: Has two layers fur to keep it warm in the harsh climate Caribou: has large spreading hooves to support them in the snow in the winter and the marshy tundra in the summer.
More Animal Adaptations Snowy Owl: Dense white feathers to keep them warm and also to provide camouflage in the snow Rock Ptarmigan: seasonally camouflaged to prevent it from being attacked by predators.
Plant Adaptations Bearberry: Low growing plant that can stay out of wind chill and also has leathery leaves to protect it from the cold
Geological Feature Permafrost Ground that is frozen for at least two years Is formed when water is frozen within the ground Permafrost can reshape the land thought slight thawing and freezing Can stay frozen all summer long Process when melting The sun heats the topsoil, but is not hot enough to heat up permanently frozen ground. As a result there are massive swamplands that slosh above the frozen ground. A jackhammer must be used to dig into the soil