Canadian Terrestrial Eco zones By: Kim
Map of Canada’s EcozonesArctic Cordillera Ecozone Long Winters and short summers Precipitation of Less than 200 mm Basically no growing season in this ecozone This ecozone consists Of a range of mountains - The north of the Arctic Cordilleran is cold and dry Throughout the year - Where the ice caps are located - The south of this ecozone is more fortunate having a more humid climate and cool summers with long hours of sunlight - Where the glaciers are located Characteristics It ranges from the northeastern parts of Nunavut to the northern parts of Quebec
Overview of the Land Main landform is mountains Changes in elevation Approximately 75% of this ecozone is exposed bedrock The other 25% is glaciers and ice fields ➥ This is the ultimate landscape for NunatakNunatak Soil in this area is limited and is a type of soil known as cryosolic soilscryosolic soils ➥ With these factors the land only supports herbaceous vegetationherbaceous
Positive This ecozone has a protected park called “Quttinirpaaq National Park” which includes 7 fjords, a variety of glaciers and the world’s largest lake north of the Arctic Circle called “Lake Hazen” Contains unique icy scenery
Negative Temperatures can reach as low as -40C and within a year there are 10 months of inhospitable weather cold enough to keep water frozen. Therefore, with so little frost-free days in this region, the area can only support herbaceous tundra vegetation. People in this region have to hunt, fish and trap for survival leaving them deprived of vitamins C and D and more that crops provide.inhospitable
Human Activities Hunting Trapping Fishing A little bit of gas and oil exploration Only about a thousand people live in this 196,235 km 2 (75,767 sq mi) island.
Interesting PointsGeographic Issue » World’s tenth largest island and Canada’s third largest island » Covers 2.5% of Canada » This ecozone is known for its unique and broad ice and mountains however, due to global warming in the 20 th century the Ellesmere Ice shelf reduced by 90% (this covered the Northwest coast of Ellesmere Island)
Overall -Small area -Has a small population -Very Cold -Little plants and animal species -Not much resources -Untouched Land
Thank you for listening
Bibliography lera/a_cordillera.htm rdillera/arcticcordillera.htm regions/ esimagemap.gif esimagemap.gif
Inhospitable [in-hos-pi-tuh-buhl] Not offering shelter or favourable conditions, etc.; barren
Herbaceous [hur-bey-shuhs] These plants are herb-like and leafy back
Nunatak [nuhn-uh-tak] a hill or mountain that has been completely encircled by a glacier back
Cryosolic Soils [khray- oh- sawh-lik] Is soil with minerals or organic materials that is at least 1 metre frozen back