Happy Friday! Poultry! March 15, 2013
Good Afternoon! 3/13/14 Poultry information – fill in notes Please pick up bell ringer and note sheet from back table Poultry worksheet - graded IF we get through all of this today – cook Monday! Chicken parmigiana or chicken stir fry?
What is Poultry? Poultry = any domesticated bird Turkey Chicken Duck Goose Pigeon Cornish hen
Nutrition All contain high quality proteins Good source of phosphorous, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin
Inspection and Grading All poultry sold in interstate commerce must be federally inspected Seal=healthy, processed under sanitary conditions, and labeled correctly Volunteer for grading: US Grade A, B, C
Age Young birds are tender Best used for baking, roasting, and frying Older birds are less tender Best used for soups, stews, and casseroles
Buying Can be purchased in pieces, halves or whole Can be bought fresh-chilled, frozen, or canned Canned is most expensive Reading the label is important-know what you are buying
Buying, part 2 Labels could say: “turkey breast” or “breast meat” Chicken-breasts, legs, and thighs are meatier than wings and backs With bones, allow 1 pound of meat per serving Same with turkey for serving size
Buying tips Buy birds that are inspected and graded to ensure both wholesomeness and quality Choose birds with meaty breasts and legs, well-distributed fat, and blemish-free skin Choose the type, size and age bird to suit your intended use
Storage All poultry is very perishable! Cut up birds are more perishable than whole birds If not kept refrigerated, can grow bacteria – salmonellae When storing in fridge, remove store wrapping, rewrap loosely in waxed paper Place in coldest part of fridge Use within 2-3 days
Frozen poultry If bought frozen, should go immediately back into fridge Can be stored in freezer for 6-8 months For better storage, rewrap in moisture and vapor-proof wrapping
Let’s continue with your book! Complete the poultry notes with the poultry chapter starting on page 336 Complete poultry worksheet and turn in to be graded