UdR, Bogota, agosto Using technology to improve quality in education Ian Johnson
UdR, Bogota, agosto OVERVIEW Pressure to improve ‘Quality’ in education Quality procedures and documentation Quality learning resources Strategies for developing and implementing use of e-resources
UdR, Bogota, agosto My perspective – a quick biography
UdR, Bogota, agosto MAKING THE MOST OF THIS SESSION There is a lot to cover Please stop me if: You can’t hear me You can’t understand me (language) You need more information (comprehension) You need a break Please participate! Don’t let me do all the talking! Let me know if I am not covering what you want to learn about! You will learn more if you ask questions, supply examples, and respond to my questions!
UdR, Bogota, agosto DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE Copies of PowerPoint slides In print Electronically Information about freely available electronic journals and papers
UdR, Bogota, agosto PRESSURES FOR QUALITY IN EDUCATION Change and challenges The Knowledge Society and changes in the Universities Globalisation and higher education
UdR, Bogota, agosto SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Agrarian society Industrial society Knowledge society
UdR, Bogota, agosto THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Increase in the quantity and complexity of human knowledge Dependence on knowledge and information
UdR, Bogota, agosto KNOWLEDGE CYCLE Idea Information Knowledge
UdR, Bogota, agosto THE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION CHAIN New products and services (publication and education) Creativity through ideas Research Society benefits Organisational and individual success
UdR, Bogota, agosto CHANGES IN UNIVERSITIES Growing demand for higher education Increase in the number of universities Changes in the size of universities
UdR, Bogota, agosto IMPACT ON THE UNIVERSITIES (1) More students New and different subjects Acceptance of professional education Different types of courses E-learning? CBL? CSCW? Web 2.0? Continuing education Higher degrees Distance learning Virtual learning
UdR, Bogota, agosto IMPACT ON THE UNIVERSITIES Different kinds of students Financial pressures Financial aspirations Interaction with employers Relevance of courses Subject knowledge Personal skills Continual learning
UdR, Bogota, agosto GLOBALISATION AND HIGHER EDUCATION International industries Manufacturing and services Global recruitment International students New communication technologies Awareness of opportunities Employment and education
UdR, Bogota, agosto IMPACT ON THE UNIVERSITIES (3) Competition Relevance and transparency International interaction
UdR, Bogota, agosto EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA Bologna agreement (1999) Creating the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Integration Mobility in education and employment Recognition of qualifications Consistency in duration, and award title three cycle system (Bachelor/Master/Doctorate) Quality assurance Transparency in content, effort and outcomes
UdR, Bogota, agosto IMPLEMENTING AND EXTENDING THE BOLOGNA PROCESS Mandatory on 27 EU member states Regular meetings of Ministers Integration of vocational and continuing education Reaching out to other continents 19 participating countries London 2007 Extension to Latin America Development assistance - ALFA
UdR, Bogota, agosto QUALITY PROCEDURES Regular review Control, assure, enhance Internal and external Governmental and professional National QA centres Clear documentation Visible documentation Course information External review reports
UdR, Bogota, agosto INFORMATION ON THE WEB RGU: New UG Media Studies Overview RGU: New UG Media Studies Overview
UdR, Bogota, agosto DOCUMENTATION ON THE WEB RGU: Prospectus: Media Studies RGU: Prospectus: Media Studies
UdR, Bogota, agosto COURSE DETAIL RGU: RGU Module: Research Methods: Literature Review (IM4001) RGU: RGU Module: Research Methods: Literature Review (IM4001)
UdR, Bogota, agosto QUALITY ASSURANCE ON THE WEB Review reports Review reports
UdR, Bogota, agosto Comments? WHAT IS ‘QUALITY’ IN HIGHER EDUCATION?