The Role of Market Auction Places and Fishing Ports The Contribution of Fisheries to the International Social Economic Development and Co-operation The Role of Market Auction Places and Fishing Ports Lotacor Azores 15 September 2006 European Association of Fishing Ports and Auctions
EAFPA who are we and what do we stand for EAFPA is a non-profit making trade organisation that promotes the importance of the specialised fishing ports and fish auctions to the European fishing industry. EAFPA is a non-profit making trade organisation that promotes the importance of the specialised fishing ports and fish auctions to the European fishing industry. It is actively involved in community wide programmes and shall engage in a international industry actions and initiatives. It is actively involved in community wide programmes and shall engage in a international industry actions and initiatives. Membership is open to fishing port and auction providers throughout all of the countries of the European Union and European Economic Area. Membership is open to fishing port and auction providers throughout all of the countries of the European Union and European Economic Area. Affiliate membership is open to adjoining countries Affiliate membership is open to adjoining countries Membership: 12 countries, auctions and sales > € 4 billion
Formal role EAFPA participates in activities that influence the EU regulatory framework on issues affecting our sector EAFPA sits on the Advisory Committee on Fisheries (ACFA). sits on the Advisory Committee on Fisheries (ACFA). has regular dialogue with the EC Fisheries Department at senior level. has regular dialogue with the EC Fisheries Department at senior level. represent the fishing port and auction sector of the industry on Regional Advisory Councils. represent the fishing port and auction sector of the industry on Regional Advisory Councils. –sitting on their Executive Committees and participating in working groups where member input is important… –sitting on their Executive Committees and participating in working groups where member input is important…
other actions Facilitate the exchange of experience between members Facilitate the exchange of experience between members Identify options for auction development Identify options for auction development Engage in Pan European studies and projects Engage in Pan European studies and projects e.g. EFAD e.g. EFAD
European Fish Auction Datanet project Fishing Ports and Auctions of the EU Atlantic and North Sea undertaken with assistance from the European Commission
Key Findings EU Fishing Fleet and Catch decline impacts on ports and auctions EU Fishing Fleet and Catch decline impacts on ports and auctions Auctions and Ports must respond to: New legislative requirements New legislative requirements Quality and Traceability issues Quality and Traceability issues Globalisation of supply impacts upon fresh fish markets Globalisation of supply impacts upon fresh fish markets Income reduction and cost increase Income reduction and cost increase Auction is the Predominant and Preferred venue of sale OPEN OPEN TRANSPARANT TRANSPARANT FAIR FAIR and and DYNAMIC. DYNAMIC. Concentration, and coordination, of buying (supermarkets, major packaged fish processors) requires guaranteed supply Concentration, and coordination, of buying (supermarkets, major packaged fish processors) requires guaranteed supply –Encourages imports of captured and farmed species (SE Asia, China, South America etc) –EU supply uncertainty created due to fluctuating TAC’s
Fishing Ports and Auctions how many, where are they, what do they offer? 330 on the EU Atlantic coast 330 on the EU Atlantic coast + many more small landing sites + many more small landing sites 60 = 80% of fish 60 = 80% of fish Provide Essential Services Provide Essential Services Register Transactions Register Transactions Safeguard Payment Safeguard Payment Distribution Centres Distribution Centres Auctions are the Marketplace Auctions are the Marketplace –for fresh fish Have a VITAL Role Have a VITAL Rolein Quality Quality –Control and Development Market Market –Support & Development Creating a Sustainable Industry Creating a Sustainable Industry
Raising Catch Value through Quality Development Auctions must play a central role Auctions must play a central role Aim for a significant part of EU catch Aim for a significant part of EU catch –Fresh –Sustainable –Traceable –Deliverable Target upper quartile of fish consumption Target upper quartile of fish consumption Have a practical and inclusive “eco-label” Have a practical and inclusive “eco-label” Develop traceability concepts Develop traceability concepts Coordinate markets and supply Coordinate markets and supply Fresh and Frozen Imports EU Farmed Farmed Imports TEXT EU captured Fresh and Frozen Imports
Traceability : obligation or opportunity Legal Requirement Legal Requirement –1 up 1 down Consumer Consumer –What species –FAO Area Captured Captured Market (prime species) Market (prime species) –Quality When caught When caught How caught How caught Where caught (grounds) Where caught (grounds) Who (fisherman or port) Who (fisherman or port) Standard Auction “label” Standard Auction “label” –Et cetera Marketing Marketing Consumer (research) Consumer (research) –Target species –Source (coordinate) Educate (train) * Educate (train) * –Fishermen –Auctions –Processors –Retail –Consumer Deliver Deliver –Common standards EAN codification # –Defined products * Proposal under Leonardo da Vinci programme # EAFPA initiative
Market cooperation information exchange Data Exchange between auctions is feasible: EFAD project pilot on sale supply and prices Data Exchange between auctions is feasible: EFAD project pilot on sale supply and prices Marketing could be more effective Marketing could be more effective –if forward supply was known control measures being developed give this control measures being developed give this e.g. electronic logbook –If forward Demand was known buyer requirements buyer requirements –if marketeers coordinated efforts Working with principal buyers (supermarkets) Working with principal buyers (supermarkets) Sharing supply and buyers Sharing supply and buyers Developing a code of practice and quality standard Developing a code of practice and quality standard
Conclusions & Recommendations Auction’s role should be explicit in a revised COM Auction’s role should be explicit in a revised COM –Draft expected in October 2006 Involve Ports and Auctions AS AN ENTITY in the industry (i.e. EAFPA) Involve Ports and Auctions AS AN ENTITY in the industry (i.e. EAFPA) Extend EFAD study to include Extend EFAD study to include –Scandinavia – Atlantic; –Baltic Sea –Mediterranean Focus on fresh fish market development and price enhancement Focus on fresh fish market development and price enhancement Quality “branding” and eco-labelling Quality “branding” and eco-labelling Traceability concept (in its wider sense) Traceability concept (in its wider sense) EAN common approach through EAFPA EAN common approach through EAFPA EAFPA could lead (with EC assistance) Cost reduction actions EAFPA could lead (with EC assistance) Cost reduction actions e.g. –Vertical Logistics: coordinated supply chain management coordinated supply chain management common reusable box common reusable box
What Now? EFAD project has confirmed the role of auctions identified some challenges that they face spawned a number of ideas and opportunities affirmed the need for EAFPA to be involved in other programmes under multiple funding heads affecting our industry EAFPA can only do so with EC assistance EAFPA can only do so with EC assistance
The Role of Market Auction Places and Fishing Ports Auctions are the interface between Producers and the Wholesaler, Processor and Retailer QUALITY&PRICE are our concern