Spring Traditions in Romania
Mărţişorul Celebrated on: 1st March (1st day of spring) Etimology: Mărţişor Romanian traditional name of the March month History: Dacian tradition; in that times this day was the first day of the year Color meaning: red = summer, fire, blood woman; white = winter, snow man Symbol of rebirthed nature Celebrated in: Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria
Mărţişorul It is weared by girls since 1’st March until 9th March (Măcinici), Palm Sunday or Easter (depends on the region) when they will put it in a tree which has flowers. Protects the girls from evil forces.
Babele (Old Women) Celebrated between: 1st March (when Baba Dochia dies) – 9th March (when Baba Dochia rebirt) Who is Baba Dochia? She is the agrarian goddess in Dacian mythology. Associated with Terra Matter; Diana & Iuno (roman mythology); Hera & Artemis (greek mythology) Symbol of cold days, winter
Babele (Old Women) For this celebration girls and women must chose one day between 1’st March to 9th March. If the day that they had choosen is beautiful (with sun and high temperature) they will have a great year, if in this day is cloudy, cold etc they must be prepared for not a good year. The peaseants paid attention to these days because how it was in these days revealed the agrarian year (if is good or bad, with rain or without).
Moşii (Old Men) Celebrated between: 10th - 17th March Meaning: the days when the field’s work begin. In this days people beats the frozen ground with a bat to let the warm temperature to come out. Symbol of the warm days.
Mucinici (M ă cinici) Celebrated on: 9th March Meaning: celebration in the memoriy of the 40 men killed in Sevastia, because they didn’t want to abandoun at they belief in Jesus Christ. 2nd meaning: Men’s Day
Mucinici (Măcinici) In this day women bake cakes called „măcinici” or they make a soup (like in the image) in the memory of these men.
Mucinici (Măcinici) In this day men drink 40 or 44 glasses of alcohol (wine, brandy) in the memory of these men.