Contents: +YMCA Mission Statement +Tips on Coaching +YMCA Philosophy +Keys for Coaching +Code of Conduct +Character Development +YMCA Safety +YMCA Health +Steps in becoming a coach +Coaches Meeting +What should practice consist of?
+Mission Statement +Mission Statement To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. We pray before each game and give Bible verses to players before each practice
+Philosophy We emphasize participation, fun, fitness, skills, teamwork, fair play, family involvement, volunteers, and character development. *All team members will play half the game -Encourage hard play -Learn to win and lose
**NO TRYOUTS OR CUTS ** EQUAL PLAYING TIME is a recreational league! The YMCA enforces certain rules to help ensure this philosophy is fostered.
+Code of Conduct Game 1. If you must yell, what should you yell? ** Positive comments for both teams 2. What not to yell? ** Negative comments ** At referees
3. Help as much as possible… by keeping communication open with parents and staff. Remember, children act as you act (You are the referee)
+Character Development Respect Responsibility Honesty Caring Faith
+Safety A player list with medical conditions of all will be given to you for you to have at all practices. Keep plenty of cool liquids at all practices and games All playing areas will have a First Aide Kit on site Stretch and warm up properly before each practice/game
Inclement Weather Website: At no time will we practice or play a game if lightning is visibleor thunder heard If the fields are filled with water or muddy we will not play or practice Keep informed about weather by checking sports website or calling our YMCA front desk
+Health Healthy Drinks Water 100% Fruit drinks Sports Drinks Healthy Snacks Fruit Breakfast Bars Graham Crackers Wheat Thins
Baked Corn Tortilla Chips Baked Chips Muffins (bran,wheat etc..) String Cheese (Low fat) Pudding Cups Fruit (raisins,grapes,apples, etc..) Pop Corn Pretzels (Low salt) Fig Bars Vanilla Wafers
+Steps in becoming a coach 1. Sign up at the front desk of the YMCA 2. Fill out form and check the coaching box 3. Fill out a background check form (at front desk) Back ground check is very important!! 4. Plan to attend a MANDATORY Coaches Meeting
+Coaches Meeting Get a Coaches Handbook Read Child Abuse Prevention papers and sign Get rosters Look at rosters to see what days are good/bad for each player Choose one weekday for practice and a time for Saturday practice Ask necessary questions
Following Coaches Meeting After you have gotten your roster call each player and let them know what day and time their practice will be Know the rules for age division in coaches handbook Give your contact information, team name and team color Let each parent know what to bring to practice and what to expect
End of Season Team Party Each team can have a team party The team party is up to the Coach and Team Parents CiCi’s Pizza (Cloverleaf Plaza in Kannapolis) will provide their facilities for YMCA Sports Parties with a special discount for Cannon Memorial Teams The party will allow time for picture taking, passing out trophies and support to all players.
First Day of Practice
Opening Welcome all players and parents as they arrive Check phone numbers and add best contact number Provide a healthy drink and snack (Optional) Find team parent or pick a team parent
Let parents know the practice/game schedule 1 practice during week/1game on Saturday YMCA will provide for practice and games Cones Balls Practice Jerseys Game shirts
+What should practice consist of? Stretching Legs shoulder width apart bend over touch toes Legs spread apart bend over touch toes (knees are always locked) Feet together try to touch the sky with your hands Jumping Jacks Run (in place, around gym, field)
Drills Start with basic skills of the sport Passing Soccer,Basketball ShootingSoccer,Basketball ThrowingBaseball,Soccer HittingBaseball Use drills concept that you can build on Teach good technique Have fun!
Games Approach After drills play a modified game with what you have Ex. 1 on 1, 2 on 3 etc… Use games approach to identify future practice ideas/needs Ex. If you struggle in a game situation with passing then you will need to work on that aspect of the game Scrimmage like a real game and teach from there
Closing Practice Gather team and talk about different aspects of practice What did we learn What do we need to do better Always end on a positive note Give out information to parents of upcoming events Ex. Picture Day Ex. Next game/practice
+Tips on Coaching Plan Ahead Write out a practice schedule for that day Who will bring snacks/drinks for that practice/game Before games have an attentive lineup and who will substitute in Arrive early for practice and be prepared
+Keys for Coaching +Keys for Coaching Communicate with Team Be possitive and encourage regardless of skill Make sure your team knows what you are trying to accomplish
Communicate with Parents Keep in contact by , phone and word of mouth Have a team parent help communicate before/during/after practice or game Give out any schedules, newsletters, or pictures get passed out If parents communicate with you the season will be much better
Communicate with YMCA Staff Get to know onsite staff. They will be the primary contact to get things, to set up practices/games and referee Contact Sports Director Billy McClendon. Sports Director Ext
Games Each child plays half the game; Strive for equal playing time Teach to be gracious winners and losers Have a plan for playing each child before game This will help keep time for each child Be positive but encourage improvement End of season parties are coaches responsibility
We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities.
Contact Sports Director Billy McClendon. Sports Director Ext Contact Information