Chapter 7 Exploring Theories of Discipline With Dignity: Richard Curwin & Allen Mendler Jasmine Fields Taylor Rodriguez Jason Emmons Tyrell Davis
Dealing With the “Last-Worder” How would You React 7-2 What would you do if you were the teacher?
Overview The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” What Does it Mean to Implement Dignity? Social Contracts Out of Control students 3 Dimensions of an Effective Discipline Pan Zero Tolerance We will be talking about the Richard Curwin and Allen Mendler. The two theorist who proposed Discipline with Dignity and how these strategies are used in the classroom. We will also address how to deal with aggression and hostility with children in the classroom and keeping your classroom a safe place.
The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” Teachers use long-term efforts to change behaviors rather than short-term efforts. teach self-discipline and behavior changes similar to punishment vs. consequences Example: A third-grade student takes another students’ lunch box. short-term: Student misses 5 minutes of recess. long-term: Teacher asks student to return the lunchbox and explains the importance of respecting personal property. short-term may stop behavior temporarily, but will not develop a change in the student; does not benefit student use as opportunities to teach students
The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” Teachers use long-term efforts to change behaviors rather than short-term efforts. teach self-discipline and behavior changes similar to punishment vs. consequences Example 2: A ninth-grade student uses a four-letter word while calling a classmate an unkind name. short-term: Teacher yells and requires student to write a sentence 100 times. long-term: ??? “Hunter, I am disturbed when you speak to someone like that. Apologize to Nick and to all those around you who heard the remark. You and I will discuss this during your free period.”
The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” 2. Teachers stop doing ineffective things. students and behaviors change Examples: teaching social skills that fail to get students to change behaviors using “commonsense” methods that do not get students to respond appropriately sending students to detention either things that just don’t work, or things that have worked for one student or a certain behavior in the past teachers must continually evaluate if their practices are working
The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” 3. Teachers tailor consequences to individuals. be fair without treating everyone the same take approaches that best fit each student’s needs students react differently to different consequences be fair to each student
The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” 4. Teachers make rules that make sense. rules should be viewed as guidelines need for success students deserve an explanation for why rules exist Example: “The reason we don’t call each other names is that it hurts people’s feelings.” rules viewed as pointless or unimportant are least likely to be followed most students will obey rules for which they see a reason or a benefit to them
The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” 5. Teachers model what they expect. abide by same rules as students meet deadlines and due dates be ready to begin class on time speak to students the same way you expect them to speak to you and to each other Example: Teacher expects homework to be turned in on time, and so is prompt in returning assignments. Non-Example: Teacher chews gum in class when students are not allowed to chew gum at school.
The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” 6. Teachers believe that responsibility is more important than obedience. students see options available, anticipate consequences, then choose what is in the best interest of themselves and others bad decisions are viewed as opportunities for students to learn to make better decisions + promotes and requires critical thinking learning responsibility is an ongoing, dynamic process
The 7 Principles of Applying “Discipline with Dignity” 7. Teachers always treat students with dignity! speaking in a kind and caring manner positive attitudes, body language, and tone of voice convey a sense of respect: listen, be open to feedback, provide explanations, give students some voice in issues Help students restore hope! too many students have lost hope in themselves/school cannot achieve academically cannot behave appropriately cannot engage in appropriate socialization you want the best for the student, you want them to learn use privacy, proximity, and eye contact ignoring these students worsens their situations help them feel like important members of the class
Teachers who do not Practice “Discipline With Dignity”
How do I decide if “Discipline With Dignity” is the right strategy for me? Do I believe that classroom management should be democratic and student centered? 2.Do I believe that it is my job to teach responsibility and hope to my students? 3.Do I believe that it is possible to be fair without treating everyone the same way? 4.Do I believe that I should follow the same rules as students? 5.Do I feel comfortable conveying dignity to my students 6.Do I believe in use of social contracts in the classroom? If so will I implement them?
Social Contracts A social contract helps teachers take charge of their class and still gives students a voice in class decisions. They clearly define acceptable and unacceptable behavior before students misbehave. Social Contracts spell out a procedure for the students and teacher to follow when rules are broken
Social Contracts Example of social contract in a second grade class Rule 1: Students do not yell out. They raise their hands and wait to be called upon The teacher reminds students to wait and not to yell out. The teacher will not call on students who yell out Rule 2: Instead of fighting, hitting, or pushing in school, students should talk to each other to solve problems. The teacher reminds students of our rule. The student will take a time-out.
Social Contracts To develop a social contract: Teacher Students Identifies necessary rules for maintaining control Proposes other clear rules necessary for management Develop consequences for each rule Students Develop rules for teacher behavior Develop consequences for teacher’s rules
Social Contracts To develop a social contract: Both students and teacher Review all propose rules and consequences and decide which will be in the contract Have a test of rules and consequences
Social Contracts Differences between punishment and consequences Punishments make rule breakers pay for their misconduct. They are often unrelated to the rule. Used to relieve the tension of the punisher Consequences directly relate to the rule and are logical. They help the rule violator learn acceptable behavior
Social Contracts Examples: Rule: Students are not for hitting, fighting, or hurting Consequence: Do one nice thing for the victim before the day is over Punishment: Stay after school for 2 hours and sit in silence Rule: All trash must be thrown in the wastebasket Consequence: Pick up your trash from the floor Punishment: Apologize to the teacher in front of the entire class.
Out of Control Students To deal with those students who are disruptive and Hostile, you have to maintain both yours and the students dignity. By reacting with Dignity at the very moments in which students are rendering indignities to teachers and students, teachers can send a powerful message.
Difficult Behavior in a Child
Out of Control Students To prevent escalation, teachers should find ways to relieve stress. Deep breathing exercises Smile
Out of Control Students The best method of dealing with hostile students is a preventative one. Learn students names and greet them. Learn the likes, dislike, strengths, and weaknesses of students Attend school events, like games or concerts, where those students will be and make an effort to interact Minimize frustration by utilizing diverse learning styles and multiple intelligences.
Out of Control Students Use Humor whenever possible. Defuse some explosive situations Lessen the possibility of a power struggle NEVER USE HUMOR AT A STUDENTS EXPENSE Poke fun at your own imperfections and errors
CASE STUDY Policy Against A school system with zero tolerance. - Although the hand over public school districts did not have serious problem the administrator adapted a zero tolerance policy including: Policy Against Violent Behavior Substance Use Possession of Weapons
-If students had any infraction that violated the zero tolerance policy they were suspended from school immediately Infraction: Charm of a gun on her/his key ring "These teachers pissed me off" (a student says) Plastic knife to pill her/knife fruit
-The administrator's took pride in their zero tolerance policies Disruptive students were out of school The educator's were not faced with individual administrative decisions
The administers had to admit that too many were out of school, and behavioral problems had increased -The school system is trying to do away with zero tolerance What advice would you give the administrators as they reconsider their decisions to implement zero tolerance polices?
Creating Healthy Classrooms for All Students Students trust their abilities and their environment. Students see benefits of improving their behaviors. Students can make real, significant, and meaningful choices. The teacher and students work together to identify what is to be learned. Students see the value in what they are learning. Instruction process and people oriented rather than product and subject oriented.
Conclusion All teachers have different methods of classroom management strategies. Discipline with dignity is just one of many. The main concept is that students’ behavior improve when teachers convey dignity and restore hope.