The Bill of Rights The first 10 amendments to the U. S. Constitution
Who determines what the Bill of Rights mean? The Supreme Court makes rulings on the meaning The Supreme Court balances the rights of the individual with the needs of society Individual? Society?
The first amendment—5 rights Freedom of Speech Freedom of Religion Freedom of the Press Freedom of Assembly Right to petition the government
Freedom of Religion “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of” Two clauses: ◦Establishment clause ◦Free Exercise clause
Establishment Clause—Government cannot promote or force a religion
Free exercise of religion- people can follow their religion as long as it does not go against the law
Freedom of speech “Congress shall make no laws... abridging the freedom of speech”
Free speech– The individual can: Share political beliefs Peacefully Protest Burn the flag Say racist and hate slogans Free speech means someone might say something you disagree with
Free speech—limits on the person You CANNOT…. ◦Make threats ◦Sexual harassment ◦Create too much social chaos (ex. yell fire in a crowded theater) ◦Disrespectful, vulgar language in schools ◦Hate crimes
Freedom of the press Congress shall make no law... abridging... the freedom of the press.”
Freedom of the press-the press CanCannot Print any political position Make fun of people, especially politicians Expose wrongs by the government Say things you might not agree with Libel– intentionally injuring a person’s reputation by false facts Disclose defense- security secrets Detail how to make a certain weapons
Freedom of Assembly--Individual CanCannot Peacefully Protest Parade (with a permit) Parade chanting hate slogans Damage property Hang out on private land against owners will—loitering
Petition the Government “Congress shall make no law... Abridging... the people... to petition the government for a redress of grievances”
Petition the government You may sue the government for wrongs You cannot be punished for exposing wrongs by the government Ask the government to make changes (ex. writing letters to your state senator)
Amendment Application Given each situation: ◦explain which part of the amendment applies and if it’s allowed
Situation #1 Claire is 12 years old. She says she no longer has to go to school because it is against her religion…. Which part of the amendment? Allowed?
Situation #2 John is a reported and finds out the government has been inappropriately using tax money. He reports the story in the newspaper and government officials get in trouble… Which part of the amendment? Allowed?
Situation #3 Teens hold a sit-in to peacefully protest the new town curfew law… Which part of the amendment? Allowed?
Situation #4 Before the high school football team, the coach leads the stadium of fans in a prayer for good luck Which part of the amendment? Allowed?
Situation #5 Greg is in a crowded mall. He thinks it would be funny to yell “fire!” to scare everyone. He doesn’t think he will get in trouble because he is just joking around… Which part of the amendment? Allowed?