NAVIGATING THE COLLEGE SEARCH AND APPLICATION PROCESS Alison Hildenbrand Director of Undergraduate Admission Fairfield University
“COLLEGE IS A MATCH TO BE MADE NOT A PRIZE TO BE WON” College is all about the “fit.” Where do you belong? Where will you be most happy? Happiest students are most successful. How many schools in the United States? – 3,026 What percentage of Fortune 500 CEO’s graduated from Ivies? Do NOT choose a school for the name, best friend, family connection, or basketball team. Relax. Your counselors are professionals. Let them help you craft a list. You need to LOVE all of the schools on your list – from stretch to comfortable choice.
WHAT IS “THE FIT?” Academic fit : Declared or Undecided? Academic fit: Liberal Arts with core curriculum vs. open curriculum vs. focused education Location: “Where do students buy their shoes?” Size: What excites you? Do you want to be in the presence of researchers or be a researcher? Religious Affiliation: Do you want to continue with Catholic education?
WHAT IS “THE FIT?” Financial Fit Merit Awards Athletic Awards Need Based Financial Aid Private Scholarships Understand the EFC and Net Price Calculators
VISIT US! What do you want to learn from a visit? Tours, Overnights, Classroom Visits, Interviews, Meetings with Professors/Coaches Far away? Still “visit!” Try the food! Make an impression for all the right reasons Ask questions, and let mom and dad ask questions, too! What does your gut tell you? Connect with your area counselor – you’ll see us again!
APPLY Early Action vs. Early Decision vs. Rolling vs. Regular Decision Don’t succumb to peer pressure. How many applications should you submit? Non-traditional applications – FastApp, SnapApp, etc… Understand what they mean. When you hear that a school is missing something…. DO NOT yell at your counselors! No matter how you apply, complete the application over the summer.
IT’S IN OUR HANDS, NOW WHAT? Everything is important! Fill the application out with care. Academic record: GPA, curriculum, high school, time management skills, grade trends Essay: Mundane = Good? Co-curricular involvement Recommendations Writing Skills Demonstrated Interest? Interview? Admission “hooks”
MAINTAIN YOUR SANITY Family time to discuss applications – save your siblings! The next 18 months are not just about the application process. Be honest with schools, and ask us questions. There is a lot of misinformation out there! Schools will tell you honest answers to the questions that you ask. Advocate for yourself. Do not tie your identity to one school. Do not compare yourself to others. It’s a human process.
QUESTIONS? Alison Hildenbrand x2957