SAFETY It’s all about you UPD Residence Life Officers (RLO) Tracy Merrill Devin Narine
S AFETY I T ’ S ALL ABOUT YOU Vehicle safety Residence Halls Safety around campus On a date Active Shooter Evacuations UPD
VEHICLE & PARKING LOT SAFETY TIPS Try to park in a well lit area Roll up windows & lock doors Do not leave valuables in plain site Have your keys out & ready Call for a safety escort on campus If you ride the shuttle, know the schedule UPD
OSPREY CONNECTOR “We Will Swoop You Up” For more information visit or call: UPD
RESIDENCE HALLS Keep doors & windows locked Do not give your key to someone else Do not let strangers in Be aware of “tailgaters” Know your RA’s Get to know your roommates Review your resident handbook For more information visit or call: UPD
Commuter Student Safety Tips When leaving or arriving at you home or apartment be aware of your surroundings. Make sure family or friends know your school schedule. Be aware of anyone that appears to be following you to your vehicle or when leaving the university. Have a cell phone handy and know the location of the blue phones in the area that you park. Remember safety escorts are available when going to or from class.
DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ON CAMPUS Most suspects &/or victims are under the influence of drugs or alcohol Over 250 drugs & alcohol incidences reported* 1700 college students between die from alcohol related incidents* UPD Visit the Student Affairs website for helpful links and programs offered on campus
SAFETY AROUND CAMPUS Be aware of your surroundings Know routes around campus Use the buddy system when possible Stay alert & walk with a purpose Follow your instincts Do not leave belongings unattended Know where “E phones” are located Call for a safety escort Use caution when walking or jogging in the early morning or late evening. UPD
ON A DATE Get to know your date If you feel uneasy with someone, get yourself out of the situation Go on group dates or to populated places Avoid excessive alcohol around people you do not know Get your own drinks. Be aware of “date rape” drugs such as GHB or Rohypnol Tell a friend who you are going out with & when you plan on returning Take extra money for a taxi 90% of “date rapes” occur between people who know each other Call or visit the UNF Women’s Center UPD
ACTIVE SHOOTER Figure Out Determine if what you hear are gunshots Call UPD or 911 Get Out If safe, move away to cover Hide Out Turn off lights, cell phones, lock & barricade doors, separate, & stay quiet Take Out Use any means possible to save your life UPD
ACTIVE SHOOTER Hostage – Active Shooter Hostage situations involve demands Active Shooters aggressively target people until they are stopped A hostage situation becomes an Active Shooter situation once shots are fired UPD
ACTIVE SHOOTER P OLICE R ESPONSE UPD will arrive within 2-4 minutes Officers will move to eliminate the threat Rescue & evacuation will occur after the threat is eliminated Do not point at officers or suspects Do not run or yell at officers When the officer enters your area, put your hands up & spread your fingers UPD
ACTIVE SHOOTER/ CAMPUS EMERGENCY For more information please go to UNF’s home web page and click on EMERGENCY at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the “Crisis Management” page which has more information and links to training video’s on active shooters and violence prevention.
EVACUATIONS Emergency notification Phone PA system Website Listen & watch for instructions which may have you leaving a building or staying where you are UPD
Remember, you can never find us if you need us so do not hesitate to call if you see something suspicious, especially if there is a danger to an innocent party UPD
SELF DEFENCE Simple self defense Techniques