Message Good Morning. Today is September 10th Message Good Morning. Today is September 10th. We will be talking about setting our Hopes and Dreams for the school year. Please fill out the graphic organizer on your desk. Remember it is your hopes and dreams about school(not to win a million dollars. Make sure that they are realistic! Hand in any forms that you have. Read quietly at your desk when you are finished.
Good Morning. Today is Back to School Night for your parents Good Morning! Today is Back to School Night for your parents. Please think of three reasons why your family is special to you and write them on the card that is on your desk. We will be sharing them at Morning Meeting and giving them to your parents. Please be neat. Bring them to Morning Meeting with you. After you finished doing that, please read the chart and complete the activity.
Good Morning. Today is September 12 Good Morning! Today is September 12. Today is one of my favorite days because you are in my class. What was the nicest thing that someone did for you? Please write it on the Post It. Bring it to Morning Meeting with you. .
Message: Good morning. Today we are going to see how much we know about each other. On the note card, I want you to write two facts and one “lie” about you. For example, I might write: I went to Europe this summer. I love to write. I always lived in NJ. My “lie” is that I love cute little mice. Do not tell your answers to ANYONE!(not even me)
What are three situations in which you might whisper? What are three situations in which you might yell? What are three situations in which you might stay silent? Write your answers on the note card. .