Work Experience 2012 What will you do for your work experience…?
IMPORTANT! BTEC SportBTEC Sport – TWO WEEKS BTEC ChildcareBTEC Childcare – TWO WEEKS 19 th March – 30 th March 2012
“Work experience gave me more confidence to do things on my own. I gained an understanding of work and truly believe I got a lot out of it” Why do work experience?
“For me work experience enlightened my overall thoughts about work. I now believe that nothing is impossible, as long as you set your mind to it” Why do work experience?
“Work experience taught me that working life is something you need to be prepared for. The experience has been a great opportunity and helped me to work out my future” Why do work experience?
“I really began to understand how important and valuable work experience is. It can change your life for the better and motivate you to work harder and achieve bigger things in school” Why do work experience?
Something to put on your CV You may be offered a job at the end May help you to get a job in that industry in the future Develops transferable skills Helps you to research your career ideas Increases your motivation in College – bringing learning to life! Other reasons…
What kind of work am I interested in? What career ideas do I have (if any)? Do I know someone who works in the industry I am interested in? What subjects do I enjoy? Travel Location Will you be taking BTEC Sport/Childcare? What do I need to consider before looking for a work experience placement?
So far you have completed the booklet “Work Experience 2012: What shall I do for my work experience…?” You have also been given 4 things in morning registration: 1.Your ‘Work Experience Application’ form 2.Letter to go home 3.Parent/Carer guide to work experience 4.Parents evening reminder slip Where am I now?
Finding a placement: - Do you know someone who works for, or owns a company, in this area? - Think about what companies are in Camberley or near to where you live - Try using - Still not sure? Come to see Mr Woolford or Mrs Fuller at lunchtimes – we are based in the Careers Room (Ground floor of the LRC) What do you need to do now?
Write a letter (like the one you wrote in your booklets during registration) to at least three employers. After one week, telephone the company to see if they received your letter. This also gives you the opportunity to ask if you can spend your work experience week with them. If you have any problems with this please speak to your tutor or come to see Mr Woolford in the Careers Department (ground floor of the LRC) You have found some companies to contact, then what?
Some employers do not take students for work experience: - Are not allowed - Age restrictions - Confidentiality - CRB Some employers will ask you to provide your own clothing or equipment Some employers ask for a CV (if this is the case tell me and I will help you to write one. Or you could use Plan-IT) Often employers will only take one (possibly two) students so you may not be able to go with your friends. This also means more competition! Some things to remember…
Are you thinking about the Army or RAF? Points to consider: Army placements are residential Train journey travel expenses paid by Army Applicable for BTEC Sport RAF – see Mrs Fuller please do not apply direct
Make sure you get your ‘Work Experience Application Form’ signed by: YOUR PARENT/CARER AND THE EMPLOYER Hand in your signed and completed form to Kingston Reception or The Careers Department and let your tutor know you have done this so that they can tick your name off. DEADLINE = 21st October 2011 Once you have found a placement…
You will receive a copy of a ‘Health and Safety Agreement’ form. This is just as important as the other form and MUST be returned to your tutor once it has been signed by your parent/carer and yourself. You now have a placement and will be going out on work experience! Then six weeks before...
Do NOT leave it until after the Summer Holidays. START LOOKING NOW! You are in competition with everyone else in the year group to get the placement you want, with the employer you want. Here’s a tip for you…
Mr Woolford Mrs Fuller SHAPE – Mrs Pidgely Mrs Ward Your Form Tutor Your subject teachers Your parent(s)/carer(s) Learning Support Department if you currently have specific support Who can help you?
‘DROP-IN’ EVERY LUNCH TIME! Who can help you? Also available from 8.00am – 4.00pm
Work Experience 2012 What will you do for your work experience…?