May 23, 2011 Lake Zurich High School
Welcome (Vetter/Ducato) 3-man Overview - Cummings Playoff Mechanics/Rule Interpretation Assignor Expectations 2
Moderator: Tom Cummings 4
R conducts the initial face-off 1 st and 4 th ; (R faces all OT’s) Single side and bench official should be on midline Face-off official should be “over the top”; stay home WINGS: Point the direction of your goal Break on the whistle- immediately Single side has SOME count DON’T start the game with a face-off violation Let the F/O ref call 90% of post F/O infractions (too many eyes on the ball)- “off” officials have their restraining lines Possession call with color ( pay attention single side) Violations: signal IP but try to verbalize the violation
Coaches Area Table X FACE-OFF: Ball goes towards
Coaches Area Table
(Recommend) Fastest ref F/O: Break IMMEDIATELY to cover the back of the F/O refs goal Always has the first count from face-off 20 second count in defensive side (only time) 10 second count in offensive side Continues to have count until trail rejoins
Position 5-7 yds above GLE Move “in and out” dependent on the Lead movements Initial 10 count into the attack box; subsequent counts until Trail rejoins You always have the SHOOTER Defense possession- break IMMEDIATELY to midline; GET TO THE CONE (look behind, see the ball) Is the PRIMARY for offside calls Fast break: if you are 5 yards behind don’t stop
Only signal goal if Lead needs help You have a sideline (you have no endline) Restarts: your position is always at midline if ball in the defensive side Restarts in offensive side- let the Trail have the count Penalty enforcement: restart the ball on single side (if practical)
Position: GLE Don’t let the ball/players behind you(back pedal; don’t turn your eyes from the players) Endline 10 second count in your alley until Trail rejoins Move “on and off” crease with the ball Coverage : a halo about 10 yard radius Talk with players Signal goal.. Rotate to single side
Report all fouls to table Sweep the Substitution box ◦ Allow subs to finish before you re-enter ◦ Penalty at the table ◦ Subs in box, only when imminent Failure to advance: defensive 20 seconds ◦ Goalie/def possession- pump and start timer ◦ Long clears : stay at GLE or behind the ball YOU are the 2 nd for OFFSIDE
TRAIL Rejoin the play- don’t be in a hurry ◦ Let the substitutions finish ◦ 10 second counts in offensive half ◦ Watch the shooter, especially when ball on SS ◦ See illegal screens when ball behind goal ◦ Tell the lead you are back- “I’m in” ◦ OOB on Lead side
L S S is “on” and has count when ball is in the blue area L is “on” and has count when ball is in yellow area On/off before Trail is in play (2-man) T T is watching subs and has the quick offside call and the left goal
L S S is “on” and has count when ball is in blue area L is “on” but T has count in green area On/off after Trail is in play T T is “on” official and has count when the ball is in orange area L is “on” when ball is in yellow area T can make “on” calls in gray area
Single becomes the “new” face-off man Lead becomes the new SS Single runs to center X (Don’t turn and face your partner) Bench stays; bench verbalizes “timer on” F/O checks with Bench side ref for “OK” to face Bench signals when field is ready(20 seconds); waits for signal from far side F/O back out to bench side (You become the Lead at your ass)
Coaches Area Table G OAL SS F/O
Communicate (Report fouls) with your partners TRAIL will report to the table (C-NOTE) SS and LEAD: “Set the field” ◦ Locate the ball ◦ Count the defense and offense ◦ Inform goalie of ball location: Official closest to the goalie –no need to yell to goalie ◦ Restart in the alley on SS (if possible) ◦ Restart Lead/Trail side, (whistle) whoever is closest to ball (Single side should inform goalie) ◦ Someone should look at the clock
Moderator: Craig Peterson 21
Uniform same as regular season (follow assignor) Contact partner prior to arrival Arrive 45 min prior (25 min pre-game, on field at 20 min) Coaches Cert, Coin Toss, Face-off guys (new) ◦ Emphasize (Center ball on head, no lean, no early) Partner Communication (eye contact, verbal) Count Players on re-starts Stalling (consistency, don’t confuse good defense with stalling) Expulsion Fouls (be SURE it is justified) Be aware of time-out situations (player in trouble..last 2 min of period) Raise your game (offsides, substitution..advantage calls in addition to safety!) 22
Head Shots - Continue enforcement of hits to the head. Slash to head is a slash and is a normal releasable penalty. Equipment – Penalize illegal sticks …be preventative on all other equipment issues. Know the rules … ask questions tonight …contact after this meeting with any questions or clarification. Don’t enter the playoffs with uncertainty! 23
ILLAX: John Vetter RVOA: Pete Ducato 24
3-man 3-man in quarter-finals and select earlier games
26 1.CYA 2.CMA 3.DFU 4.Have Fun
Coaches Area Table