I will wait for the mickey mouse and scared him
I think I hear something
It is mickey hide Why is there this huge pumpkin
I think the plan is working out This giant pumpkin is scarring me
I will run home and hide He is scared the plan worked yes
Don’t run home mickey How do you know my name
Because I am a friend of yours What is your name
My name is Minnie Minnie why are you hiding behind the pumpkin
Because it is Halloween That does not give you the rights to scared someone
Why are you getting all offensive about it Because I HATE Halloween
That does not mean you can yell at me like that I was not yelling at you and don’t take that tone with me Minnie
What did you call me Come out you crowd
That hurts a lot You heard me
Ok I will come out Maybe if you come out I wont call you a crowd
Al the way See mickey its me
Ok I will come out Ok All the way
Ok I will come out Ok take of the costume
Ok I will come out Ok take of the costume
Happy Halloween Ok Why did you do that
Because on Halloween you scare people Ok Ok fine