Mailer Rating National Deployment Mailer Rating Review
FAST 2 Agenda Mailer Rating Review Mailer Rating Resources
FAST 3 Mailer Rating Review Tiers are assigned score ranges for each facility. Higher tiers have greater options for available slots. Tier ranges are set on a national level, not on a facility level. Mailer Rating Review Mailer Rating only applies to Standard Mail and Package Services drop shipment appointments; pure Periodicals and perishable appointments are not rated. Mailer Rating does not apply to DDUs. Tiering Early Arrivals: USPS customers are not penalized or rewarded for early arrivals for their drop shipments. It is at the discretion of the USPS facility whether they are able to accommodate an early arrival prior to the appointment time. The original appointment number must be used when accepting an early arrival. If the facility has the availability to accept the shipment it will be processed as on-time. Otherwise, appointments that arrive at the designated time will receive precedence over early arrivals. If the actual appointment arrival time is earlier than the scheduled appointment time, the timeframe evaluated is from the scheduled appointment date/time to the unload end time, or from the unload start time to the unload end time, whichever occurs first.
FAST 4 Mailer Rating Review cont. The Slot Availability Report No Show No Show appointments can be reopened for up to 288 hours after the scheduled appointment date and time in FAST. If you arrived on-time for your scheduled appointment at a given facility, but it was entered as a No Show in FAST, please review the Closeout Data Report in FAST to confirm the status of the appointment, and contact the Facility Coordinator with the signed copy of the PS Form If the appointment number is not on the PS Form 8125 you will be accepted as an unscheduled arrival. The Slot Availability Report displays all of the available slots (regardless of mailer rating tier) that are currently available at a given facility. Depending on tier placement users may have access to all, some, or none up to 24 hours prior to the appointment date/time for a specified facility. The report can be leveraged to determine the number of slots that could potentially be available. Multi-stop If a multi-stop appointment is delayed by USPS, the first appointment is subject to all mailer rating scoring criteria. Any following appointments are rated except for On-Time Accuracy. Full points for On-Time Accuracy are awarded as long as no exceptions or exemptions apply.
FAST 5 If you are an LTL carrier, or if you use an LTL carrier, you must work together to ensure you meet the requirement of one appointment per truck per stop. FAST provides the capability for customers to work together in joint scheduling where multiple mail owners can work within one appointment created/managed by the scheduler If customers arrive at a USPS facility with multiple appointments associated per load per stop, FAST will rate all appointments with a score of 0. For information on Joint Scheduling please review the Joint Scheduling Job Aid at by clicking on the Resources link. For further information please refer to Publication 804, Drop Shipment Procedures for Destination Entry. LTL Carriers Mailer Rating Review cont.
FAST 6 Agenda Mailer Rating Review Mailer Rating Resources
FAST 7 Mailer Checklist Ensure all drop shipments have an appointment in FAST Ensure the appointment number is on all PS Forms 8125 If a shipment arrives without an appointment number, a Scheduler ID must be provided. Drivers will be asked to contact the Dispatcher or Scheduler in order to furnish this information If you are an LTL carrier, or if you use an LTL carrier, you must work together to ensure you meet the requirement of one appointment per truck per stop. Shipments arriving at postal facilities with multiple appointments reduce the opportunity for other schedulers to book appointments. All multiple appointments will be rated zero for the entire appointment Monitor your Recurring Appointment Performance Report regularly Review all PS Forms 8125 returned from your drivers Schedule accurate content for appointments and update as needed Cancel appointments with more than 12 hours notice Arrive on time for all appointments Monitor your Closeout Data Report and follow-up on discrepancies; contact facility as soon as possible Mailer Reminders
FAST 8 Example - Mailer Rating Timeline Corporate Rating is calculated on August 16th and tiers will be designated based on appointment data from July 7th to August 3 rd. On August 18th FAST allocates appointment slots according to tier availability for appointments scheduled for September 1 st onward. Appointment availability for September 1 st onward will be based on tier.
FAST 9 Mailer Rating Resources FAST Training & Job Aids Available on the Customer website at Pre-login users can click on Resources > Reference Documents to: Download updated Customer Web-Based Training (Module 7) View FAST Job Aids View FAST User Guide View, link to or download Publication 804, Drop Shipment Procedures for Destination Entry, Domestic Mail Manual, and all PS Forms Mailer Rating Reports Users can access the following Mailer Rating reports: Appointment Rating Analysis Report Corporate Rating Report Recurring Appointment Performance Report Slot Availability Report
FAST 10 Mailer Rating Resources (continued) Please direct operational and policy issues to FAST Operations at Please direct Mailer Rating functionality questions to