Review of Transmission System associated with Palatana GBPP by Joint Secretary (Transmission), Ministry of Power Govt. of India
Beneficiary States :Constituents of NR & NER (JV) :Constituents of NER (POWERGRID) Project Cost :Rs Cr. Generation Sch. : Palatana (2x363 MW)U#1-May.’12, U#2-Jun.’12 (Last commitment) Bongaigaon (3x250MW) U#I –July.’12 onwards Commissioning Schedule of ATS : Progressively by 34 month from Investment Approval accorded by BOD in Feb.’10 i.e. Dec.’12 Anticipated Schedule of ATS : Progressively from Mar.’12 to June.’13.
To be charged at 132 KV
Mar.’12 Feb.’12Jan.’12 Mar.’12
Jun.’12 *Subject to forest clearance by Sept.’11 Jan.’12 Mar.’12 Aug.’12 Jun.’12 Feb.’12 Mar.’12
TRANS. SYSTEM REQUIRED FOR EVACUATION OF POWER Required to draw power from Unit#1 of Palatana GBPP 400 KV D/c Palatana GBPP–Silchar (PG) Line-246 km-Ant. Mar.’ KV D/c Silchar – Badarpur(PG) Line-21km (For Assam to draw its share)- Ant. Feb.’12 132kV S/c Silchar- Srikona line -3 Kms. (For Assam to draw its share) - Ant. Jan.’12 132kV S/c Silchar – Hailakandi line –17 Kms. (For Assam to draw its share) - Ant. Mar.’12 New 400/132 KV S/S at Silcher Ant. – Mar’12 (Priority Bays) Bay extension at existing s/s at Srikona (AEGCL) - Ant. Mar.’12 Bay extension at existing s/s at Badarpur (PGCIL) - Ant. Mar.’12
Required to draw power from unit#2 of Palatana GBPP 400 KV D/c Silcher–Bongaigaon Line-415 Km. (NETCL-Main Trunk Line)– Efforts are made to complete matching commissioning of unit#2 i.e. by June.’12 subject to forest clearance by Sept.’ kV D/c Palatana - Surajmaninagar (TSECL) line-35km (For Tripura to draw its share) – Ant. – Mar.’12 400kV D/c Silchar – Purba Kanchan Bari (TSECL) line-122km (For Tripura to draw its share) – Ant. – Jun.’12 LILO of one Ckt. of 400 Kv D/C Silcher – Bongaigaon at Byrnihat (For Meghalaya to draw its share) – Ant. – Jun.’13 * (Now targeted to be completed by Aug.’12) 400 KV Bay extension at 400/220 KV Bongaiaon S/S (PGCIL) Bay extn. at existing s/s at Surajmaninagar (TSECL)—Apr.’12 Bay extension at existing s/s at P.K. Bari (TSECL)—Jun.’12 New 400/132 GIS Station at Byrnihat (Under Consultancy of MeSCL by POWERGRID)—Aug.’12
Other Strengthening Scheme For Mizoram Silchar – Melriat (New) 400kV D/c line (charged at 132kV) – 160km (Ant. Compl.- Mar.’13 subject to forest clearance by Dec.’11)) Melriat (New) – Melriat(Mizoram) interconnecting 132kV D/c line – 30km— Uncertain (*) 400/132 KV New S/S at Melriat with 6x10MVA transformation capacity Bay extension at existing s/s at Melriat (Mizoram)----Uncertain (*) (*)- Mizoram State now have proposed for new 400 KV S/s to CEA. For Nagaland LILO of Kathalguri – Misa 400kV S/c line at Mariani (New)–2km (Mar.’13) Mariani(new)-Mokokchung (PG) 220kV D/c line – 56km (Mar.’13) Mokokchung (PG)-Mokokchung (Nagaland) 132kV D/c line -1km 220 KV New S/S at Mariani (Mar.’13) 132/33 KV New S/S at Mokakchung with 6x10MVA transformation capacity (Ant. Jun.’13; Best efforts:- Mar.’13) Bay extension at existing s/s at Mokakchung (Nagaland) (Mar.’13)
Other Strengthening Schme For Manipur Silchar - Imphal 400kV D/c line (charged at 132kV) 140km— Jun.’13 LILO of Loktak- Imphal(PG) 132kV S/c line at Imphal – 6km- Dec.’12 Bay extension at Existing Imphal s/s- Dec.’12 For Aurnachal Pradesh 132kV S/c Pasighat – Roing –Tezu line km Ant.- Jun.’13 132kV S/c Tezu – Namsai line – 90km Ant.-Jun.’13 New s/s at Roing, Tezu & Namsai with transformation capacity of 2x10 MVA Ant. - Roing & Tezu by Dec.’12 & Namsai-Jun.’13 Bay extension at Passighat S/S of Arunachal State
Forest Clearnce Name of LineLine length in forst area Km StateDate of Submission of forest proposal (to DFO / NO) Remarks Silchar- Badarpur 132 kV D/C Line (21 KM) 0 Nil Assam No forest area involved. Palatana- Surajmaninagar 400 KV D/C Line (35 Km) 1 Km Ha Tripura Resubmitted to Nodal officer on Expected to be forwarded to RMoEF shortly by Nodal Officer. Silchar-Purba Kanchan Bari (TSECL) 400 KV D/C Line (122 Km) Ha Tripura DFO, Koilasahar submitted the proposal to Nodal Officer on Proposal resubmitted to Nodal Officer by CF, Silchar on for processing and onward submission to Secy, Forest, GOA.
Name of LineLine length in forst area Km Stat e Date of Subm. of forest proposal (to DFO / NO Remarks Silchar- Melriat (New) 400 KV line (160 Km) 81.5 Kms Ha Miz ora m Forest proposal forwarded to MoEF, Delhi by Govt. of Mizoram for first stage clearance on Kms 22.7 Ha Ass am Kms paddy field locations described as R.F area by Forest Deptt. Revised proposal submitted to Nodal Officer on & forwarded to CF, Silchar on Melriat (New)- Melriat (Mizo.) 132 KV D/C Line (6 Km) 1.85 Kms 4.7 Ha Miz ora m Proposal is now being processed by DFO, Aizawl. Identification of degraded forest land for compensatory afforestation is going on. Silchar- Imphal (New) 400 KV D/C line (140 Km) 9.4 Kms Ha Ass am Revised proposal has been submitted to Nodal Officer on and under processing at DFOs end since Kms Ha Man ipur Proposal forwarded by Secy, Forest, GoM to MoEF, Delhi on MoEF instructed RMoEF, Shillong to carry out site inspection.
Name of LineLine length in forst area Km StateDate of Submission of forest proposal (to DFO / NO) Remarks Mariani (New) - Mokokchung 220 KV D/C Line (56 Km) Kms Ha Assam, Joint inspection completed along with forest Officials on 09/03/2011. The Proposal is now with DFO, Jorhat for further processing. Pasighat- Roing 132 KV S/C line ( on D/C tower) (67 Km) Kms H Arunac hal Pra des h Proposal is forwarded to respective DFO by Nodal Officer. Joint tree innemuration not yet started. Division wise forest proposals (One each for Pasighat and Dibang/Roing Forest Division) to be resubmitted after completion of detail survey in the forest area. Tezu-Namsai 132 KV S/C line (on D/C tower) (90 Km) Kms Ha Arunac hal Prades h Proposal is forwarded to respective DFO by Nodal Officer. DFO, Namsai has already given intimation to concerned Range Officers for joint verification. Joint tree enumeration started from Tezu end in Tafragram RF from
ISSUES WITH VARIOUS CONSTITUENTS MIZORAM STATE Melriat(POWERGRID)- Melriat(Mizoram) was planned at 132 kV D/c line for supplying power to Mizoram. Mizoram Govt. later on planned to evacuate power at Shhmui instead of Melriat. Recently Mizoram State have asked to construct 400 KV Line instead of 132 KV as they have planned to construct 400 KV s/s at Shhmui. Matter referred to CEA. Delay in implementation of downstream line shall affect power drawl by Mizoram state as well as commissioning of PGCIL system. MANIPUR STATE Silcher- Imphal line is passing through insurgency area. Police protection to be provided.
Contdd.. ASSAM STATE Silchar-Hailakandi 132 kV D/c line:- AEGCL yet to acquire land for Hailakandi s/s. Till the availability of Halaikandi S/S, Silcher–Halakandi Line is planned to connect with 132 KV S/C Pancgram–Dullavchara line as contingency arrangement. LILO of Silchar-Bongaigaon 400kV D/C line at Azara; LILO of Agia- Guwahati 220kV New Substation at Azara; 2x315MVA, 400/220kV New Substation at Azara 63MVAR line reactor in Silchar-Azara 400kV line at Azara end and 63MVAR Bus reactor at Azara Silcher S/S- Law & Order Problem Local miscreants have disturbed the site work various times & threaten the staff. Recently group of local people entered in s/s compound and taken away T&P as well as materials. Armed Police force needs to be deployed immediately. Matter taken up with State as well as District authority since long, action awaited.
Assam Forest Clearance :- Palatana- P.K.Bari (TSECL) 400 KV D/C Line :- Proposal now forwarded to Nodal Officer by CF, Silchar on for processing and onward submission to Secy, Forest, GoA. Being pursued at Nodal Office for early disposal.. Silchar- Melriat (New)400 KV line) :-DFO forwarded proposal to CF, Silchar on & being pursued at CF, Silchar for expedious processing. Silchar- Imphal (New)400 KV D/C line: Proposal is with DFO, Cachar since
Contdd.. MEGHALAYA STATE MeSEB have assigned execution of 2x315MVA, 400/220kV New Substation at Byrnihat along with LILO of one ckt. of Silchar- Bongaigaon 400kV D/C line at Byrnihat to POWERGRID as consultancy project. All awards placed by POWERGRID in Aug.’11. Land for S/S yet to be handed over. Last commitment :- to handover land by in Secy. (DoNER) meeting. 2 nd stage clearance (FRA Issue) for Silcher–Bongaigaon Line, Meghalaya portion. TRIPURA STATE TSECL to ensure handing over of fronts at Surajmaninagar substation by Dec.’11 so as to ensure readiness of bays for Palatana- Surajmaninagar 400 kV D/c line by Mar.’12.
Tripura Palatana- Surajmaninagar (TSECL) 400 KV D/C Line :- Nodal Officer to forward proposal to RMoEF shortly. Silchar-Purba Kanchan Bari (TSECL) 400 KV D/C Line:-Proposal held up at Nodal Officer for the FRA compliance certificate for which DC, North Tripura is being pursued. Arunchal Pradesh Pasighat s/s and Along-Pasighat 132 kV line to be executed by Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh to ensure the power supply to Roing, Tezu and Namsai areas. POWERGRID has provided 2 nos. of 33kV bay for 33 kV take off from these substations. It is requested that Arunachal Pradesh may identify the 33 kV take off arrangement from these sub-stations
Thank you