Indian Digital Library in Engineering Science & Technology (INDEST) Consortium by Dr. Jagdish Arora Librarian, IIT Bombay & National Coordinator, INDEST Consortium
INDEST Consortium INDEST Consortium: Genesis Recommendations made at the “National Seminar on Knowledge Networking in Engineering & Technology Education and Research”, Dec. 1 – 2, 2000 at IIT Delhi; Preliminary Proposal circulated to all IITs, IISc, REC and other engineering institutions, their suggestions were sought and incorporated; MHRD Appointed the Expert Group in April 2002; The Expert Group submitted its report in Sept., 2002; INDEST Consortium was formed in Dec., 2002; and recommended resources were subscribed for Care was taken to avoid duplication of resources in member institutions. Slide 2: Genesis The proposal for consortia-based subscription to electronic resources was first discussed at length at the “National Seminar on Knowledge Networking in Engineering & Technology Education and Research” held at the IIT Delhi between December 1 and 2, On the recommendations of one of the work group of this Seminar, a preliminary proposal on consortia-based subscription to electronic resources was prepared and circulated to all IITs, IISc and RECs. On the basis of feedback obtained from these institutions, a revised draft proposal was prepared which encompassed other engineering colleges and institutions as beneficiary of this initiative. The Ministry, based on the last draft proposal, appointed an expert group to discuss elaborately on the e-resources with the publishers and aggregators and evolve a working model for execution of the consortium. The Expert Group appointed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), after contemplating facts and figures gathered by it on the subscription amount payable by the individual institutions and the consortium, was convinced that consortia-based subscription is the only alternative to increase the access to electronic resources across Institutions at a lower cost. The Expert Group submitted its report to the Ministry in Sept., The recommendations made by the Expert Group was accepted and implemented in Dec., All recommended electronic resources were subscribed for the year 2003 as per the recommendations made by the Expert Group. Slide 2: Genesis The proposal for consortia-based subscription to electronic resources was first discussed at length at the “National Seminar on Knowledge Networking in Engineering & Technology Education and Research” held at the IIT Delhi between December 1 and 2, On the recommendations of one of the work group of this Seminar, a preliminary proposal on consortia-based subscription to electronic resources was prepared and circulated to all IITs, IISc and RECs. On the basis of feedback obtained from these institutions, a revised draft proposal was prepared which encompassed other engineering colleges and institutions as beneficiary of this initiative. The Ministry, based on the last draft proposal, appointed an expert group to discuss elaborately on the e-resources with the publishers and aggregators and evolve a working model for execution of the consortium. The Expert Group appointed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), after contemplating facts and figures gathered by it on the subscription amount payable by the individual institutions and the consortium, was convinced that consortia-based subscription is the only alternative to increase the access to electronic resources across Institutions at a lower cost. The Expert Group submitted its report to the Ministry in Sept., The recommendations made by the Expert Group was accepted and implemented in Dec., All recommended electronic resources were subscribed for the year 2003 as per the recommendations made by the Expert Group.
INDEST Consortium INDEST Consortium: Basic Model The MHRD provides funds to the INDEST consortium: For subscription to electronic resources for institutes funded by it; and For operational cost of the Consortium. Benefit of Consortia-based Subscription is passed on to other educational institutions. These institutions may subscribe on their own. The member institutions may also subscribe to e- resources through the consortium that are not being paid for them by the MHRD. Slide 3: INDEST Consortium: Basic Model The funds provided by the MHRD to the INDEST consortium has the following two components: 1.Funds for subscription to electronic resources for various institutions as per their entitlements recommended by the Expert Group; and 2.Funds for operational cost of the Consortium. Benefit of Consortia-based Subscription is also passed on to other educational institutions. These institutions can subscribe to all electronic resources at the rate applicable to the core members of the consortium. The member institutions may also subscribe to e-resources through the consortium that are not being paid for them by the MHRD. Slide 3: INDEST Consortium: Basic Model The funds provided by the MHRD to the INDEST consortium has the following two components: 1.Funds for subscription to electronic resources for various institutions as per their entitlements recommended by the Expert Group; and 2.Funds for operational cost of the Consortium. Benefit of Consortia-based Subscription is also passed on to other educational institutions. These institutions can subscribe to all electronic resources at the rate applicable to the core members of the consortium. The member institutions may also subscribe to e-resources through the consortium that are not being paid for them by the MHRD.
INDEST Consortium INDEST Consortium: Members Members Core Members 38 (Funds for e-resources through MHRD) Members with AICTE Support 60 Other Members (self-supported) 12 Total 110 Slide 4: Members The total number of members in the INDEST Consortium has grown to 110 including: 38 Core Members (funds for e-resources provided by the MHRD), 60 members including Government Engineering Colleges or Government-aided Engineering Colleges (funds for e-resources provided by the AICTE, and 12 self-supported members. Slide 4: Members The total number of members in the INDEST Consortium has grown to 110 including: 38 Core Members (funds for e-resources provided by the MHRD), 60 members including Government Engineering Colleges or Government-aided Engineering Colleges (funds for e-resources provided by the AICTE, and 12 self-supported members.
INDEST Consortium Core Member Institutions and E-resources Full-text Resources IEL Online Science Direct & Ideal Library Springer’s Link ABI / INFORM ACM Digital Library ASTP ASME Journals ASCE Journals Bibliographic Databases COMPENDEX INSPEC Web of Science SciFinder Scholar MathSciNet JCCC JGATE IITs & IISc Indian Institutes of Technology, Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras & Roorkee; & Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Electronic Resources Slide 5 : Core Members and E-resources IITs and IISc: Including 7 Indian Institutes of Technology at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras & Roorkee and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The resources subscribed for them include: Full-text Resources: IEL Online; Science Direct & Ideal Library; Springer’s Link; ABI / INFORM; ACM Digital Library; ASTP; ASME Journals and ASCE Journals Bibliographic Databases: COMPENDEX; INSPEC; Web of Science; SciFinder Scholar; MathSciNet; JCCC and JGATE Slide 5 : Core Members and E-resources IITs and IISc: Including 7 Indian Institutes of Technology at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras & Roorkee and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The resources subscribed for them include: Full-text Resources: IEL Online; Science Direct & Ideal Library; Springer’s Link; ABI / INFORM; ACM Digital Library; ASTP; ASME Journals and ASCE Journals Bibliographic Databases: COMPENDEX; INSPEC; Web of Science; SciFinder Scholar; MathSciNet; JCCC and JGATE
INDEST Consortium Core Member Institutions and E-resources NITs / RECs, ISM, NERIST and SLIET All NITs / NITs (17) Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Itanagar Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sangrur Electronic Resources Full-text ResourcesBibliographic Databases IEL OnlineJCCC Springer’s LinkJGATE ACM Digital Library ASTP ASME Journals ASCE Journals Slide 6: Core Members and E-resources NITs / RECs, ISM, NERIST and SLIET: All RECs / NITs (17) ; Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad; North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Itanagar; and Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sangrur. The resources subscribed for them include: Full-text Resources: IEL Online; Springer’s Link; ACM Digital Library; ASTP; ASME Journals; ASCE Journals Bibliographic Databases: JCCC and JGATE Slide 6: Core Members and E-resources NITs / RECs, ISM, NERIST and SLIET: All RECs / NITs (17) ; Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad; North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Itanagar; and Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sangrur. The resources subscribed for them include: Full-text Resources: IEL Online; Springer’s Link; ACM Digital Library; ASTP; ASME Journals; ASCE Journals Bibliographic Databases: JCCC and JGATE
INDEST Consortium Core Member Institutions and E-resources IIIT & PEC Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad Punjab Engineering College (PEC), Chandigarh Electronic Resources Full-text Resources IEL Online Springer’s Link Applied Science & Technology Plus (ASTP) Bibliographic Databases JCCC Slide 7: Core Members and E-resources IIIT & PEC: Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad and Punjab Engineering College (PEC), Chandigarh. The e-resources subscribed for them include: Full-text Resources: IEL Online; Springer’s Link; Applied Science & Technology Plus (ASTP) Bibliographic Databases: JCCC Slide 7: Core Members and E-resources IIIT & PEC: Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad and Punjab Engineering College (PEC), Chandigarh. The e-resources subscribed for them include: Full-text Resources: IEL Online; Springer’s Link; Applied Science & Technology Plus (ASTP) Bibliographic Databases: JCCC
INDEST Consortium Core Member Institutions and E-resources Indian Institutes of Managements, NITIE & IIITM Indian Institutes of Management, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Indore, Kozhikode, Lucknow NITIE, Bombay Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM), Gwalior Electronic Resources (Full-text) IEL Online ACM Digital Library ABI / INFORM CERC's Insight CRIS INFAC Industry Information Service Slide 8: Core Members and E-resources IIMs, NITIE & IIITM: Indian Institutes of Management, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Indore, Kozhikode, Lucknow and NITIE, Bombay, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM), Gwalior Full-text Resources: IEL Online; ACM Digital Library; ABI / INFORM; CERC’s Insignt and CRIS INFAC Industry Information Service Slide 8: Core Members and E-resources IIMs, NITIE & IIITM: Indian Institutes of Management, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Indore, Kozhikode, Lucknow and NITIE, Bombay, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM), Gwalior Full-text Resources: IEL Online; ACM Digital Library; ABI / INFORM; CERC’s Insignt and CRIS INFAC Industry Information Service
INDEST Consortium Member Institutions and E-resources AICTE Supported Institutions 60 Government Colleges and Universities Departments Electronic Resources (Full-text) IEL Online (Single User) ASCE Journals ASME Journals Applied Science & Technology Plus (ASTP) Slide 9: E-resources for AICTE Supported Institutions (60 Government Colleges and Universities Departments) Full-text Resources: IEL Online (Single User); ASCE Journals; ASME Journals and Applied Science & Technology Plus (ASTP) Slide 9: E-resources for AICTE Supported Institutions (60 Government Colleges and Universities Departments) Full-text Resources: IEL Online (Single User); ASCE Journals; ASME Journals and Applied Science & Technology Plus (ASTP)
INDEST Consortium Full-text Resources Subscribed for INDEST Consortium Slide 10: Electronic Resources Subscribed for the INDEST Consortium The INDEST subscribes to 16 electronic resources that include 9 full-text resources and 7 bibliographic databases. All institutions do not have access to all electronic resources, differential access to various e-resources are provided selectively to various institutions as per the recommendation of the Expert Group on consortia-based subscription to e-resources appointed by the MHRD. The full-text resources include: IEEE / IEE Electronic Library Online (IEL); Elsevier’s ScienceDirect; Elsevier’s Ideal Library; Springer Verlag’s: Link; Applied Science and Technology Plus (ASTP); ABI / INFORM; ACM Digital Library; ASCE Journals and ASME Journals. The bibliographic databases include: Compendex Plus; INSPEC; SciFinder Scholar; MathSciNet; Web of Science; JGATE and JCCC. Slide 10: Electronic Resources Subscribed for the INDEST Consortium The INDEST subscribes to 16 electronic resources that include 9 full-text resources and 7 bibliographic databases. All institutions do not have access to all electronic resources, differential access to various e-resources are provided selectively to various institutions as per the recommendation of the Expert Group on consortia-based subscription to e-resources appointed by the MHRD. The full-text resources include: IEEE / IEE Electronic Library Online (IEL); Elsevier’s ScienceDirect; Elsevier’s Ideal Library; Springer Verlag’s: Link; Applied Science and Technology Plus (ASTP); ABI / INFORM; ACM Digital Library; ASCE Journals and ASME Journals. The bibliographic databases include: Compendex Plus; INSPEC; SciFinder Scholar; MathSciNet; Web of Science; JGATE and JCCC.
INDEST Consortium IEL Online 120 IEEE and IEE periodicals, 7,80,000 documents from over 12,000 publications 25,000 new pages are added every month 922,177 Documents Online Subscribed for: All Institutions Slide 11: IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) Online The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) covers almost one third of the world's current electrical engineering and computer science literature, providing unparalleled access to publications from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). The resource covers more than 780,000 documents from over 12,000 publications, including 120 journals, transactions, magazines, conference proceedings, IEEE Standards. More than 25,000 new pages are added per month. It provides access to more than two million full-page PDF images, including all original charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs, and illustrative material. Back-files: 1950 onwards Archival Access: Archival data free of charge after 3 years of continuous subscription to IEL Online for Cat. I and II institutions. Simultaneous Access: Limited (Cat. I: 15; Cat. II: 5; Cat. III:1) ASPP Print Package is made available at a highly discounted rates. Slide 11: IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) Online The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) covers almost one third of the world's current electrical engineering and computer science literature, providing unparalleled access to publications from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). The resource covers more than 780,000 documents from over 12,000 publications, including 120 journals, transactions, magazines, conference proceedings, IEEE Standards. More than 25,000 new pages are added per month. It provides access to more than two million full-page PDF images, including all original charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs, and illustrative material. Back-files: 1950 onwards Archival Access: Archival data free of charge after 3 years of continuous subscription to IEL Online for Cat. I and II institutions. Simultaneous Access: Limited (Cat. I: 15; Cat. II: 5; Cat. III:1) ASPP Print Package is made available at a highly discounted rates.
INDEST Consortium Science Direct & Academic Press 1700 journals 59 million abstracts 3,915,124 Articles Online Subscribed for: IITs & IISc Slide 12: Elsevier’s Science Direct and Academic Press’s Ideal Library ScienceDirect is the web-based interface to the full-text database of Elsevier Science journals and Academic Press (Ideal), one of the world's largest providers of scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature. The ScienceDirect offers a rich electronic environment for research journals, bibliographic databases and reference works. The database offers more than 1700 scientific, technical and medical peer- reviewed journals, over 59 million abstracts, over two million full-text scientific journal articles, an expanding suite of bibliographic databases and linking to another one million full-text articles via CrossRef to other publishers' platforms. Print-base: Yes, Participants are required to maintain their print subscription Back-files: 1995 onwards Archival Access: Offered on the cost of preparing data set Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Price-cap on Print: 5% Slide 12: Elsevier’s Science Direct and Academic Press’s Ideal Library ScienceDirect is the web-based interface to the full-text database of Elsevier Science journals and Academic Press (Ideal), one of the world's largest providers of scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature. The ScienceDirect offers a rich electronic environment for research journals, bibliographic databases and reference works. The database offers more than 1700 scientific, technical and medical peer- reviewed journals, over 59 million abstracts, over two million full-text scientific journal articles, an expanding suite of bibliographic databases and linking to another one million full-text articles via CrossRef to other publishers' platforms. Print-base: Yes, Participants are required to maintain their print subscription Back-files: 1995 onwards Archival Access: Offered on the cost of preparing data set Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Price-cap on Print: 5%
INDEST Consortium Springer’s Link 450 journals, 300 journals accessible to members (excluding journals in medical sciences) Over 3,40,000 full-text articles 10 Online Libraries Subscribed for: IITs & IISc, NITs, ISM, NERIST, SLIET, IIIT, IIITM & PEC Slide 13: Springer Verlag’s Link Springer Link is the online e-books and e-journals service from Springer Verlag, one of the world´s leading scientific publishers. Key subject areas include: Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geosciences, Chemistry Engineering and Medicine. The resource include over 400 current journals of the highest quality, as well as more than 20 book series. Currently over 3,40,000 full- text articles are available in Springer Link. Print-base: Yes, Participants are required to maintain their print subscription. Backfile: Varies from journal to journal. Most titles go back as far as Archival Access: Offered on one time payment of Euro 15,000. Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Slide 13: Springer Verlag’s Link Springer Link is the online e-books and e-journals service from Springer Verlag, one of the world´s leading scientific publishers. Key subject areas include: Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geosciences, Chemistry Engineering and Medicine. The resource include over 400 current journals of the highest quality, as well as more than 20 book series. Currently over 3,40,000 full- text articles are available in Springer Link. Print-base: Yes, Participants are required to maintain their print subscription. Backfile: Varies from journal to journal. Most titles go back as far as Archival Access: Offered on one time payment of Euro 15,000. Simultaneous Access: Un-limited
INDEST Consortium Applied Science & Technology Plus ( ASTP) 165 full-text journals Index and Abstracts for 560 journals All titles are indexed from 1994 forward CD ROM backup Subscribed for: NITs,ISM, NERIST, SLIET, IIIT, IIITM & PEC Slide 14: Proquest’s Applied Science and Technology Plus The Applied Science & Technology Plus (ASTP) is a CD-ROM database (with access to the Web). The database provides indices and full abstracts to more than 556 key science and engineering titles, plus full-image of 160 titles. All titles are indexed from 1994 onward; the database is updated monthly. The resource is available on CD ROM as well as on the Web. While IITs and IISc have online access to ASTP, the NITs, RECs, SLIET, ISM and NERIST get Web-based access as well as backup on CD ROM. Resource: 160 Full-text Journals Indexed and Abstracted Print-base: No Media: Web with CD ROM backup. Back-files: 1994 onwards. Archival Access: On CD ROM Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Slide 14: Proquest’s Applied Science and Technology Plus The Applied Science & Technology Plus (ASTP) is a CD-ROM database (with access to the Web). The database provides indices and full abstracts to more than 556 key science and engineering titles, plus full-image of 160 titles. All titles are indexed from 1994 onward; the database is updated monthly. The resource is available on CD ROM as well as on the Web. While IITs and IISc have online access to ASTP, the NITs, RECs, SLIET, ISM and NERIST get Web-based access as well as backup on CD ROM. Resource: 160 Full-text Journals Indexed and Abstracted Print-base: No Media: Web with CD ROM backup. Back-files: 1994 onwards. Archival Access: On CD ROM Simultaneous Access: Un-limited
INDEST Consortium ABI / Inform 1800 full-text journals and 2000 journals indexed and abstracted 1985-Present; Backfile Subscribed for: IITs & IISc, IIMs, IIITM & NITIE Slide 15: Proquest’s ABI / INFORM Complete The ABI / Inform is one of the world's first electronic databases. It has been a premier source of business information for more than 30 years. The database contains content from thousands of journals that help researchers track business conditions, trends, management techniques, corporate strategies, and industry-specific topics worldwide. It consists of 1800 full-text journals and 2000 journals that are indexed and abstracted. The resource has four components, i.e. ABI / INFORM Complete, ABI Business Dateline, ABI / INFORM Archives and ABI Trade & Industry. The resource is offered on Web with CD ROM backup. Resource: 1800 full-text journals journals indexed Print-base: No Media: Web with CD ROM backup Back-files: 1985-Present; Backfile Archival Access: On CD ROM Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Slide 15: Proquest’s ABI / INFORM Complete The ABI / Inform is one of the world's first electronic databases. It has been a premier source of business information for more than 30 years. The database contains content from thousands of journals that help researchers track business conditions, trends, management techniques, corporate strategies, and industry-specific topics worldwide. It consists of 1800 full-text journals and 2000 journals that are indexed and abstracted. The resource has four components, i.e. ABI / INFORM Complete, ABI Business Dateline, ABI / INFORM Archives and ABI Trade & Industry. The resource is offered on Web with CD ROM backup. Resource: 1800 full-text journals journals indexed Print-base: No Media: Web with CD ROM backup Back-files: 1985-Present; Backfile Archival Access: On CD ROM Simultaneous Access: Un-limited
INDEST Consortium ACM Digital Library 30 full-text journals + conference proceedings +others; Over 103,000 full-text articles; Bibliographic database consisting of 30,000,000 items Subscribed for: IITs & IISc, IIMs,NITs, ISM, NERIST & SLIET Slide 16: ACM Digital Library The ACM Digital Library incorporates digital versions of works published by ACM since its inception. The major components of the resource is an enhanced version of the ACM Digital Library plus an extended bibliographic database, consisting of more than a quarter-million citations of core works in computing. The ACM Digital Library hosts over 103,000 full-text articles from ACM journals, magazines, and conference proceedings and half million bibliographic Records with about 2,50,000 links to full bibliographic information and 70,000 further links to full text resources. Resource: 30 full-text journals, conference proceedings and others Print-base: No Media: Web with CD ROM backup Back-files: Since 1952 Archival Access: On CD ROM Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Access Options: Web only, CD ROM back up provided as special cases Slide 16: ACM Digital Library The ACM Digital Library incorporates digital versions of works published by ACM since its inception. The major components of the resource is an enhanced version of the ACM Digital Library plus an extended bibliographic database, consisting of more than a quarter-million citations of core works in computing. The ACM Digital Library hosts over 103,000 full-text articles from ACM journals, magazines, and conference proceedings and half million bibliographic Records with about 2,50,000 links to full bibliographic information and 70,000 further links to full text resources. Resource: 30 full-text journals, conference proceedings and others Print-base: No Media: Web with CD ROM backup Back-files: Since 1952 Archival Access: On CD ROM Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Access Options: Web only, CD ROM back up provided as special cases
INDEST Consortium ASCE Journals 29 full-text journals + conference proceedings + others 1995 onward Bibliographic database consisting of 30,000,000 items Subscribed for: IITs & IISc, IIMs,NITs, ISM, NERIST & SLIET Slide 17: ASCE Journals Online The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is recognized globally for their significant contribution and dedication to the advancement of science and education in the civil engineering profession. The ASCE publishes 30 journals, periodicals and transactions that cover a comprehensive range of the civil engineering profession. ASCE journals are highly cited and are most relevant to the civil engineers for exchanging technical and professional knowledge. Information published in the journals of ASCE forms archival records not only of the technical advances of the ASCE but of the civil engineering profession as a whole. Resource: 30 journals, transactions, magazines Print-base: No Media: Web Back-files: 1995 onward Archival Backup: On CD ROM (on termination of subscription period) Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Slide 17: ASCE Journals Online The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is recognized globally for their significant contribution and dedication to the advancement of science and education in the civil engineering profession. The ASCE publishes 30 journals, periodicals and transactions that cover a comprehensive range of the civil engineering profession. ASCE journals are highly cited and are most relevant to the civil engineers for exchanging technical and professional knowledge. Information published in the journals of ASCE forms archival records not only of the technical advances of the ASCE but of the civil engineering profession as a whole. Resource: 30 journals, transactions, magazines Print-base: No Media: Web Back-files: 1995 onward Archival Backup: On CD ROM (on termination of subscription period) Simultaneous Access: Un-limited
INDEST Consortium ASME Journals 18 full-text journals + conference proceedings + others 2000 onwards Bibliographic database consisting of 30,000,000 items Subscribed for: IITs & IISc, IIMs,NITs, ISM, NERIST & SLIET Slide 18: ASME Journals Online The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a nonprofit educational and technical organization serving a worldwide community of mechanical engineers. The ASME conducts one of the world's largest technical publishing operations. The society holds more than 30 technical conferences and 200 professional development courses each year. The ASME promote and enhance the technical competency and professional well- being through quality programs and activities in mechanical engineering, better enable its practitioners to contribute to the well-being of humankind through its publications that include more than 20 journals and transactions Resource: 18 journals, transactions, magazines Print-base: No Media: Web Back-files: 2000 onwards Archival Backup: On CD ROM (on termination of subscription period) Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Slide 18: ASME Journals Online The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a nonprofit educational and technical organization serving a worldwide community of mechanical engineers. The ASME conducts one of the world's largest technical publishing operations. The society holds more than 30 technical conferences and 200 professional development courses each year. The ASME promote and enhance the technical competency and professional well- being through quality programs and activities in mechanical engineering, better enable its practitioners to contribute to the well-being of humankind through its publications that include more than 20 journals and transactions Resource: 18 journals, transactions, magazines Print-base: No Media: Web Back-files: 2000 onwards Archival Backup: On CD ROM (on termination of subscription period) Simultaneous Access: Un-limited
Bibliographic Databases Slide 19: Bibliographic Databases Subscribed for the INDEST Consortium The INDEST subscribes to 16 electronic resources that include 9 full-text resources and 7 bibliographic databases. Most bibliographic databases are accessible to IITs and IISc. The bibliographic databases include: Compendex Plus; INSPEC; SciFinder Scholar; MathSciNet; Web of Science; JGATE and JCCC. Slide 19: Bibliographic Databases Subscribed for the INDEST Consortium The INDEST subscribes to 16 electronic resources that include 9 full-text resources and 7 bibliographic databases. Most bibliographic databases are accessible to IITs and IISc. The bibliographic databases include: Compendex Plus; INSPEC; SciFinder Scholar; MathSciNet; Web of Science; JGATE and JCCC.
INDEST Consortium Compendex on EI Village 7 Million Records from more than 5000 journals 2,20,000 new abstracts are added annually Subscribed for: IITs & IISc Slide 20: COMPENDEX on EI Village The Compendex is the most comprehensive bibliographic database of engineering research available today, containing almost seven million references and abstracts taken from over 5,000 engineering journals, conferences and technical reports. The broad subject areas of engineering and applied science are comprehensively represented. Coverage includes nuclear technology, bioengineering, transportation, chemical and process engineering, light and optical technology, agricultural engineering and food technology, computers and data processing, applied physics, electronics and communications, control, civil, mechanical, materials, petroleum, aerospace and automotive engineering as well as narrower subtopics within all these and other major engineering fields. Approximately 250,000 new records are added to the database annually from over 175 disciplines and major specialties within engineering. Compendex is updated weekly to ensure access to critical developments in your field. Access Options: Web (With CD backup for the year subscribed) Coverage in Number of Years: 1970 onwards Print Equivalent: Engineering Compendex in print. Data Type: Bibliographic with Abstracts Total Number of Records: 7 Million Records from more than 5000 journals and conferences Number of records Added Annually: 220,000 Slide 20: COMPENDEX on EI Village The Compendex is the most comprehensive bibliographic database of engineering research available today, containing almost seven million references and abstracts taken from over 5,000 engineering journals, conferences and technical reports. The broad subject areas of engineering and applied science are comprehensively represented. Coverage includes nuclear technology, bioengineering, transportation, chemical and process engineering, light and optical technology, agricultural engineering and food technology, computers and data processing, applied physics, electronics and communications, control, civil, mechanical, materials, petroleum, aerospace and automotive engineering as well as narrower subtopics within all these and other major engineering fields. Approximately 250,000 new records are added to the database annually from over 175 disciplines and major specialties within engineering. Compendex is updated weekly to ensure access to critical developments in your field. Access Options: Web (With CD backup for the year subscribed) Coverage in Number of Years: 1970 onwards Print Equivalent: Engineering Compendex in print. Data Type: Bibliographic with Abstracts Total Number of Records: 7 Million Records from more than 5000 journals and conferences Number of records Added Annually: 220,000
INDEST Consortium INSPEC on EI Village 7 Million Records from over 3500 journals and 1500 conferences proceeding; 3,30,000 new abstracts are added annually Subscribed for: IITs & IISc Slide 21: INSPEC on EI Village INSPEC is the leading bibliographic database providing access to the world's scientific literature in electrical engineering, electronics, physics, control engineering, information technology, communications, and computers and computing. The database contains approximately seven million bibliographic records taken from 3,500 scientific and technical journals and 1,500 conference proceedings. Approximately 330,000 new records are added to the database annually. Online coverage is from 1969 to the present, and records are updated weekly. Access Options: Web (With CD backup for the year subscribed) Coverage in Number of Years: 1969 Print Equivalent: Engineering Compendex in print. Data Type: Bibliographic with Abstracts ( compendex and Inspec) Total Number of Records: 7 Million Records from over 3500 journals and 1500 conferences proceeding Number of Records Added Annually: 2,50,000 Slide 21: INSPEC on EI Village INSPEC is the leading bibliographic database providing access to the world's scientific literature in electrical engineering, electronics, physics, control engineering, information technology, communications, and computers and computing. The database contains approximately seven million bibliographic records taken from 3,500 scientific and technical journals and 1,500 conference proceedings. Approximately 330,000 new records are added to the database annually. Online coverage is from 1969 to the present, and records are updated weekly. Access Options: Web (With CD backup for the year subscribed) Coverage in Number of Years: 1969 Print Equivalent: Engineering Compendex in print. Data Type: Bibliographic with Abstracts ( compendex and Inspec) Total Number of Records: 7 Million Records from over 3500 journals and 1500 conferences proceeding Number of Records Added Annually: 2,50,000
INDEST Consortium Subscribed for: IITs & IISc SciFinder Scholar 1907 to present over 22.7 millon records including 4 million patents 48 million substances 8,00,000 bibliographic records added annually Slide 22: SciFinder Scholar The SciFinder Scholar is a Z39.50 Windows-based interface that provides easy access to the rich and diverse scientific information contained in the CAS databases including Chemical Abstracts from 1907 onwards. The SciFinder Scholar offers a variety of pathways to explore CAS databases as well as MEDLINE. The SciFinder interface provides the most accurate and comprehensive chemical and related scientific information including: journal articles and patents together in one source, substance data, chemical reactions, chemical regulatory data, chemical suppliers, biomedical literature. The SciFinder Scholar provides highly interactive and innovative search interfaces that are not even available on STN or on web-based access to CA. Access Options: Z39.50 Client on port 210 Coverage in Number of Years: 1907 to present Print-base: No. Print Equivalent: Chemical Abstracts Data Type: Bibliographic with abstracts Total no. of Records: 22.7 millon Records Added Annually: 8,00,000 Number of Substances in CAS Registry: over 48 million substances Number of New Substances Added Daily: 4,000 Chemical Reactions: over 6.8 million Single- and multi-step reactions Regulated Substances: 229,201 substances Commercially Media: Web Back-files: Simultaneous Access: 3 Available Chemicals: over 5.3 million substances Slide 22: SciFinder Scholar The SciFinder Scholar is a Z39.50 Windows-based interface that provides easy access to the rich and diverse scientific information contained in the CAS databases including Chemical Abstracts from 1907 onwards. The SciFinder Scholar offers a variety of pathways to explore CAS databases as well as MEDLINE. The SciFinder interface provides the most accurate and comprehensive chemical and related scientific information including: journal articles and patents together in one source, substance data, chemical reactions, chemical regulatory data, chemical suppliers, biomedical literature. The SciFinder Scholar provides highly interactive and innovative search interfaces that are not even available on STN or on web-based access to CA. Access Options: Z39.50 Client on port 210 Coverage in Number of Years: 1907 to present Print-base: No. Print Equivalent: Chemical Abstracts Data Type: Bibliographic with abstracts Total no. of Records: 22.7 millon Records Added Annually: 8,00,000 Number of Substances in CAS Registry: over 48 million substances Number of New Substances Added Daily: 4,000 Chemical Reactions: over 6.8 million Single- and multi-step reactions Regulated Substances: 229,201 substances Commercially Media: Web Back-files: Simultaneous Access: 3 Available Chemicals: over 5.3 million substances
INDEST Consortium MathSciNET January 1799 journals covered; links to 2,35,523 original articles Subscribed for: IITs & IISc Slide 23: MathSciNet MathSciNet is a comprehensive database covering the world's mathematical literature since It provides Web access to the bibliographic data and reviews of mathematical research literature contained in the Mathematical Reviews Database. The MathSciNet has signed reviews, powerful search functionality, and timely updates. It fosters the navigation of mathematics literature by providing links to original articles and other original documents, when available, and by encouraging links from journal article references to MathSciNet. The MathSciNet offers World-wide access to mathematical literature through multiple mirror sites. The MathSciNet offers free access to Featured Reviews, those reviews from the Mathematical Reviews database that were especially commissioned for some of the books and papers that are considered particularly important in the areas that they cover. Resource: MathSciNet Print-base: No Media: Web Back-files: 1940 Archival Access: Not offered Simultaneous Access: Un-limited Slide 23: MathSciNet MathSciNet is a comprehensive database covering the world's mathematical literature since It provides Web access to the bibliographic data and reviews of mathematical research literature contained in the Mathematical Reviews Database. The MathSciNet has signed reviews, powerful search functionality, and timely updates. It fosters the navigation of mathematics literature by providing links to original articles and other original documents, when available, and by encouraging links from journal article references to MathSciNet. The MathSciNet offers World-wide access to mathematical literature through multiple mirror sites. The MathSciNet offers free access to Featured Reviews, those reviews from the Mathematical Reviews database that were especially commissioned for some of the books and papers that are considered particularly important in the areas that they cover. Resource: MathSciNet Print-base: No Media: Web Back-files: 1940 Archival Access: Not offered Simultaneous Access: Un-limited
INDEST Consortium Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded + 10 year backfiles Link to full-text Derwent Innovations Index (on trial) Subscribed for: IITs & IISc Slide 24: Web of Science The ISI Web of Science provides access to information for all levels of academic, corporate, and government research. It offers a comprehensive, fully integrated platform that empowers researchers and accelerates discovery. It offers citations and cited reference searching. The ISI Web of Knowledge provides a single interface, enabling natural-language searches across multiple content sources: journal articles; proceedings papers; patents; chemical reactions and compounds; and content from preprint, funding information, and research activity Web sites. The Web of Science provides access to Science Citation Index to all IITs and IISc. Resource: Science Citation Index (Expanded) Print-base: No Media: Web Back-files: 10 years Archival Access: No Simultaneous Access: 5 Slide 24: Web of Science The ISI Web of Science provides access to information for all levels of academic, corporate, and government research. It offers a comprehensive, fully integrated platform that empowers researchers and accelerates discovery. It offers citations and cited reference searching. The ISI Web of Knowledge provides a single interface, enabling natural-language searches across multiple content sources: journal articles; proceedings papers; patents; chemical reactions and compounds; and content from preprint, funding information, and research activity Web sites. The Web of Science provides access to Science Citation Index to all IITs and IISc. Resource: Science Citation Index (Expanded) Print-base: No Media: Web Back-files: 10 years Archival Access: No Simultaneous Access: 5
INDEST Consortium J-Gate 9000 Journals+ Content Services Accessible to: IITs & IISc, NITs, ISM, NERIST, SLIET, IIIT, IIITM & PEC Slide 25: J-GATE The J-Gate is an Internet gateway and portal set up nearly two-years ago by Informatics (India) Ltd. It offers affordable access to global electronic journal literature. It provides seamless access to journal articles through database interface of 10,000+ e-journals. Currently J-Gate offers three types of products / services, i.e. i) J-Gate Portal which offers 'Directory of e-Journals' including more than 9,000 journals listed with link to journal / publishers site; ii) Table of Contents (TOC) for an equal number of journals; and iii) a comprehensive searchable database consisting of more than 10 Lakhs+ articles added every year. The J-Gate Portal offers the followings: "Directory of e-Journals" that includes more than 10,000 journals listed with link to journal / publishers site Table of Contents (TOC) for an equal number of journals A comprehensive searchable database consisting of more than 10 Lakhs+ articles added every year across all disciplines More than 10,000 journals including free journals and 22 Lakh articles across all subjects areas Send to Authors requesting reprints of articles for journals not subscribed by your library Locate a local library that has the journal Search Database - By Author, Title, Abstract, keywords, Author Address, Broad Subject Categories Slide 25: J-GATE The J-Gate is an Internet gateway and portal set up nearly two-years ago by Informatics (India) Ltd. It offers affordable access to global electronic journal literature. It provides seamless access to journal articles through database interface of 10,000+ e-journals. Currently J-Gate offers three types of products / services, i.e. i) J-Gate Portal which offers 'Directory of e-Journals' including more than 9,000 journals listed with link to journal / publishers site; ii) Table of Contents (TOC) for an equal number of journals; and iii) a comprehensive searchable database consisting of more than 10 Lakhs+ articles added every year. The J-Gate Portal offers the followings: "Directory of e-Journals" that includes more than 10,000 journals listed with link to journal / publishers site Table of Contents (TOC) for an equal number of journals A comprehensive searchable database consisting of more than 10 Lakhs+ articles added every year across all disciplines More than 10,000 journals including free journals and 22 Lakh articles across all subjects areas Send to Authors requesting reprints of articles for journals not subscribed by your library Locate a local library that has the journal Search Database - By Author, Title, Abstract, keywords, Author Address, Broad Subject Categories
INDEST Consortium Content level access to Journals subscribed by INDEST with Interface to facilitate inter-library loan Subscribed for: IITs & IISc, With access to all NITs, ISM, NERIST, SLIET, IIIT, IIITM & PEC Slide 26: J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium (JCCC) The J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium (JCCC) is a virtual library of journal literature created as customized e-journals access gateway and database solution for the INDEST consortium. It acts as one-point access to 4,000+ subscribed currently by all the IITs and IISc and available online. The service offers the following facilities and benefits to users. Table of Contents Browsing: Users can select journals of their choice by searching by journal title words and/or subject categories and browse the table of contents for the latest issues of the journals. Database Searching: acts a comprehensive database of journal articles published in the journals subscribed by all IITs and IISc (about 4,000). The articles are indexed with subject keywords and are searchable by – Author, Title words, abstract words, subject keywords, Institutional name or city to which the author belongs to. MyTOC: Users can select journals of their choice and create their own alert profiles. sends e- mail notice to the users, every week and as and when their favorite journals are published, to facilitate browsing TOC of the latest issues. Full-text Online: J-Gate provides link to full-text for online journals of the publishers for which the INDEST consortium has obtained online rights for accessing or the individual library has separately obtained online access rights for journals. Resource Sharing: This is the unique benefit of When a user finds an article of his interest, he can get it online if the INDEST consortium or his library has online rights of access to the corresponding journal. This facility offers the following benefits: If the journal is not subscribed by user’s library (say NIT, Surthkal) and is subscribe by another library (say IISc, Bangalore), an automated photocopy request goes to the library where the journal is available which is designated for supplying the article to the user. In this case, IISc, Bangalore sends a copy of the article to NIT, Surthkal. Through JCCC, all NIT, RECs and other users can have access to the journals subscribed by all the IITs and IISc. Slide 26: J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium (JCCC) The J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium (JCCC) is a virtual library of journal literature created as customized e-journals access gateway and database solution for the INDEST consortium. It acts as one-point access to 4,000+ subscribed currently by all the IITs and IISc and available online. The service offers the following facilities and benefits to users. Table of Contents Browsing: Users can select journals of their choice by searching by journal title words and/or subject categories and browse the table of contents for the latest issues of the journals. Database Searching: acts a comprehensive database of journal articles published in the journals subscribed by all IITs and IISc (about 4,000). The articles are indexed with subject keywords and are searchable by – Author, Title words, abstract words, subject keywords, Institutional name or city to which the author belongs to. MyTOC: Users can select journals of their choice and create their own alert profiles. sends e- mail notice to the users, every week and as and when their favorite journals are published, to facilitate browsing TOC of the latest issues. Full-text Online: J-Gate provides link to full-text for online journals of the publishers for which the INDEST consortium has obtained online rights for accessing or the individual library has separately obtained online access rights for journals. Resource Sharing: This is the unique benefit of When a user finds an article of his interest, he can get it online if the INDEST consortium or his library has online rights of access to the corresponding journal. This facility offers the following benefits: If the journal is not subscribed by user’s library (say NIT, Surthkal) and is subscribe by another library (say IISc, Bangalore), an automated photocopy request goes to the library where the journal is available which is designated for supplying the article to the user. In this case, IISc, Bangalore sends a copy of the article to NIT, Surthkal. Through JCCC, all NIT, RECs and other users can have access to the journals subscribed by all the IITs and IISc.
INDEST Consortium Archival Solution IEL OnlineAfter 5 yrs of continuous Subscription (Cat. I & II) ScienceDirectArchival access + Data on the cost of production of CDs LinkArchives on CDs on one time payment of Euro15, ABI / InformWeb Access + CDs ASTP Web Access + CDs ACM Digital LibraryWeb Access + CDs Slide 27: Archival Access The electronic resources are accessible as long as they are subscribed. If an institution decides not to subscribe to a given electronic resource, it looses its right to access the e-resource even for the year for which the subscription is paid. The INDEST Consortium has taken steps to safeguard its interest in this regard. The following arrangements have been worked with the publishers for getting archival access to electronic resources: Perpetual Access: License agreement has been signed for perpetual access to subscribed resource for the period for which subscription is paid, i.e. ScienceDirect; Back-up on CD ROM: Back-up on CD is given during the year of subscription itself for archival access while the resource is also accessible on the Web, i.e. ABI / INFORM, ASTP and ACM Digital Library; Back-up on CD ROM at the End of Subscription: Some publishers have agreed to provide all data (full-text or bibliographic) on CD ROM / DVD ROM if the Consortium decides to discontinue its subscription either against nominal payment or without payment, i.e. IEL Online, Springer’s Link, COMPENDEX, INSPEC, ASME and ASCE Journals; Alternative Product at the End of Subscription: Chemical Abstracts has offered CA on CD at half the rate if the INDEST Consortium decides to end the subscription to SciFinder Scholar. Slide 27: Archival Access The electronic resources are accessible as long as they are subscribed. If an institution decides not to subscribe to a given electronic resource, it looses its right to access the e-resource even for the year for which the subscription is paid. The INDEST Consortium has taken steps to safeguard its interest in this regard. The following arrangements have been worked with the publishers for getting archival access to electronic resources: Perpetual Access: License agreement has been signed for perpetual access to subscribed resource for the period for which subscription is paid, i.e. ScienceDirect; Back-up on CD ROM: Back-up on CD is given during the year of subscription itself for archival access while the resource is also accessible on the Web, i.e. ABI / INFORM, ASTP and ACM Digital Library; Back-up on CD ROM at the End of Subscription: Some publishers have agreed to provide all data (full-text or bibliographic) on CD ROM / DVD ROM if the Consortium decides to discontinue its subscription either against nominal payment or without payment, i.e. IEL Online, Springer’s Link, COMPENDEX, INSPEC, ASME and ASCE Journals; Alternative Product at the End of Subscription: Chemical Abstracts has offered CA on CD at half the rate if the INDEST Consortium decides to end the subscription to SciFinder Scholar.
INDEST Consortium Archival Solution COMPENDEX / Free after 5 yrs of INSPEC continuous Subscription SciFinderCA on CD at 50% cost Web of ScienceBackup on CD for two institutions. Backup for all on payment for backup files. MathSciNetNo archives offered JCCCData on Intranet Server JGATE Free Access; CDs for Subscribers INDEST Consortium
Archival Solution ASME On nominal Payment After 3 yrs of continuous Subscription ASCE On nominal Payment After 3 yrs of continuous Subscription
INDEST Consortium Amount in Rupees Amount Spent by IITs & IISc(till 2002) 4,11,66, * Additional Contribution from MHRD 14,47,65, Total Funds Committed 18,59,32, * Does not include amount being spent on print subscription by the Institutions. Expenditure Analysis Slide 30: Expenditure Analysis Most institutions, especially IITs and IISc, were already subscribing to several electronic resources proposed under the INDEST Consortium. While some of these resources are subscribed on CD ROM covering only a few years of data, the others are being subscribed with various limitations in terms of number of years covered or number of simultaneous accesses. No individual institutions could afford to subscribe to full spectrum of any electronic resource because of exorbitant cost involved. The table given below provides combined expenditure committed by the IITs and IITSc individually and the additional funds given to the INDEST Consortium for consortia- based subscription to e-resources for 38 core members. Amount in Rs. % 1. Existing Expenditure4,11,66, Additional Expenditure 14,47,65, Total Amount Required 18,59,32, Slide 30: Expenditure Analysis Most institutions, especially IITs and IISc, were already subscribing to several electronic resources proposed under the INDEST Consortium. While some of these resources are subscribed on CD ROM covering only a few years of data, the others are being subscribed with various limitations in terms of number of years covered or number of simultaneous accesses. No individual institutions could afford to subscribe to full spectrum of any electronic resource because of exorbitant cost involved. The table given below provides combined expenditure committed by the IITs and IITSc individually and the additional funds given to the INDEST Consortium for consortia- based subscription to e-resources for 38 core members. Amount in Rs. % 1. Existing Expenditure4,11,66, Additional Expenditure 14,47,65, Total Amount Required 18,59,32,
INDEST Consortium List Price V/s Price Offered to the Consortium Rupees in Crores List Price (all resources): Consortium Price (all resources): Savings: Slide 31: List Price V/s Consortium Price The full-text resources and databases proposed for subscription for various categories of institutions in the consortium would have costed Rs. 164 crores as per the list price, while through the consortium, the total cost comes to Rs crores for all institutions being considered under the consortium, an overall saving of Rs crores. Slide 31: List Price V/s Consortium Price The full-text resources and databases proposed for subscription for various categories of institutions in the consortium would have costed Rs. 164 crores as per the list price, while through the consortium, the total cost comes to Rs crores for all institutions being considered under the consortium, an overall saving of Rs crores.
INDEST Consortium Consortium: an Open-ended Propositions Who is eligible to join? Why should you join? What do you get? E-Resources available through the INDEST Consortium IEL OnlineCompendex Springer’s Link INSPEC ABI / INFORM MathSciNet ASTP JGATE ACM Digital Library ASCE Journals ASME Journals
INDEST Consortium Consortium: an Open-ended Propositions The following 12 Institutions have already joined the Consortium: Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi Dhiru Bhai Ambani Institute of Information & Communication Technology, Gandhinagar TIFR, Laboratory of Computational Mathematics, Pune Indian Institute of Information Technology, Trivendrum International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad SASTRA University, Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu) Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad Noorulislam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil, Kerala Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad Slide 32: Consortium as an Open-ended Proposition The Consortium as an open-ended proposition invites other institutions to join the consortium at lower rates of subscription offered to the consortium. 12 institutions listed in the slide have already joined the consortium for various electronic resources. Slide 32: Consortium as an Open-ended Proposition The Consortium as an open-ended proposition invites other institutions to join the consortium at lower rates of subscription offered to the consortium. 12 institutions listed in the slide have already joined the consortium for various electronic resources.
INDEST Consortium Operation of Consortium IIT Delhi acts as “Head-quarter” for the Coordination of the Consortium. National Coordinator from IIT Bombay; Headquarter to act as nodal agency for increasing the cooperation amongst participating institutions; A National Steering Committee and a National Review Committee with representatives from beneficiary institutions decides upon the policy issues; Slide 33: Operation of Consortium The IIT Delhi acts as headquarter of the INDEST Consortium with Prof. Sirohi, Director, IIT Delhi as Chairman of its National Steering Committee and Dr. Jagdish Arora, Librarian, IIT Bombay as its National Coordinator. The National Steering Committee has members from the beneficiary institutions. Besides, a National Review Committee has been set-up to provide policy guidelines to the Consortium. Slide 33: Operation of Consortium The IIT Delhi acts as headquarter of the INDEST Consortium with Prof. Sirohi, Director, IIT Delhi as Chairman of its National Steering Committee and Dr. Jagdish Arora, Librarian, IIT Bombay as its National Coordinator. The National Steering Committee has members from the beneficiary institutions. Besides, a National Review Committee has been set-up to provide policy guidelines to the Consortium.
INDEST Consortium Current Status 60 engineering colleges and departments in universities are incorporated with support from AICTE; 12 other institutions have joined the INDEST Consortium; All resources accessible at all institutions as per their access entitlements; Funds Released from MHRD and Payment made to publishers from the IIT Delhi; and INDEST Consortium Launch Workshops held at the IIT Delhi on 4 th and 5 th March, 2003.
INDEST Consortium Current Status The National Steering Committee met twice and National Review Committee met once; Consortium has a Web Site hosted at IIT Bombay ( with browse and Search Interface for e-journals covered in it; Consortium has an Active Mailing List Hosted at the IIT Bombay.
INDEST Consortium
New Developments AICTE-supported Expansion of INDEST Consortium (60 new institutions to join (Govt.-funded Engineering Colleges): Rs crores released ASME, ASCE and ACM Digital Library are made available to all IITs, NITs and RECs. New resources Identified: AIChE, Nature, Science, New Scientist, National Geography, etc. Special Interest Group on Management Schools Set- up
INDEST Consortium