Background to Commissioning: A slide brief for BAcC members This presentation is intended to help BAcC members understand the recent reforms to the NHS in England and provide key information about how to go about setting up commissioned traditional acupuncture services in their area. 1
Overview of change to NHS 2 Source: BBC website
What is commissioning ? 1.Commissioning involves assessing the health needs of the (local) population and reviewing how well services meet those needs 2.Commissioning is a way of identifying priorities for investment 3.Commissioners design services with providers to meet patient needs/demands 4.Commissioners then contract with providers, after various vetting processes are be met 5.Commissioners ensure services are provided effectively, and monitor quality and outcomes 3
Commissioning activity 4
National Context GP Commissioning Consortia are new local NHS commissioners for health services in England NHS now open for any “willing provider” to provide services. An application process is required if these services are to be “re-commissioned”. Acupuncturists will need to “keep their nose to the ground” to know when this re-commissioning will occur Commissioning priorities will be outcome focused – so acupuncturists will have to justify what outcomes they achieve. “Patients are at the heart of everything NHS does” so audits of local patients may be good evidence The NHS has an urgent need to save money and be cost effective. When acupuncturists links with the NHS, they need to have this in mind 5
Who will commission? GP Consortia – supported by an “outcomes framework” (PCTs will hold responsibility until 2013) Individual service users or patients groups – through personal budgets and treatment choice The NHS Commissioning Board will commission GP services and specialised services 6
Preparation In Advance Read local Commissioning Strategy Plan (prepared by PCTs) to understand their priorities. This may be new musculoskeletal pathways etc. Ask your PCT for this or look on their website Ensure you understand the evidence base for acupuncture and collect any local data you have. If you are not doing so, start to monitor your own patient outcomes using MYMOP Build relationships with your local providers, both at local authority level and GP commissioners. Taster sessions at open days at your clinics are useful and effective 7
Suggested points to make in conversations and letters with GP Commissioners – 1 Acupuncture can: Improve outcomes for people with variety of issues such as pain, mental ill-health, addiction etc at the same time Reduce long-term demands on health and social care services – reducing repeat visits, prescriptions and onward referrals to other pathways Support “personalisation” – for those on individual budgets Support healthy lifestyles/educating population 8
Are there opportunities to provide acupuncture within GP practices – would this be on a funded or unfunded basis? Are there opportunities for acupuncture to be provided within any new pathways you are commissioning e.g. for musculoskeletal? Are there opportunities for acupuncture to be provided in “intermediate care” – this is care by acupuncturists for those coming out of hospital but not ready to go home – clinics/hospices Are there opportunities for acupuncture to be provided in hospitals e.g. within pain clinics or in hospital wards? Suggested points to make in conversations and letters with GP Commissioners - 2 9
Other links to make - with local authorities/community Ask for contacts of planned new “health and well being boards” – which will comprise of GPs and councillors and are being set up. Contact those members Ask local authorities to what extent people use acupuncture as part of their personal budgets? Join local patient groups where possible 10
British Acupuncture Council © 63 Jeddo Road London W12 9HQ Tel Local member contact details here 11