Maths Recovery Training and implementation in the context of DEIS Noreen O’Loughlin National Coordinator, Maths Recovery © Noreen O’Loughlin Maths Recovery training is being made available to all Urban Band 1 and Urban Band 2 schools through the Department of Education & Science’s DEIS initiative. For participating schools, the target class is first class. Where a school is a senior school, then second or third class, as appropriate, may be used. © Noreen O’Loughlin
What are the origins of Maths Recovery? Initially developed in Australia the in 1990s as an intervention programme In NSW, from 1997 onward, adopted as a statewide, systemic programme for classroom teachers (Count me in too) Widely used in Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Wales, USA, Canada An early number programme now focusing on: intensive intervention classroom teaching Maths Recovery originally began its life as purely an intervention programme in Australia. It is a research-based, evolving programme and now has applications in individual one-to-one settings, small groups, whole class and in-class settings. It is not the Maths version of Reading Recovery. There are some parallels but Maths Recovery stands as a separate programme. © Noreen O’Loughlin
What is Maths Recovery? It is the most elaborated body of pedagogical content knowledge related to early number. © Noreen O’Loughlin
What is Maths Recovery? Maths Recovery is strongly based on research from the following areas: Children’s early numerical knowledge Constructivism Children’s Counting (Steffe) Maths Recovery draws on research from these three areas particularly the work of Aubrey (1993), Steffe et al. (1983), Wright, (1991; 1994) and Young-Loveridge (1989; 1991) © Noreen O’Loughlin
What is Maths Recovery? There two pillars which form the basis of Maths Recovery training are Maths Recovery Assessment Maths Recovery Teaching Maths Recovery training gives four days to familiarisation with the assessment and four days to looking at Maths Recovery teaching principles, planning and approaches. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Mathematics Recovery Assessment Maths Recovery Assessment is a form of dynamic assessment. It is Not age-related Not curriculum-based No reading, no writing It produces detailed, thorough, informative results which allows for immediate transfer to teaching. Maths Recovery assessment uses a video-taped interview with the individual pupils. The assessment can be used with pupils of any age, provided that the teacher considers that relevant information can be gleaned from the assessment tasks involved which will guide the teaching. The focus of the assessment is entirely on number knowledge and structure and on determining strategies pupils use to solve additive and subtractive tasks. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Mathematics Recovery Assessment Maths Recovery Assessment is interview-based and routinely videotaped. It provides extensive and detailed information about a child’s numerical knowledge information about a child’s most advanced numerical strategy Maths Recovery is interview-based. It gives the assessor significantly more information than would written tasks. For example, if a child is asked to solve 8 + 5 = a child may provide in a written context (a) the correct answer (b) an incorrect answer or (c) no response. An interview allows the assessor to ascertain not only this information but also the strategy employed by the pupil. The strategy is key to planning the teaching and to moving the child forward. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Pedagogical tools in Maths Recovery Assessment Schedules (see next slide) Learning Framework in Number - to guide assessment Instructional Framework in Early Number - to guide teaching Specially developed instructional procedures and approaches Maths Recovery uses six assessment schedules (see next slide). The Learning Framework in Number (LFIN) and Instructional Framework in Early Number provide the necessary structures for assessing and providing instruction for pupils. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Assessment Schedules Assessments 1.1 and 1.2 include tasks on Early arithmetical strategies Base-ten arithmetical strategies FNWS and NWA BNWS and NWB Numeral identification Assessments 2.1 and 2.2 include tasks on Finger/spatial patterns, number relationships Assessments 3.1 and 3.2 include tasks on Early multiplication and division The assessments cover the above topics. Only relevant assessments will be administered to pupils. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Tasks in Assessment 1.1 Forward Number Word Sequence Number Word After Numeral Identification Numeral Recognition Backward Number Word Sequence Number Word Before Sequencing Numerals Additive Tasks Subtractive Tasks This list provides a sense of the type and detail of task in the first of the Maths Recovery assessments. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Maths Recovery Teaching Maths Recovery teaching is suitable for individuals small groups whole class instruction in-class application or a combination of some or all of these Instruction is guided by: initial comprehensive assessment on-going observational assessment While Maths Recovery began its life as an intervention programme, it has evolved and can be used in any of the ways above. How the programme is implemented is a local decision at school level. It is important that fidelity to the programme is maintained and that the intensity required is provided. Many schools have decided for reasons of philosophy, need, resources, space, personnel to adopt one of more of the choices above. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Maths Recovery Teaching Focuses on (initially): Facility with number sequences, forward and backward Knowledge of numerals Sophistication of counting to solve problems Early topics for structuring numbers Maths Recovery teaching focuses on getting basic number knowledge and strategies in place. The above list gives an indication of the areas prioritised. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Maths Recovery Training Training of one Learning Support/Resource Teacher/SEN teacher per school as MR Specialist Teacher (8 days – no substitution provided) 4 sets of 2 days, approx a month apart Days 1, 2, 3, 4: Maths Recovery Assessment Days 5, 6, 7, 8: Maths Recovery Teaching Seminar on Maths Recovery teaching ‘Teaching Number in the Classroom’ for relevant class teacher (1 day – with substitution) One LS/RT/SEN teacher per school will receive eight days training. These eight days are broken into 4 sets of two days each. The eight days of training usually conclude within a term. No substitution cover is provided for these. After Days 1 & 2: Teachers are asked to carry out a minimum of 3 assessments before returning on Day 3 (usually a gap of approx 3 weeks). These tapes will need to be reviewed and coded. This should take approx 3-4 hours in all. After Days 3 & 4: Teachers are asked to practice the remaining assessments and to video, review and code samples. After Days 5 & 6: Teachers will teach one pupil on a one-to-one basis, for the purposes of getting familiar with the content, structure and planning of Maths Recovery teaching, every day for a period of approximately three weeks. The Class teachers from the target classes (i.e. usually first class) will be invited to attend this seminar on using Maths Recovery teaching approaches in the classroom. Substitution cover will be provided and so that all teachers can attend multiple days will be provided to allow for teachers from the same schools to come on different days. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Implementing Maths Recovery Targeting first class usually Identified by standardised test scores and/or class teacher Identification of the lowest attainers Administration of Maths Recovery assessment to potential Maths Recovery recipients Decision on implementation of Maths Recovery teaching plan Provision of a programme of intensive, individualised, group and/or whole class/in-class instruction Within the DEIS strategy first class is the target class. In choosing pupils the Maths Recovery teacher will work closely with class teacher using any data available. From the lower-attaining group, the Maths Recovery teacher will potential Maths Recovery pupils and administer the appropriate Maths Recovery assessment/s. A decision will then be made on implementing an appropriate teaching plan based on that information. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Implementing Maths Recovery Maths Recovery teacher is normally expected to give Maths Recovery 2 hours per day Intensive teaching of low-attaining pupils by Maths Recovery teachers for teaching cycles of 10-15 weeks (30 min daily, 4/5 days a week) The Maths Recovery teacher is expected to normally apportion two hours per day to Maths Recovery implementation. No matter which implementation option is chosen, an intensive approach is required. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Implementing Maths Recovery It involves A holistic approach involving principals, classroom teachers, specialist Maths Recovery teachers and pupils Agree programme for individuals/whole class which will be taught by class teacher and by specialist Maths Recovery teachers Implementation decisions are made in each school according to their own situation in the context of the above. © Noreen O’Loughlin
Implementing Maths Recovery Crucial factors critical to the effectiveness of the programme are A whole-school focus on numeracy Ongoing professional development A supportive leadership team Structural changes designed to assist implementation of the programme © Noreen O’Loughlin
Choosing a Teacher to train in Maths Recovery Qualifications, Experience and Abilities Teaching experience should normally include at least two years at the primary level The ability to communicate and work with other teachers, parents, and other personnel involved in project Organized and skilled at record keeping Personal commitment to self-reflection and learning Willingness to make a commitment to participate as a teacher in the Mathematics Recovery Programme. © Noreen O’Loughlin