The French Revolution Unfolds Essential Question: What political and social reforms did the National Assembly institute in the first stage of the French Revolution?
The French Revolution and Napoleon Section 2: The French Revolution Unfolds Witness History Audio: Parisian Women Storm Versailles Political Crisis Leads to Revolt Famine and rumors fueled peasant revolts in the countryside. Parisians were splintered into various factions who fought for power. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “Who is ‘the Austrian’ the mob is referring to?” (the queen, Marie Antoinette) “Why are the Parisian women so angry with the king and queen?” (They believe the king and queen are living in luxury and ignoring the suffering of the French people.) When showing Color Transparency 109, ask students to compare the fashions at Versailles with those worn by the women who marched on Versailles. When showing Color Transparency 107, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide discussion. Note Taking Transparency 76 1 of 7
The French Revolution and Napoleon Section 2: The French Revolution Unfolds The National Assembly Acts The National Assembly finally voted to give up many of their exclusive privileges and declared “Feudalism is abolished.” In the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, all male citizens were proclaimed equal before the law, which disappointed many women. Color Transparency 109: “High Fashion in France” Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “Who is ‘the Austrian’ the mob is referring to?” (the queen, Marie Antoinette) “Why are the Parisian women so angry with the king and queen?” (They believe the king and queen are living in luxury and ignoring the suffering of the French people.) When showing Color Transparency 109, ask students to compare the fashions at Versailles with those worn by the women who marched on Versailles. When showing Color Transparency 107, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide discussion. The National Assembly Presses Onward The National Assembly voted to take over and sell Church lands and to place the Catholic Church under state control. The Assembly also produced the Constitution of 1791, which set up a limited monarchy. Louis XVI and his family attempted an escape from France, but were discovered and sent back to Paris. 2 of 7
The French Revolution and Napoleon Section 2: The French Revolution Unfolds Radicals Take Over Soon, radicals held power in the Legislative Assembly. They wanted a republic, not a monarchy. The radicals also declared war on the tyrannical rulers in Austria, Prussia, Britain, and other states. Color Transparency 107: The French Plague Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “Who is ‘the Austrian’ the mob is referring to?” (the queen, Marie Antoinette) “Why are the Parisian women so angry with the king and queen?” (They believe the king and queen are living in luxury and ignoring the suffering of the French people.) When showing Color Transparency 109, ask students to compare the fashions at Versailles with those worn by the women who marched on Versailles. When showing Color Transparency 107, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide discussion. QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency 3 of 7
The French Revolution and Napoleon: Section 2 Note Taking Transparency 76 Copy this on NTSG pages 24-25 4 of 7
The French Revolution and Napoleon: Section 2 Color Transparency 109: “High Fashion in France” 5 of 7
The French Revolution and Napoleon: Section 2 Color Transparency 107: The French Plague 6 of 7
The French Revolution and Napoleon: Section 2 Progress Monitoring Transparency 7 of 7