Bullying in Our Schools: Protecting GLBT Youth Tricia S. Jones, Ph.D. Prof. of Psychological Studies in Education Temple University tsjones@temple.edu Tel/fax: 215-204-7261/6013
Bullying of GLBT Youth Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) surveyed 496 GLBT students from 32 states 61% report verbal harassment 47% report sexual harassment 28% report physical harassment 14% report physical assault
Bullying of GLBT Youth California Safe Schools Coalition Study (2004) Anti-harassment law on books for 4 years California has 1/8th of America’s School Children Study conducted by University of California at Davis with statewide, comprehensive sample
Bullying of GLBT Youth California Safe Schools Coalition Study (2004) FINDINGS 7.5% of CA Children are targets of harassment based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation 2/3rds of GLBT students report being harassed 47% are harassed repeatedly 91% report peers using slurs about sexual orientation 40% report teachers using slurs about sexual orientation
Bullying of GLBT Youth California Safe Schools Coalition Study (2004) FINDINGS Bullied Students are Three times more likely to miss school Twice as likely to be depressed Twice as likely to consider or plan suicide More likely to have lower grades More likely to abuse drugs and alcohol
Bullying of GLBT Youth – What About the School Staff? University of South Carolina Study 2/3rds of school counselors had negative attitudes about GLBT youth 1/3rd of teachers rated high on a scale of homophobia 52% of new teachers felt uncomfortable working with an openly GLBT colleague Making Schools Safe Study in Massachusetts 53% of GLBT students reported hearing homophobic remarks made by school staff GLSEN survey Intervention and help is more likely to come from peers than staff
School Wide Efforts to Prevent Bullying Develop an anti-bullying policy – one that specifically addresses GLBT issues Provide training for teachers, administrators and staff - How to intervene effectively Involve parents Identify resources for bullies, victims and families – Support the Establishment of Gay-Straight Alliances and GLBT organizations