A division of the American Chemical Society Hancock Library I/A database training – July 2013 SciFinder In June Alec Johnston, Business Development Manager for iGroup Asia Pacific provided training for us on SciFinder. In the following pages are the slides Alec presented and the questions below which were posed to him by Hancock I/A library staff. Please demonstrate how to draw a structure in the editor offline and import into the Scifinder ? eg sodium salt of Benzoic acid C7 H5 Na O2 I need to find the structure of Gallopamil hydrochloride? Can you find Australian commercial chemical supplier in Scifinder? Someone asks at the Information Desk – “I need to information on the synthesis of Chloroacetaldehyde “ How do you find that on Scifinder? A question at the Information Desk “Should we be worried about using over the long-term household chemicals (low- level exposure) and the impact/ detection of exposure to the cocktail of chemicals found in household air and dust?” A question at the Information Desk “What levels of radon in water should I be concerned about?” Can Scifinder help? You will need to register to use this database first and then the training this month is to find answers to the above questions. Please comment on HanKey when you have as usual. The last slide gives you a hint as to your starting point! 5/8/2015 1
A division of the American Chemical Society Alec Johnston SciFinder Web
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ Agenda Introduction SciFinder Content Web Tips & Tricks Demonstration - Searching SciFinder
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ SciFinder Key Points Contains the most comprehensive indexed information in the sciences: CAplus, MEDLINE, REGISTRY, CASREACT (CHEMLIST, CHEMCATS) Contains unique search functionality Contains unique post-processing functionality Access SciFinder Web
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ CASREACT ® >46M single and multi-step reactions >14M synthetic preparations Extracted from patents and journal articles Updated weekly (~30-50K weekly) Reactions back to 1840 Reaction conditions starting in 2003 Experimental procedures CHEMCATS ® >71M commercially available compounds >1000 suppliers >1120 chemical catalogs Updated when new or revised catalogs are available Contact/ordering information including quantity and pricing (when available) SciFinder allows for integrated searching of these essential resources for scientists CHEMLIST ® >295K inventoried / regulated substances >100 inventories & regulated lists from 1979 to present Updated weekly (~50 additions) Contains regulatory requirements for substances CAplus SM >35M bibliographic records >10,000 journals covered Patents from 62 patent offices Updated daily (~4.5K daily) Links to almost 300 publishers and 3 patent offices Literature back to early 1800s Cited articles from 1997 onward CAS REGISTRY SM 69M small molecules >64M sequences Updated daily (>12K daily) Substances reported comprehensively in literature GenBank Sequences Includes nomenclature, spectra, and properties (experimental and predicted) CAplus SM >36M bibliographic records >10,000 journals covered Patents from 63 patent offices Updated daily (~4.5K daily) Links to almost 300 publishers and 3 patent offices Literature back to early 1800s Cited articles from 1997 onward
A division of the American Chemical Society MARPAT in SciFinder MARPAT gives you comprehensive recall for structure searches of chemical patents. Structures are generic, hypothetical substances found in patent claims and disclosures. Over 79,000 additional structure graphics are now available in MARPAT. – Graphics now available for more than 75 percent of records MARPAT ® >950,000 Markush Structures >390,000 citations 1961 to present Includes biographic data, abstract and CAS indexing All countries whose patent offices are covered in the CA file are candidates for MARPAT indexing.
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ SciFinder offers additional biomedical information through MEDLINE ® which is produced by the National Library of Medicine Medline has been updated with new index terms and MeSH vocabulary – Easier and more precise searching of Medline >19M bibliographic records 4,800 biomedical journals Updated 4 times per week from OLDMEDLINE database MEDLINE ®
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ Scientists at CAS create the value-added databases
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ The Editorial Process at CAS
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ SciFinder: Part of the Process 1 Having confidence in finding all relevant published information from journals and patent literature CAS scientists have analyzed and indexed the most comprehensive collection of journals and patent for relevant substances, sequences, technologies, applications and methods disclosed for more than 100 years CAS databases are updated daily and offer a powerful alerting capability to keep informed on new developments, such as new applications or synthesis methods for a class of compounds CAS guarantees that patents from the 10 core offices are covered with their front-page information within 2 days and all disclosed (bio)chemistry within 27 days CAS scientists will write an abstract, even if the author has not provided an English language abstract. Most of the patent abstracts are completely rewritten to better disclose the novelty and the chemistry SciFinder offers smart searching techniques to find automatically different spelling versions of keywords and author name searching, as well as different ways substances can be registered (such as linear versus cyclic representation of sugars)
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ SciFinder: Part of the Process 2 Being able to handle larger answer sets from your searches SciFinder has automatic analysis features for sets of references, structures and reactions Create statistical overview by, for instance, author, organization name, journal title, document type, index term to find ways to narrow down your results or differentiate what many have used from new ideas Use the advanced Categorize feature to explore the index entries of your answer organized by their scientific category to find, for example, all indexed diseases, indexed plants and organisms, substances used as catalysts or starting materials, analytical methods, etc. Make a straightforward refine of any answer; combine your structure with a fragment that can occur anywhere; limit a large list of references to review articles to get started on a new topic Sort the list of substances by the compound with the most references or view only one reaction per reference to find the relevant information faster
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ SciFinder: Part of the Process 3 Take your answer set to the next level to use information more creatively Find all documents that have at least one of your answers in the cited literature list; citing references can show the impact of the research Transfer all indexed substances (limited to their role) from a set of references to look for other publications on these compounds Check the commercial availability of your starting materials from >1,000 chemical catalogues or chemical libraries If your starting material is not commercially available, click the compound to make a quick retrosynthetic search for reactions where your starting material is the product Show the predicted 1H-NMR spectra for more than 23m compounds Show the predicted 13C-NMR spectra for more than 25m compounds Click the full text link to use your library’s e-journal subscriptions to see the PDF of the full article or patent document Create a URL link to a relevant reference or saved answer set to share with a colleague who also uses SciFinder
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ Resources SciFinder Support & Training web page: Tutorials How to Guides CAS Help Desk or SciFinder Help - PDF, Print, Online iGroup – Alec Johnston
A division of the American Chemical Society 5/8/ SciFinder Web URL
A division of the American Chemical Society Someone asks at the Information Desk – “I need to information on the synthesis of Chloroacetaldehyde “ How do you find that on Scifinder? Sign into SciFinder and do a “research topic” search on Chloroacetaldehyde 5/8/