ERA data Paul Berrisford Dick Dee, Paul Poli, Hans Hersbach, Carole Peubey, David Tan, Patrick Laloyaux, Takuya Komori, Rossana Dragani, Adrian Simmons
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ECMWF data server
ECMWF data server: ERA-Interim
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ERA data on ERA-Interim and ERA-40 sub-sets – 31 Tbytes and 9 Tbytes Convsh used to convert GRIB data to – netCDF on full Gaussian grid Analyses and short forecasts (at surface) Non-model level data – Model level analyses in GRIB are on HECTOR BADC receive the same ERA-Interim data – BADC retrieved ERA-40 data independently
ERA-Interim file types ggap: pressure level analyses ggat: potential temperature level analyses ggav: potential vorticity level analyses ggas: surface analyses ggfs: surface forecasts gafs: surface accumulated forecasts gmfs: surface min/max forecasts waas: wave analyses ggis: surface invariants ggaw: vertical integral analyses (monthly means only)
ERA-Interim period types “Daily” analyses: 00, 06, 12, 18 Twice daily forecasts: – step +3, +6, +9, +12 (at surface) Synoptic monthly means (hgap etc) – fixed hour and step Monthly means of daily means
ERA-40 ERA-40 similar (ish) to ERA-Interim – Differences in MARS – Differences in sub-setting Monthly means computed using cdo Fewer file types Additional diagnostics – MMS, filtered transients, heating, climatologies
ERA-CLIM products
ERA-CLIM reanalysis products *netCDF ≈ 4xGRIB