Econ/Apec Majors & Medials Looking forward to the FINAL Year of your program/plan WHAT’S NEXT?
WHO WE ARE Dr. Ian Keay, Undergraduate Chair Economics Beginning July 1, 2014 Dr. Ian Cromb, Interim UG Chair of Economics Term ending June 30, 2014 Jennine Ball, UG Assistant/Adviser
Important Dates YOUR Deadlines May 1:Application for Seminars Due June 25:Seminar Descriptions Posted July 7:Seminar Choices Submitted July 14:Students enrolled in seminars July 14 to August 1 - registration
Requirements Both BAH Majors and Medials: Minimum cumulative GPA = 1.9 Majors (APEC/ECON) -Completion of ECON 310, 320*, units of ECON with average minimum GPA = 2.6 Medials -Completion of ECON 310 or 320 or units of ECON with average minimum GPA = 2.6 -Eligible for final year in second concentration/plan
Important Information LINK to Information for Honours Fourth-Year Class 2014 Dates; Courses Offered; Plan Charts; Application for Seminars Seminar Descriptions; Selection Form; FAQs; Help Zone Seminar Selection – mid June link ed to you with updated descriptions and click submit selection form Deadline: July 7 (entered for you prior to summer reg) Admission to Seminar – for those eligible ranked by ECON GPA 1 st choice = students with highest ECON GPA in each seminar
Courses 400-level Fall Term tentative 411 Topics in Microeconomics 425 International Trade Theory 430 Issues in Economic History 443 Issues in Microeconomic Policy (environmental 2013) 445 Industrial Organization 452 Applied Econometrics (cross-sectional) 455 Mathematical Economics (grad level = permission req’d)
Winter Term tentative 422 Monetary Economics 423 Topics in Financial Economics 435 Economic Development (graduate level = permission req’d) 440 Public Finance 442 Topics in Public Economics 452 Applied Econometrics (time series)
Planned Seminars tentative 480 Philosophy & Economics (fall) 481 Commodity Pricing; Exchange Rates (fall) 482 Environmental Economics (winter) 483 Urban Canada (winter) 484 Economics of Public Policy in Canada (winter) 485 Law/Economics: intellectual property rights (winter) 491 International Financial Crisis (winter) 492 Financial Crisis Analysis (econometrics) (fall)
Seminar Presentations Training FREE Linda Williams, Senior Learning Skills Advisor Workshop on Effective Presentation Skills Sessions in September and January Dates TBA
Questions? Jennine Ball, UG Assistant/Adviser Dr. Ian Keay, UG Chair Economics (July 1 onward) Dr. Ian Cromb, Interim UG Chair (until June 30 th )
Applying to Graduate Schools Law Schools, other options LSAT, GMAT, GRE are ideally completed in the summer prior to 4 th year. Many graduate programs are available not just ECON Masters – do some research! JD programs are Law+ECON Masters – at Queen’s and U of T Pump up your resume – community college programs in computing, journalism, etc.