Simulation in Korea to support CAX


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Presentation transcript:

Simulation in Korea to support CAX Good afternoon! Ladies and gentlemen! My name is Sang-Yun Jeong. I am from KIDA which is Korea Institute for Defense Analyses. We research for the national defense policy. I am the chief of DM&S research division of KIDA. I appreciate Dr. Roland inviting me and my team to the conference. I met him first about fifteen years ago. At that time he was a middle-aged man, nowadays, however, he looks younger than that time. I think it can be attributed to his passion for his work. Thank you again for your support and kindness. Now let us changed my presentation subject. I am going to introduce simulation in Korea to support computer assisted exercise. 2011. 10

Agenda JTLS in Korea ROK JCS’s Plan to support CAX Simulation Development Plan Republic of Korea I am going to present 3 topics for simulation in Korea. First topic is how to use JTLS. Second, I am going to introduce the plan to support CAX of ROK JCS. Last is our simulation developing plan to support ROK-US combined and joint CPX.

10~15 foreign officers join annually JTLS in Korea JTLS is used by ROK AU(Air University) To give an experience for joint warfare to students of AU Joint operations : important factor in modern warfare Especially, air fighter & commander required joint concept JTLS is a unique joint theater level simulation ROK AU The supreme professional military education org. for air force offices 3 courses SOC - Squadron Officer Course CSC - Command Staff Course Pre-commander course In Korea, JTLS is used by Air University. They are using JTLS to give an experience for joint warfare to students of AU. As you know, joint operations are very important factor in modern warfare. Especially air fighter and commander are required the joint concept because their operations are very related with ground or naval forces. So, they use JTLS because it is a unique joint theater level simulation tool. ROK Air University is the highest level of professional military education organization for air force offices. Moreover more than 10 foreign offices study in the school, annually. They have 3 courses of different level. Those are SOC, CSC and pre-commander course. SOC is Squadron officer course which is the specialized military education for the rank of captain to raise performance capability. CSC is Command staff course which is the specialized military education for the rank of major. Pre-commander course is for the management education for the commander of flight wing 10~15 foreign officers join annually

JTLS in Korea War-gamming practice in AU Why performed? To give a realistic experience for warfare How to perform? 1-week war-gamming practice using JTLS Concept(2 days) – Practice by JTLS(3~5 days) – AAR(1 day) Why JTLS? JTLS is a unique joint theater level simulation How many times? Every curriculum of AU performs war-gamming practice 7 times practices are performed annually 4 SOC, 1 CSC and 2 pre-command courses Next, about war-gamming practice in the Air University. The object is students can get a realistic experience for warfare. The practice is performed using JTLS during 1-week. The period includes 2-days warfare concept lecture, 3 or 5 days practice using JTLS and 1 day AAR. Because JTLS is the unique joint theater level simulation, they use it for the practice. Every curriculum of the air university performs the war-gamming practice. They have 7-times practices annually.

ROK JCS’s Plan to support CAX ROK-US Combined/Joint exercises Exercises Audience, Objective and Method UFG ROK-US combined military and ROK government - Military: warfighting commands of corps and the higher echelon Exercise for full spectrum of conflict in Korea - Crisis Management, Transition to War, Defense, Dominate, and Stability Operations CPX using constructive simulation + Virtual(Specific area) KR/FE ROK-US combined/joint staffs including above corps equivalent Exercise for CFC readiness - RSOI of US wartime reinforcement CPX using constructive simulation + FTX(Specific area) Ulchi Focus Guardians Next, let me introduce the plan to support CAX of ROK-JCS To defend Korea peninsular from the north Korea, ROK-US combined force performs 2 combined joint exercises which are UFG and KR/FE. In UFG, ROK-US combined military and ROK government. It is performed for 2-weeks. For military, warfighting commands of corps and the higher equivalent join the exercise. UFG exercises the full spectrum of conflict in Korea theater. It is performed by CPX method using constructive and virtual simulation. KR/FE focuses on maintaining CFC readiness for US wartime reinforcement to Korea. It is performed also CPX method. However, some special area is performed by live simulation. Some deployment of US force is the example. * Ulchi : a famous general of ancient Korea ROK-US Combined Forces Command Key Resolve/Foal Eagle (Reception, Staging, Onward Movement & Integration)

ROK JCS’s Plan to support CAX Environment of Korean theater Physical Characteristics Peninsula : water on three sides Tides : west extreme, east moderate Mountainous : limited mobility corridors Weather : four seasons Extensive urban sprawl in the south Transportation networks : good in the south, poor in the north Military Factors Predominantly land theater Air support can be decisive Naval operations exert heavy influence Amphibious turning movements Extensive SOF infiltration by land, air, & sea From Google Earth As you know, Korea is in the north-east Asia. It is a peninsular which meet with water on three sides. It has west extreme tide and east moderate. Korea peninsular constitutes mountain over 70%, moreover, it is very steep. Next, I am going to introduce the military factor of Korea theater. Korea theater has the highest military force density in the world. So, air support can be decisive. Also, because the theater is peninsular, naval operations can give heavy influence. By amphibious operations, force can move the enemy ‘s position directly.

ROK JCS’s Plan to support CAX Modeling Challenges Multiple echelons in the training audience ROK & US warfighting commands above corps equivalent Greatest modeling challenge: Land forces : large number, multiple echelons App. 55 friendly and 160 opposing div. & separate brigades Theater counter fire operations : requires high resolution Naval : five carrier strike groups plus numerous other air, surface, and sub-surface operations, NSW, MCM Multi-divisions for amphibious operations Air : 2,000 ~3,000 friendly sorties per day Numerous opposing SOF missions and TBM launches High resolution collateral and compartmented intelligence portrayal Because the Korea theater is very complex, there are a lot of challenges for modeling it. In the combined exercise, multiple echelons join. Especially, ROK and US warfighting commands higher than corps equivalents join to the exercise. Moreover, in the land, there are large number forces. Approximately, 55 friendly and 160 opposing division and separately brigades. Because many batteries of north Korea are forested, counter-operation is very important. And high resolution exercise is required. Every day, 2 or 3 thousand friendly sorties performed. North Korea has a lot of SOF forces and TBM launchers, so the exercise for those part is also important. Mine Counter Measure Naval Special Warfare

ROK JCS’s Plan to support CAX Simulation federation to support exercises(Current) Single Integrated Federation ROK Models US Models Chang-Jo 21 Ground CBS Ground Chon-Ja-Bong Air AWSIM To resolve these modeling challenges, ROK-US combined forces have been being constructed a very complex simulation structure to support those combined joint exercises which are UFG and KR/FE. As you see in the picture, those exercises use 11 US military simulations and 4 Korean. Each nation and ground, air and naval force commands use separated simulations . Moreover, for some specific warfare area, they use several US simulation. For example, TACSIM for intelligence, ACE-IOS for electronic warfare and LOGFED for logistics etc. All of simulations are federated by a single joint training confederation. Because of the complexity of confederation, those exercises need high cost. Actually, each exercise spend 10 million dollars to support simulations. Chang-Gong Air Naval RESA Naval TACSIM Cheong-Hae JTTI + K/JIS BICM Intel JTTI : Joint Training Transformation Initiative VSTARS K/JIS : Korea Joint training confederation Infrastructure SW MUSE High Complex, High Cost Structure  $10 Million/each ex. CA EW JNEM ACE IOS Logistics TMO LOGFED MDST

ROK JCS’s Plan to support CAX Additionally, ROK JCS is developing or has a plan to develop 6 specific warfare are. These area are counter fire , intelligence, logistics, information operations, civil operations and Theater missile operations warfare. Moreover, as you see in the picture, they are developing a confederation architecture which are separately federated by US and ROK forces simulations. JCFS : Joint Counter Fire Simulation JIS : Joint Intelligence Simulation JCSSM : Joint Combat Service Support training simulation Model JIOSST : Joint Information Operations Simulation System for Training JCMOS : Joint Civil Military Operations Simulation ETSS-TMO: Exercise & Training Supporting System for Theater Missile Operations KSIMS : Korea Simulation System ROK JCS’s Plan to support CAX Simulation federation to support exercises(Plan) Separated Parallel Federation US Models ROK Models JTTI Confederation Interface KSIMS Ground CBS CI Chang-Jo 21 Ground Chon-Ja-Bong Air AWSIM Counter-Fire Chang-Gong Air Naval RESA JIS JCFS Cheong-Hae Naval Intel TACSIM BICM Intel JCSSM Logistics VSTARS JIOSST Info. warfare MUSE JCMOS Civ. Op EW CA ACE IOS JNEM ETSS-TMO TMO Logistics TMO LOGFED MDST

ROK JCS’s Plan to support CAX Simulation federation to support exercises(Conceptual) Separated Parallel Federation - alternative US Models ROK Models JTTI Confederation Interface KSIMS CI Joint JTLS Taegeuk-JOS Joint Because the architecture is very complex and required high cost , some M&S experts give an alternative simpler structure which use joint simulation models. In this confederation, joint simulation JTLS substitute CBS, AWSIM and RESA which are simulated ground, air and naval conflict respectively. And Taeguek-JOS can simulate ROK joint conflict. It is going to introduced in the following slide. But, these architecture not decided plan. It’s a just conceptual stage. Counter-Fire JIS JCFS Intel TACSIM BICM Intel JCSSM Logistics VSTARS JIOSST Info. warfare MUSE JCMOS Civ. Op EW CA ACE IOS JNEM ETSS-TMO TMO Logistics TMO LOGFED MDST

Simulation Development Plan Developed Simulation Model Combat Simulation Models Resolution Korean, means the spirits of Korean marine Chon-Ja-Bong Korean, means blue sea Korean, means blue sky Now, let me introduce development plan of ROK forces. Firstly, already developed simulation models are showed in the picture. These are ground, air, naval and amphibious operations simulations. Each model is matched w.r.t US force models which are CBS, AWSIM and RESA. Chang-Gong RESA Cheong-Hae AWSIM Chang-Jo 21 Korean, means creation CBS Ground Air Naval

Simulation Development Plan Developing Simulation Model Joint Combat Simulation Model : Taegeuk-JOS Development period : 1st stage(2002 ~ 2004), 2nd (2010 ~ 2012) Joint (land, air, naval etc.) constructive simulation Similar resolution with JTLS Support CPX for ROK-JCS staffs Modeling feature Modeling Unit Ground combat : Regiment or Battalion Air : Air mission ( 1 ~ 4 aircrafts) Naval : Ship including submarine Special : Mission team Attrition : Lanchester attrition + Pk Korean, means the Great Ultimate Joint Operations Simulation Secondly, developing simulation model Taeguek-JOS is introduced. It is a joint combat simulation model which has similar resolution with JTLS. It is developing from 2002 to 2012. It support CPX for ROK-JCS staffs which is a reduced joint exercise compare with UFG. It models regiment or battalion for ground unit, each air mission and each ship.

Simulation Development Plan Developing Simulation Model Joint Combat Simulation Model : Taegeuk-JOS Modeling feature Terrain : Vector layers on Grid base As you see at the slide, terrain is modeled by vector layers on grid base. In the slide, left picture is the real terrain and right is modeled terrain. Basic terrain is modeled by grids which include various terrain characters including terrain type, elevation and movement factor etc. On the grid base, road, river and coast line are modeled by line vectors. Bridge, falling rock, mine area are modeled by point vector.

Simulation Development Plan Developing Simulation Model Joint Combat Simulation Model : Taegeuk-JOS Modeling feature Ground Maneuver : Open or Road Ground maneuver is performed by open or road following movement. The picture is replicated road following movement.

Simulation Development Plan Developing Simulation Model Joint Combat Simulation Model : Taegeuk-JOS Modeling feature Sea/Air Movement : Free-straight move on line segments Naval ship and air mission move directly between designed 2 points.

Simulation Development Plan Planned Simulation Models Objective : To support Combined/Joint CPX Subject : Important functional operations area in modern war Required higher resolution than combat area Lastly, let me introduce plan of development which are replicate specific areas. They are constituted 6 area. As you see in the slide, they are JCFS for Joint Counter Fire Simulation JIS : Joint Intelligence Simulation JCSSM : Joint Combat Service Support training simulation Model JIOSST : Joint Information Operations Simulation System for Training JCMOS : Joint Civil Military Operations Simulation ETSS-TMO: Exercise & Training Supporting System for Theater Missile Operations KSIMS : Korea Simulation System. Because they replicate specific functional area, after developing, they are going to be operated under confederation with combat models. Developed Joint Counter Fire Simulation Joint Intelligence Simulation Joint Combat Service Support training simulation Model Planned Joint Information Operations Simulation System for Training Joint Civil Military Operations Simulation Exercise & Training Supporting System for TMO

Simulation Development Plan Other Developing or Planned Objective : To support Combined/Joint CPX Subject : Important functional operations area in modern war LVC integrated simulation required for specific area Functional area models have higher resolution than combat model. Moreover, exercises of some function area may be performed LVC or VC integrated environment. We are researching about those LVC or VC integrated environment. LVC integrated VC integrated Constructive Planned Constructive Constructive LVC integrated

Thank You! Sang-Yun Jeong Ph.D Chief of KIDA DM&S Research Division Thank you for listening. Do you have any question? Sang-Yun Jeong Ph.D Chief of KIDA DM&S Research Division