Hon'ble Panchayati Raj Minister Government of Himachal Pradesh Girish Sumra Secretary Zila Parishad Kullu Welcome
ZILA KULLU AT A GLANCE 4.37 lakh TOTAL POPULATION 2.13 lakh of them are Women Sex ratio : 950:1000 Literacy:80% Total Panchayats:204 Total Panchayat Samities:5 Zila Parishad :1
ZILA PARISHAD KULLU AT A GLANCE Total number of Elected Members: 14 Male:6 Female: 8 S.C:4 Male:2 Female: 2 Total number of Nominated Members: 10 1 M.P, 4 M.L.As, 5 Panchayat Samities Chairperson. CEO ZP, Secretary ZP
MEETINGS As per H.P Panchayati Raj Act FOUR meetings are mandatory in a year. Zila Parishad Kullu in last two years has organised all mandatory meetings and more then six special meetings. No meeting in last two years has been called off due to lack of quorum. All the elected member were present.
For all the meetings agenda are circulated 15 days a in advance. All the meetings minutes are recorded and proceeding are brought fourth in ten days. All the decisions are taken by consensus after discussion. No resolution till date has been put to vote in the house.
ISSUES ON WHICH RESOLUTION PASSED AND DECISIONS WERE TAKEN Approval of budget/plan. Review of schemes. Education. Nutrition. Health Women issues S C/ST issues Sanitation Road/connectivity Street light Water Flood control Environment related
STANDING COMMITTEES General Standing Committee; Finance, Audit and Planning Committee; Social Justice Committee; Education and Health Committee; Agriculture and industries Committee; Panchayat Bhawan Committee; The standing committees are performing functions assigned to them by HP PANCHAYATI RAJ ACT and referred by ZILA PARISHAD. The standing committees put their reports to the general house.
CAPACITY BUILDING All the member of Zila Parishad has been trained at HIPA.They have attended the basic and advance course for PRIS. A Basic computer course will be organise very shortly. In each meeting of Zila Parishad, one selected department give presentation on its activities and function.
PLANING AND BUDGET Annual Plan /Budget is prepared. Other departments and experts are engaged in preparation of plan. Budget prepared and scrutinised by committee are put to discussion in the general house. Suggestion are incorporated. Zila Parishad has prepared 5years perspective plan. The recommendations from other department has been taken in to consideration in preparation of plan.(convergence)
INCOME AND FUNDS As per Panchayati Raj Act of HP, Zila Parishad is not entitled to levy and collect any tax. However in the past two year we have created some income generating assets like Rest Houses and Shops, Halls through which we are earning 4 to 5 lakh per annum as rent. Only other source of income is grant in aid from the centre and the state government.
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ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY Accounts are being maintained on the PRIA Software also which is an online software application. It is up to date, authenticated. In every meeting statement of income and expenditure are circulated to each member. There is zero PAC para. Public Grievances are regularly been taken up on priority basis with the govt. and departments. No information till date has been asked from ZP under RTI Act.
On 14 th July 2013 ZP KULLU has launched its own website, i.e. All the information pertaining to ZP is available on this site including up to date accounts information.
AWARDS AND HONOUR ZP Kullu has got National award under PEAIS schemes of the GOVT.OF INDIA for the year 2011 and Zila Parishad Kullu has been selected for Rajeev Gandhi Bharat Ratan award 2013 by academy for grass roots, studies Tirubantpuram (Andhrapradesh). ZP Kullu has been Honoured by Hon’ble Chief Minister HP Sh. Virbhadra Singh Ji on 15 th August,2013 for its outstanding contribution in strengthening Panchayati raj System.. on 15th August for its outstanding contribution and strengthening the Panchayati Raj System.
Future Plan Mission “Clean and Green Kullu”. 25% of budget is being spent on sanitation related schemes with the target to make kullu open defection free by Zp kullu has given environment consevation as top priority from this year onward ZP Kullu will plant and protect atleast 1000 tress in each ward of ZP with the help of panchayats,Mahila Mandals,Yuvak Mandal etc. It has been decided that Zp Kullu will give award to those organizations,individuals who will do exemplery work in the field of environment conservation.(Subject to the approval of GoHP) from 2014 onward from its Nidhi.
Some Success Stories en% 13 oka fork;ksx ftyk ifj"kn dqYyw Lkkeqnkf;ad Hkou tenfXu&_f"k cVkgj dks iw.kZ djus gsrwA Lohd`r jkf’k eq ¼nks yk[k :i;s½ for o"kZ %& 2012&13 xzke iapk;r% gyk.k&1
Launching of website of ZP Kullu Homepage of website 31 st July 2013
ZP meeting in progress
ZP meeting is being attended by all the MLAs of District kullu
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Mid Day Meal Scheme being inspected by ZP Members at GPS Babeli
ZP Member Hiteshwer Singh Planting a tree with the Yuvak Mandal Rogna
Thank you for your attention