MAFMC 5-Year Strategic Plan Implementation Planning August 14, 2013
Implementation Considerations Timeframe Roles Implementation Plan Structure Integration with Work Plan Revisions to the Strategic Plan
“When the Council meets to review the draft… should clarify how the plan will be adopted into the Council process and what body will be accountable for overseeing the plan’s implementation. For example, if the Executive Committee were assigned oversight of the strategic plan, how often would the committee meet to review the plan and when? How would the plan’s implementation mesh with the Council’s current workload planning process? If a change to the strategic plan was necessary, how would the plan be amended? It is important for the Council to provide clear answers to these and other process questions in order to maintain stakeholder engagement and fulfill the promise of an operational strategic plan.” Pam Lyons Gromen Executive Director, Wild Oceans
Implementation Time Frame 3-year outlook 2-year outlook 1-year Implementation Plan 1-year intervals Rolling review/ development process
2014 2014-2018 Strategic Plan 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014-2016 Outlook 2014-2015 Outlook 2014 2015-2017 Outlook 2015 2016-2018 Outlook 2016-2017 Outlook 2016 Visioning & Stakeholder Engagement 2017-2018 Outlook 2017 Strategic Plan Development 2018
Who Is Responsible? Oversight Implementation Plan Development Review Executive Committee Executive Director Implementation Plan Development Council Technical Staff Review Full Council
Revisions to the Strategic Plan When would revisions be necessary? To accommodate external factors such as major policy changes e.g. MSA reauthorization, budget/resource limitations To clarify ambiguous language In respond to significant public input If progress on achieving goals & objectives is significantly faster or slower than expected
Implementation Plan Structure Summary of previous years’ activities* Overview 1-Year Activities 2 & 3 Year Outlooks 1-Year Implementation Plans Communication Science Governance Management More detailed *2015 onward
Implementation Plan Structure For Each 1-Year Implementation Section: Situation Overview- internal and external Major Activities Tasks Implementation Schedule Expected Outcome Responsible Parties Performance Monitoring Resource Needs Points-of-Contact
Implementation Plan vs. Work Plan Implementation plan (IP) will supplement and enhance the Council’s work plan (WP) May include activities or specific tasks not previously listed on WP IP could integrate WPs for amendments More structured and more detail
2012 Work Plan
Next Steps Aug-Oct 2013 Technical staff and Executive Director develop draft implementation plan October 2013 Review/revision by Executive Committee December 2013 Review by full Council January 2014 Implementation
Next Steps, 2014 Aug-Oct 2014 Update on progress and expected outcomes in 2014; Public comment and Council discussion of 2015 priorities Staff develop draft 2015 implementation plan Oct 2014 Review by Executive Committee December 2014 Review by full Council