1 Strategic Planning Session Results July 2007 CMO SIAD Overview 7 June 2012
CMO Roles and Organization Retrograde Reset Program Reserve Component ESAPI/TPO NDTE Program Plate Carrier/IOTV Conversion Program Agenda 2
CMO Roles & Responsibilities: OCIE Program Manager for sustainment to Active and Reserve Components Synchronizes all OCIE sustainment activities for all OCIE items. The CMO is the program manager, providing all information and direction for all OCIE Retrograde, Reset and Reserve operations conducted at Sierra Army Depot. Provides disposition instructions on all assets in excess posture. Central POC for OCIE data collection. Provide funding for all CMO managed items. Provide total asset visibility, central funding and control of OCIE to improve inventory management. 3 The OCIE CMO synchronizes all OCIE sustainment activities, to include funding, worldwide for the Active Army and Army Reserve activities minus theater CIFs. The CMO is the program manager, providing all information and direction for all OCIE Retrograde, Reset and Reserve operations conducted at Sierra Army Depot.
4 CMO leaned forward and set up in January 2008 Retrograde program based out of Sierra Army Depot in Herlong, California Existing inventory being redistributed to Army CIF’s or sold back to DLA (TS) where applicable Excess stock storage site Provided training equipment to TRADOC Program is estimated to be long-term, not just the SWA returns – storage, consolidation and redistribution point to feed 45 Active CIF’s and 54 National Guard CIF’s plus MOB sites Redistribution of $504,914, OCIE was redistributed to support Soldier requirements at a cost avoidance of $2,271,833 since Jan All assets accounted for in CIF-ISM. Retrograde Program
OCIE Reset Mission Central Management Office (Clothing & Heraldry PSID) OCIE Reset Program centrally manages and funds all Reset OCIE at designated locations to replace damaged, worn out or obsolete equipment and replenish the Warfighter with the newest and improved OCIE for identified units during the ARFORGEN RESET model. OCIE Reset Purpose This mission will enable the US Army, to include Active Components, Reserve Components and National Guard Forces to dramatically improve their force protection status through modernization of individual survival gear. The goal of this effort is to issue 100% of the required OCIE to the force pool identified within the Reset window. Results include Soldiers receiving their entire assigned mission items to including CMO approving MOS items. CMO /USAREUR will review OCIE reset process to recommend improvements. OCIE Reset Program
MOA between TACOM ILSC CMO and USARC G-4 signed on 4 Jun 2010 Established TACOM CMO as the lead for OCIE Sustainment Management Responsibilities for USARC. Allows USARC to leverage existing CMO infrastructure and processes to include CIF-ISM Increased total asset visibility for the USAR, reducing overall cost through redistribution CMO established Sierra as a “Super CIF” to support USAR. Funding is provided to CMO. CMO funds Sierra for the program. CMO/USAR OCIE Program 6
CMO/Sierra current statistics: Complete Full Orders Shipped: 62,137 Number of Pieces Processed: 2,641,844 Total Dollar Value of Orders Shipped: $116,741, CMO Roles with Sierra for USARC Program Lead to USARC HQ Command Transferred 164,583 soldiers into ISM for accountability of individual OCIE records Manage inventory to include procurement of all OCIE required Established 25 Menus for all USAR Soldiers Lateral transferred excess OCIE from Active CIFs to Sierra in support of the program. Totaling over $38 million, 480K pieces of equipment. Approve expedited deliveries for all emergency requisitions requested Chair weekly teleconference with USAR HQ and Sierra Train all USAR units for ISM requisitioning process as requested CMO/USAR OCIE Program cont. 7
8 CMO/NDTE operates the NDTE scanning equipment at Sierra Army Depot. Non-Destructive Test Equipment (NDTE) is a portable, deployable, self- contained system that detects physical or structural defects in body armor plates. The NDTE is capable of scanning a plate in 15 seconds or less, and can scan as many as 240 in an hour. NON DESTRUCTIVE TEST EQUIPMENT (NDTE)
OCIE CMO, ICW PEO Soldier, will ensure all CIFs maintain an adequate inventory of scanned ESAPI plates for deployers Plate Exchange Program: OCIE CMO manages an ESAPI plate exchange allowing CIFs to swap un-scanned plates for scanned plates with Sierra in conjunction with PM SPIE; sending the mobile NDTE machine to installations ( July – Ft Drum, and Aug - Camp Shelby) Plate Repair: CMO, in conjunction with PEO Soldier, has set up external material defect (EMD) repair site at Sierra Army Depot and theatre. The repair consists of patching 6 corners of the plate. Sierra has repaired over 153,199 for FY12 ESAPI; per day to support deployments TPO: CMO/Sierra has begun marking cracked or EMD ESAPI for “TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY” to alleviate shortages for training plates within TRADOC and FORSCOM. Over 62,270 have been provided to FORSCOM units for training. ESAPI Repair & Training Plate Program (TPO) 9
OCIE CMO, ICW PEO Soldier, will ensure deployers have the proper pattern IOTV and SPCS for deployment. Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS): SPCS are recovered from redeploying Soldiers at Manas AFB and retrograded to Sierra for recovery, refurbishment and onward transfer to the next deployer. Since January, over 13,404 SPCS have been recovered by Manas averaging about 3000 a month or 850 a week. Sierra has converted 8,857 SPCS for immediate deployment use. IOTV: As of the week of 14 May, Sierra has begun converting Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) IOTV to the OEF Camouflage Pattern (OCP) for deployments. During the 1 st week, they managed to convert and ship 1,025 IOTV for immediate deployment use. Plate Carrier & Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) Conversion Program 10