Science and Technology Studies Medical Technology Transfer: Non-Governmental Organizations and Sustainable Development Logan D. A. Williams, MS/PhD student April 28, 2008 STS Research Design
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Outline Literature Review Background Field Sites Research Questions Interview Questions Intellectual Merit & Broader Significance Deliverables Summary
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Developmentalism –Industrial development & Restrict imports Neoliberalism –export oriented & post-Fordist manufacturing –Privatization of public services Appropriate Technology –Critique 1: Failure of Green Revolution –Critique 2: Substandard Equipment Lit. Review: Development & Neoliberalism
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Lit. Review: Technology Transfer Classic Approach (Basalla) Bi-directionality Thesis (Carney) High-tech and Appropriate Technology Circulation (Williams) –Cataracts & Intraocular lenses Fordist/post-Fordist export manufacturing NGOs affiliated with (or responsible for) national Eye programs
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Background: Cataracts
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Field Sites Exemplar Case 1: Himalayan Cataract Project, Fred Hollows Intraocular Laboratory, and Tilganga Eye Centre (Nepal) Exemplar Case 2: Project Impact, AuroLab, and Aravind Eye Hospital (India) Future iterations of this proposal will include additional sites, possibly Kenya and Tanzania
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Research Questions 1.What are the implications of ophthalmic technology transfer for our understanding of appropriate technology, the bi-directionality thesis, and innovation in less developed countries? 2.What are the implications of ophthalmic technology transfer for our understanding of neoliberalism, NGOs, and development in less developed countries?
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Stakeholder Questions What are the differences among centers that use ophthalmic technology in developing and in industrialized countries? Why have some centers become innovators? What role do NGOs play in the innovative centers? How does the focus on innovation interact with a public service mission? Data Sources: Government Officials and Policy Documents NGO Executives Ophthalmologists Manufacturers Eye Hospitals
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Intellectual Merit Contribute to the understanding of appropriate technology by examining how high-technology is combined with the health-care needs of low- income countries Contribute to the understanding of neoliberalism and NGOs in developing countries by examining the conditions under which medical technology innovation occurs
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Deliverables Logan D. A. Williams © 2017 Dissertation (2013) Book (2017) Presentations (2010 onward) Theoretical framework for NGOs interested in development through technology transfer
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Summary Research –Ophthalmic Technology Transfer Field Sites for Interviews –Nepal & India Create –Theoretical framework for NGOs interested in sustainable development through technology transfer
Science and Technology Studies “ Williams “Medical Technology Transfer…”Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Any Questions?