War and Revolt in Europe
Henry IV and Duke of Sully Henry IV of France begins the process of restoring royal power. Henry IV of France begins the process of restoring royal power. Appoints the Duke of Sully as finance minister Appoints the Duke of Sully as finance minister Sully introduces sound accounting practices to increase the crown’s income. Sully introduces sound accounting practices to increase the crown’s income. Did not attempt any major reforms (such as revoke tax-exemptions of nobility & clergy). Did not attempt any major reforms (such as revoke tax-exemptions of nobility & clergy). Neglected industrial development in favor of agriculture. Built roads and canals. Neglected industrial development in favor of agriculture. Built roads and canals. Promoted mercantilist polices. Promoted mercantilist polices.
Mercantilism Mercantilism was the primary set of economic theories that drove international trade in the 17 th and 18 th centuries. Mercantilism was the primary set of economic theories that drove international trade in the 17 th and 18 th centuries. Government control of the economy was an essential feature. Government control of the economy was an essential feature. Mercantilism assumed that there was only so much wealth in the world and the way a nation got wealthy was through a favorable balance of trade or through the accumulation of bullion (bullionism). Mercantilism assumed that there was only so much wealth in the world and the way a nation got wealthy was through a favorable balance of trade or through the accumulation of bullion (bullionism).
Louis XIII In 1610, Henry IV was assassinated. In 1610, Henry IV was assassinated. Louis XIII was only 10 yrs old, his mother Marie de Medici acted as regent. Louis XIII was only 10 yrs old, his mother Marie de Medici acted as regent. In 1621, Cardinal Richelieu became king’s chief minister. In 1621, Cardinal Richelieu became king’s chief minister.
Cardinal Richelieu Richelieu served as chief minister from 1621 until his death in Richelieu served as chief minister from 1621 until his death in He gradually reduced the influence of the nobility in government. He gradually reduced the influence of the nobility in government. He established the office of indendant. He established the office of indendant. When the Huguenots attempted to take advantage of the new king, he defeated their forces at LaRochelle and denied them to the right to fortified cities. When the Huguenots attempted to take advantage of the new king, he defeated their forces at LaRochelle and denied them to the right to fortified cities. Richelieu revived French animosity toward the Habsburgs, involving France in the 30 yrs. War. Richelieu revived French animosity toward the Habsburgs, involving France in the 30 yrs. War.
Mazarin and Louis XIV Mazarin succeeded Richelieu as chief minister and continued in the position when the 5 yr old Louis XVI came to the throne. Mazarin succeeded Richelieu as chief minister and continued in the position when the 5 yr old Louis XVI came to the throne. Along with Queen Anne of Austria he served as regent. Along with Queen Anne of Austria he served as regent. He continued most of Richelieu’s policies. He continued most of Richelieu’s policies. Cardinal Mazarin
The Fronde ( ) A series of revolts by nobility and townspeople broke out against royal power led by the Parlement of Paris. A series of revolts by nobility and townspeople broke out against royal power led by the Parlement of Paris. Infighting led to the revolt withering away. Infighting led to the revolt withering away. Its failure demonstrated the successful strengthening of royal institutions. Its failure demonstrated the successful strengthening of royal institutions. The disorder of the revolt convinced people that strong central power was needed. The disorder of the revolt convinced people that strong central power was needed.
Economic Crisis in Spain Influx of silver into Spain from the New World caused rampant inflation; when flow stopped in early 1600’s economy suffered. Influx of silver into Spain from the New World caused rampant inflation; when flow stopped in early 1600’s economy suffered. Philip II entangled Spain in costly international wars. Philip II entangled Spain in costly international wars. Tax based depleted through series of plagues. Tax based depleted through series of plagues.
Count of Olivares Attempted to lift the burden on Castile through Union of Arms. Attempted to lift the burden on Castile through Union of Arms. Provinces felt independence was being taken away. Provinces felt independence was being taken away. This provoked a series of revolts. This provoked a series of revolts.
Revolts against Spain In the 1640s there were a series of revolts in Catalonia, Portugal, Naples and Sicily. In the 1640s there were a series of revolts in Catalonia, Portugal, Naples and Sicily. Olivares was dismissed by Philip IV. Olivares was dismissed by Philip IV. Catalonian revolt lasted 11 yrs, thwarted by infighting between peasants and nobles. Catalonian revolt lasted 11 yrs, thwarted by infighting between peasants and nobles. Portuguese revolt was peaceful; gained independence in Portuguese revolt was peaceful; gained independence in This period ended Spain as a world power. This period ended Spain as a world power.
United Provinces Dutch economic and political power grew as conflict between the Estates General (pro-business) and the House of Orange (pro-war) continued. Dutch economic and political power grew as conflict between the Estates General (pro-business) and the House of Orange (pro-war) continued. Amsterdam financial capital; biggest international shippers; religious toleration. Amsterdam financial capital; biggest international shippers; religious toleration. Jan De Witt led Dutch through golden age from Jan De Witt led Dutch through golden age from French invasion put power back in the hands of the House of Orange under William III. French invasion put power back in the hands of the House of Orange under William III.
Sweden Gustavus Adolphus (r ) established an efficient gov’t and bureaucracy. Gustavus Adolphus (r ) established an efficient gov’t and bureaucracy. Nobles took more land and power after the death of Adolphus. Nobles took more land and power after the death of Adolphus. Queen Christina abdicated in favor of her cousin Charles X, using the Riksdag to pull power away from the nobles. Queen Christina abdicated in favor of her cousin Charles X, using the Riksdag to pull power away from the nobles.
Eastern Europe Ottoman rule in Eastern Europe began to weaken after their defeat at Vienna in Ottoman rule in Eastern Europe began to weaken after their defeat at Vienna in Poland’s power continued to decline. Poland’s power continued to decline. In Russia, following the Time of Troubles ( ) the Romanov dynasty came to power; nobles and church brought under control of tsar (czar) and serfdom firmly restablished. In Russia, following the Time of Troubles ( ) the Romanov dynasty came to power; nobles and church brought under control of tsar (czar) and serfdom firmly restablished.